For all people still need pre req to join ML3 raid to Thursday 19 Augost (1 part) and Friday 20 (2 part), i´ll lead groups with Lince to get the triton shammy neck and kill Moughart.
Hours of meet in Aerus Haven:
Wednesday 18:
11:30 cet
17:00 cet
Thursday 19:
11:30 cet
16:30 cet
We collected several stomag if people are fun.
This way hope all people have the pre req before the raid.
Hours of meet in Aerus Haven:
Wednesday 18:
11:30 cet
17:00 cet
Thursday 19:
11:30 cet
16:30 cet
We collected several stomag if people are fun.
This way hope all people have the pre req before the raid.