Prevent Flight



Prevent Flight, an RA which proccs a 35% snare on players running away from you, as far as I understand it... a passive RA. The point is, it's to stop people running away from pure tanks.

Okay, right. As an Armsman this has to be the most annoying thing to possibly happen in a given scenario:

You find someone one on one, you beat them down, they insta and sprint off... happens all the time with 'DoT' classes (Shamen for example) and it's really, really annoying, as, if you could get the chance to smack them a few times (seen as you're a fighter...) you know you'd win.

Now casters have a free way to stop us getting to them, which is their goal in that they have cc.

Yet to stop -them- getting away we have to spend 14 RA points, that's a damned lot of RA points.

The point of this thread is this: should Prevent Flight not be a more 'sensible' amount of RA points?. It's a fairly powerfull RA, but 14 points is excessive in my opinion as, now, without it you're basically screwed if you meet a caster/dot'er as they simply sprint away and root/reapply dot and run again etc. it's infuriating...

Rant over :)


this point has been raised by the Warrior TL, 14 RSP is a quite a lot for snare proc...


make it no more than 8 rsp - it is only 35% chance after all.


Or don't act stupid, Miri :p
If you face some class like that one on one, don't chase them.

End of problem.


The reason why it is so pricey is because it is powerful, and i suppose mythic dont want all pure tanks to have it, survivability for healers and casters is low enough in the age of RA's like IP and massive resists from SC armour. They dont need another thing hurting them.

Also remember that you got this ability at the same time as you got your purge and IP prices reduced so dont feel to hard done by.



Talking about expensive RAs, take Grapple, 12 sec pbaoe-root.
Prerequesite RA Trip, 33% snare, (can't remeber if it's AE), cost 10 RAP + 14 RAP for Grapple = 24 RAPs used to get 12 sec. AE-root. Usable every 30 min as far as I remember. Those 24 RaPs are better spent on passive abilities as MoP, AoM, FH. At least at that cost they could have made it a 6-8 sec pbaoe stun instead, costing 24 RAPs to get and works every ½ hour. My humble opinion.


how about the ghey styles you can use once every 10 minutes... for tanks.. the zerker one which, ahaha, causes LESS damage if you use 2 axes...

Dude, that's not cool


Maybe make it a 70% speed reduction instead of 50% and it could be closer to being worth it.


Originally posted by Eltharion
this point has been raised by the Warrior TL, 14 RSP is a quite a lot for snare proc...

Also the Hero TL has mentioned this in the last few reports.


Wouldn't be so bad but most of the armsman styles, certainly the polearm styles that have movement reduction effects DONT WORK !

You get the message, the enemy gets the message, but there is no effect whats so ever on there movement. So we basically have to hope there stupud enough to stand still, not going to happen, they'll just sprint off and we cannot catch up as we just spent all our endurance attacking them.

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