Posted this over at the dev round table, please bump if you agree :)




Ill copy the post here also, so you dont have to click the link unless you want to :p


Right now, my most used character is my druid, that was originally created to be a buffbot, but i have found it great fun to play with and as our guild is short on druids, i decided to spec it 44 nurture and 31 regrowth(nice single insta and first spreadheal).

Now, this would be all well and good if it werent for the fact that specing to 44 is complete and utterly useless(except for the resists, which i agree *are* kinda nice).

Why, you might ask?
Because of the sole reason of concentration 'cost' on buffs. Currently i can *never* use my 44 str/con buff in a group, as it hogs way too much concentration, not only that, but i cant even buff half the group with the yellow dex/qui if i want people to have more than just those 2 buffs(druids also are the only ones in hib to buff int and haste, which is part of the reason im making this post).

Now, heres the sad part, if i were to spec to 50 in nurture(which i wont, for obvious reason such as spreadheal) i WOULD NOT be able to buff my entire group, even if i used the crappiest buffs available, simply because you cant buff 20 yellow spec buffs(what is normally needed for a group btw) because of the limitied concentration pool.

What im suggesting is remove the bloody concentration pool, either that or remove the 20 max limit, whats the point in having both?

Right now, buff classes are penalized specing above yellow buffs(making blue buffs dissapear) because it limits how many buffs you can possibly buff. Which just plain sucks.

Please give a yay or nay and if nay, say why

Edit: Please note that this would in no way make buffbots better than they are now, simply because a single person only ever need 7 conc buffs when buffboted.


I think most sb´s would liek their BB to have that haste ;)

But as a shaman I ahve the same prob, Ic ant buff teh whole group with my yellow specline buffs :(

But then again you need to have "skill" in buffing so that you give yellow dex/quick to casters but a blue str/con etc :D


*next post*

need skills in buffing STFU noob!



Or you can take 2 druids along and sacrifice 1 spot that you could have another class in... group will have better buffs, but less of something else?




While yes he's got a point as I ran into the same problems with my friar in the past, it would be FAR too overpowering to remove the concentration cost.

Unlimited supply of the best buffs?

You get 2 50 shaman buffbost to buff an entire 1-2fg of mids (with every buff, considerring there's no longer a concentration cost), and it will be as if every person in the group has a 50 buffbot, and they're all at absolute peak performance. and that would go for any realm really.

It would be absurd(sp?) imo.

It's really not that big of a problem now, just spec lower in the buffbot line :p


I don't agree, it will be like allowing players with pulse spells to be able to cast them all at the same time without the spells out weighing eachother... This WOULD definately overpower people...


So how about setting the conc pool for a lvl 50 at the maximum required for 20 midrange red buffs?

That way u dont get 'infinte' buffs, but can still cast buffs u have specced for on your party...hum and also on the 4 sb/inf/ns that walked past if u use lower ones.. hum..ok



I don't think removing the conc limit is such a bad idea, it certainly makes sense not to penalise aug/mend shamans for speccing highly in aug and then not being able to use the buffs they get. As long as the 20buff limit were still in effect it wouldn't be too bad.

I suppose an alternative would be that aug spec increases the size of the conc pool your character has.


dont your warden and bard do the base buffs?

as a friar thats my job in a group...

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I don't think it would be a problem really. There are already so many buffbots around that the '20 buffs only' is pretty much insignifigant. It would help normal healer classes though who have to spread their buffs around carefully.

People would still see this as love towards buffbots and whine if it was implemented though. ;)

Make an addendum to that post for ranged buffs. :)

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