Postcard from America



Postcard from America #1

Patch 1.65 is MASSIVE - about a 17MB download if I remember right and has gazillions of new bits, including the 3 new SI zones which are very cool I must say.

Seige weaponry looks better and the new frontier keep design is very nice.

Patch 1.65 went live on the US servers yesterday - when I logged in after patching, the screams - and I do mean SCREAMS from 2h savages were plentiful. One 2h lev 50 Troll savage with full TG armour set had his damage reduced on a red con mob (think it was an Umbrood or so) from ~300 to ~150. The changes in PvP as opposed to PvE are, apparently, even worse. So be warned!

Skalds get more HPs which has gone down very well and the Thane love... well... most love has gone into spells that Thanes dont really use that much so early days.

Focus shield nerf has changed things slightly... more tanks are needed in PvE grps making more balanced xp'ing which is good.

But best of all........


****currently playing a Firbolg Battle Druid on Gaheris and loving it :) *****


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Savages nerfed! i knew this day would come!

Now the zerks who rerolled thinking they could stay uber have been hit in the face with the nerfbat again, should go roll warriors now. :D


at least I have nerf-immunity! ... until they do as usual.... boost the "gimped" chars so much that they will need a nerf :p


Originally posted by old.Noita
One 2h lev 50 Troll savage with full TG armour set had his damage reduced on a red con mob (think it was an Umbrood or so) from ~300 to ~150. The changes in PvP as opposed to PvE are, apparently, even worse. So be warned!

2h weaponskill dropped exactly by 9%

Troll 2H sword savage prepatch ws 1908

post patch 1736

str 352 with MoA3 buffbot

Norse 2H hammer savage prepatch ws 1825

post patch 1660 (165 lost ws)

str 343 with MoA5 buffbot and AugSTR3


Noita! on what server are you playing? and name?


Originally posted by Petronella
at least I have nerf-immunity! ... until they do as usual.... boost the "gimped" chars so much that they will need a nerf :p

nah, more like nerf every other class so much, us thanes will be overpowered compared to the others :p


Originally posted by _anarky_
nah, more like nerf every other class so much, us thanes will be overpowered compared to the others :p

Dont worry, mythic will bring new overpowered classes next expansion.


Originally posted by shanks
Dont worry, mythic will bring new overpowered classes next expansion.

yes mythic probally will, but hey dont have a clue.....


>>2h weaponskill dropped exactly by 9%

Here is someone hoping experience on a live server is wrong ;-)


Originally posted by old.moriath
>>2h weaponskill dropped exactly by 9%

Here is someone hoping experience on a live server is wrong ;-)

The word exaggerate never struck your mind Moriath?

How often have you heard ppl say.. I hit these mobs for 300 dmg/hit whilst they most of the time do ~200 and a few lucky 300 hits.


> The word exaggerate never struck your mind Moriath?

Ok, lets look at numbers then. Givens: 2 savages per group, both full buffed and having approximately 2300 hp, both using only offesnive self-bufs (haste + dps), average length of fight 60s.

2 savages x 2 bufs x (2300 hp / 100 x 5) x (60 seconds / 15 buf duration) = 1840 hp

Add in evade buff, and it will be

2 savages x 3 bufs x (2300 hp / 100 x 5) x (60 seconds / 15 buf duration) = 2760 hp

Now, suppose your shaman dies or runs off out of range halfway through fight and both savages have to use their second best hp to endurance conversion shout twice (quite common).

1840 + (2 savages x 2 endshouts x (2300 hp / 100 x 10)) = 2760 hp
2760 + (2 savages x 2 endshouts x (2300 hp / 100 x 10)) = 3680 hp

Thats the amount your savages will soak from spreadheals that would otherwise gone to keep the healers up.



Ottar i was emplying at the Savages saying they are doing 150 dmg now that they used to hit for 300 before in the US.


I think it depends ofc people can exaggerate but

h2h they are going to be making less quad hits which will take their dmg down and they nerf'd the 2h ws

by nerfing the 2h ws they do less dmg but also they have less chance to hit as their ws will be less compared to the ws of the mob / person they are trying to hit.

So although they maybe doing less dmg per hit of 9% but if they hit less often then they are doing overall less dmg than the 9% per hit

I might be completely wrong but thats how i thought it worked

Edit: oh and you would be one of those hoping its exaggerated too cush wouldn't you .. thats why you were so aggressive towards such a benign (sp) post


H2H damage hasnt changed much tbh.. still have roughly the same DPS.

Yes you wont quad hit much now, but you will double/triple hit more. keeping your DPS high.

2H damage.. not a huge drop in Ws only 8-10% but that 8-10% can make a huge difference to your damage in PvE and RvR.. pre-nurf on class's you used to hit cap or close to cap you wont anymore. vs heavily armour tanks your damage will not get that great any more.

HP cost on the buffs is a joke. way too expensive and completely kills the class off as far as leveling. You "MUST" have a buffbot to xp a savage now to level 50, if your not part of a group.


ok a slight nerf.
I dont really see the problem here..

cus the savages that really DO hurt, arent that effected, i.e h2h specc, and THAT is gentlemen, what all whining is about.


Originally posted by old.Noita
Postcard from America #1

Patch 1.65 is MASSIVE - about a 17MB download if I remember right and has gazillions of new bits, including the 3 new SI zones which are very cool I must say.


erm, so lots of ppl saying "f*ck off to goa?"

grrr, hurry-up goa, give us some support....if u even know what the word means.


Hey! Don't knock GOA!
At least they get translations done nice and fast.. er..
Well at least they implement the patches in English then do the translations while nobody is really all that inconvenienced.. er..
Well at least they translate the American-English words into English (/colornames?!).. er..
Well at least they have good customer support.. er..
Well at least they have secure servers.. er..
Well at least we got those little pet things. Wee! Sweeties while you kick me. Thank you sir, may I have another?!

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