Posts or essays on keep-takes?

  • Thread starter Bedroc the Hero
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Bedroc the Hero

Hi. have anyone seen any informative posts or essays on keep-takes? Id appreciate pointers to these very much.

I have found one interesting link on siegcraft but noone on strategy, advice on how to take and claim keeps.


hmm you dont ned big posts or essays to take a keep.

theres the zerg way just get loads of ppl and zerg a keep no rams no sige stuff just zerg and hit with what you have. :eek:

then theres the way i like get 1-3 grps bring sum rams, get to the keep, pull guards, place rams, and let the ram do the work and the ppl kill guards when dores are down archers are taken out on walls (if not alredy don by a shade or mages) and then you go up and gank the lord.;)

as for caliming just get 8 ppl from same guild all go to the lord and the person in the grp who has the apropriat rank types /gc claim to take control of the keep then after that types /gc upgrade x where x is the lvl from 1-10 that you want the keep to be. ;)

ps. remember to bring wood for upgrading of dores after taking the keep witch is don by the person with the apropriat lvl of woodworking by clicking dore then typing /upgrade 2 then repair then /upgrade 3 and repair til inner is lvl 3 and outer is as high as you have wood.;)

:m00: over and out.

Bedroc the Hero

Thanks Aragone!

One question about archers. Can they hit you if your very close to the door? In the space between the doors?

Is it best if all huddle around the doors as not to pull aggro?

Do you think it can be done with one grp? i.e lvl 44+ hero, nuker, nuker, bard, druid,champ + some lower.

How fast is the respawn?

Does different ram quality make a lot of difference?


I have found one interesting link on siegcraft

I don't know that much about siege craft but some of the infomation in that link doesn't look right to me. Check the ram material costs, is it from an old or future patch?


Originally posted by Bedroc the Hero
I have found one interesting link on siegcraft but noone on strategy, advice on how to take and claim keeps.

Thats Mystics official seige page with is painfully out of date, one example is you now only need 300 in woodworking and no extra wood to repair seige equipment.

The amount of wood has been halved too.


Archers cheat by shooting through everything..


i think sotl said they did it with 8 once, i know gop have done it with 9 + 2 rams, although when we did it with 8 last time we failed at the final hurdle cause some stealther with shite stealth got to us at the lord room and 1 of our clerics bit the dust in the chaos as we killed him, we got the lord to about 5% health as well, whoever that was from sauvage concave your a git.



I know people have done it with 5 or less now :)


that was meant to say sotl did it with 6, i cant type

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