Post the 1.79 - 80 notes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone want to find and post the 1.79 and 1.80 patch notes in the forum.... at work and need something to read. I have plenty of time to review them properly.

GOA site is blocked as a game site by web filter, so couldn't access them from work.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Release notes 1.79 - 1.80


Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.79 Release Notes
Epic Revisions


Epic Armour Improvements

We have updated and improved the epic quests and armours for the game. For complete details, please see the CAMELOT CLASSIC WORLD NOTES section below.

New Title Reward

As a reward to players who have been subscribed to Dark Age of Camelot since the first month of service, we have added the new veteran title of "Elder". This title is available to any character on any account that was opened on or before the first March, 2002. If your account is one of those flagged as a veteran account, you will see the new title when using the /title command from any character, new or old, on that account.


General Changes And Fixes

- Players will no longer run into any invisible objects in Camelot Hills.

- Players will no longer get stuck running around trees in Munin Sound.


- The /use2 abilities for Ceremonial Bracers and Gem of Lost Memories now have proper delve information.

- Monster spell abilities now only print a message if the spell is successfully cast.

- The level 50 class titles will now once again display in the character sheet (as opposed to showing a lower level title).

- Removed duplicate prints when monsters cast a spell on a player.

- All object delves now have Clamped DPS on the same line as Base DPS, and no longer display Clamped DPS if it's identical to Base DPS.

- Damage over time spells now only report doing critical damage when the spell actually damages a target.

- Artifact delves no longer show a separate "Item level required : X" line for attributes that unlock at a given level. Instead, the attribute is prepended with a "[L3 :] " prefix (level 3, in this example).

- Items with additional information attached to them (such as artifact scrolls) now display it when delved to the chat window.

- Passive combat abilities that do not have delve information no longer display a blank delve window.

- Object delves have been changed so that the reuse timer ("Can use again in XX") display is now accurate in all instances.

- Characters on accounts which have been flagged as "veteran" will now have the optional title "Elder" in their /title list. Any accounts created before the first March, 2002 are flagged as veteran accounts.

Artifact Changes

- Aura of Kings and Scepter's Boon now properly decrease AF and hits when expiring or when overwritten.

- The Speed of the Depths spell of Alvarus' Leggings now reports correctly in chat delves.


General Spell Changes

- If a player commands a pet to cast a spell and it causes a spell to be removed from the pet's queue, that is reported to the player and the power cost of the spell is refunded to the player.

- Item-based AF bonuses now actually increase your AF, block damage, and report as such on your character sheet.

- Base AF buffs now are capped after condition/quality checks, not before.

- Pet-casted spells (such as the Necromancer's Facilitate Painworking spell), which are removed from the pet's queue due to flooding, now reset the timer of the spell so that the player can attempt to cast it again.

- Players under the effect of zombie resurrection can't be the target of focus shell spells.

Realm Ability Changes

- Purge 1 will be cancelled if the player dies while the 5 second timer is waiting to fire.

- Players moving faster than sprint speed will no longer gain the stealth detection benefit of Mastery of Stealth 4 or 5 - it will instead be clamped at the bonus received from Mastery of Stealth 3.

Master Ability Changes

- Forceful Zephyr will now put the caster in combat when it hits someone.

Ability Changes - General

- Basic delve information added for Distraction ability.


- Reduced DoT damage done by low level players affected by the Heretic's zombie resurrection spell.


- A new ability has been granted to Thanes at level 40 to aid Midgard as a whole in combat against monsters level 50 and higher. The ability, Call of a Thousand Storms, is a 2 minutes self only buff, with a 3 minutes recast timer, which increases the amount of attackers based off the level of monster being battled. For example, if you have 2 Valkyries and a Thane in your group and each uses their ability, they each will effectively count as multiple attackers for the duration of the buff. The number of attackers they count as is based upon the level of the monster they are fighting - the higher level the monster, the more attackers the buff adds.


- A new ability has been granted to Valkyries at level 40 to aid Midgard as a whole in combat against monsters level 50 and higher. The ability, Call of a Thousand Storms, is a 2 minutes self only buff, with a 3 minutes recast timer, which increases the amount of attackers based off the level of monster being battled. For example, if you have 2 Valkyries and a Thane in your group and each uses their ability, they each will effectively count as multiple attackers for the duration of the buff. The number of attackers they count as is based upon the level of the monster they are fighting - the higher level the monster, the more attackers the buff adds.


- Claw spells will now have relative delve information regarding damage, type, effect, etc.


- Wardens will be able to attain Cure Poison at 7 in Regrowth specialization and cure Disease at 9 in Regrowth specialization. Wardens which already have 9 or higher in Regrowth will have the cures in their spell list upon login.


- Several combat styles were listed as granting a low bonus to damage but did not actually produce any bonus to damage. The delve on these styles will now correctly state there is no bonus to damage on these styles.


- Players will no longer be able to run through any trees on Agramon.

- Pets will find it easier to move on and around the mile gate walls on Agramon.

- Players will no longer be able to cast spells through the mile gate walls on Agramon.

- Players will now be able to stealth around their Border Keep Frontiers Portal Stones.


- Players may now recharge Slyther's Eye, Slyther's Tooth, and Slyther's Scale.


This version introduces the newly redone Epic Quests which begin at level five and are spaced out at five level intervals concluding at level forty-five. They have been designed to be more player friendly through the use of instancing, reduced travel time, and common goals once the players reach higher levels. This should allow guilds and groups to finish their quests together rather than taking turns to help finish each other's quests.

The Epic Quests begin by introducing players to influential NPCs, the lore associated with their class and guild, then progresses to telling the story of the enemies of the realm. The level five through twenty-five quests will occur in existing areas of the game, with players needing the help of a few friends for the level twenty-five encounter. The first instanced dungeon is introduced at level thirty and is the last class specific quest. The level thirty-five to forty-five quests are undertaken by all classes of the realm and require exploration of an instanced dungeon with a group of players.

The rewards for the quests have also been updated, including a new set of level fifty-one armour upon completion of the level forty-five quest. The bonuses and spells on the armour have been updated to make the suits more useful.

Players who completed the Epic Quest prior to this version and wish to receive the new epic armour may do so by completing the new version of the Epic Quest. Class trainers will offer these players the option to advance to the level thirty portion of the quest after the level five quest has been accepted. Players are not required to possess their old Epic armour suits to do the new Epic Quest.

Epic Quests - Hibernia

New epic quests have been added to the game for all Hibernian classes. Players will be able to obtain these quests at five level intervals beginning at level 5 and continuing through level 45. At the beginning, players will find that their quests are specific to their class' Path, but they will converge at higher levels with all Hibernians sharing a common final quest. Players should speak to their trainers in Tir na Nog to begin the new quest series.

Epic Quests - Albion

New epic quests have been added to the game for all Albion classes. Players will be able to obtain these quests at five level intervals beginning at level 5 and continuing through level 45. At the beginning, players will find that their quests are specific to their class' Guild, but they will converge at higher levels with all of Albion sharing a common final quest. Players should speak to their trainers in Camelot to begin the new quest series.

Epic Quests - Midgard

New epic quests have been added to the game for all Midgard classes. Players will be able to obtain these quests at five level intervals beginning at level 5 and continuing through level 45. At the beginning, players will find that their quests are specific to their class' House, but they will converge at higher levels with all of Midgard sharing a common final quest. Players should speak to their trainers in Jordheim to begin the new quest series.

Epic Quests - General

The new Epic Quest armour received at level 45 may not be traded and will not lose durability as they are repaired, similar to the artifacts although at a lesser cost. The armour must be taken to a NPC smith for repair and cannot be repaired by crafters. Epic armour received from the previous epic quests will continue to be repairable by crafters and will lose durability.

Quests - Midgard

- Mini quests have been added for levels 20-24 starting in Nalliten in Gotar.

General Classic World Notes

- There seems to be some increased nighttime demon activity around Darkness Falls.

- A festival has begun to form outside the capital city in each realm in honour of the King (and also to mark the 4 year anniversary for Dark Age of Camelot and the 10 year anniversary for Mythic Entertainment !). In Albion, it can be found in front of the housing zone entrance. In Midgard, it can be found in front of the housing zone entrance. In Hibernia, it can be found near the entrance to Tir na Nog in Lough Derg. There are a number of unique vendors and goods to be found. To celebrate, fireworks will be held nightly at each festival site, over the housing zone entrances, over each capital city entrance, and inside the capital cities proper, with a spectacular midnight surprise in the capital city.

- (Hibernia) With the festival so close to the Lough Derg entrance to Tir na Nog, the smith, healer, enchanter, and dye merchant have decided to relocate and do business inside the festival proper. Be sure to look for them there.

Darkness Falls

- Additional mid level demon lords are demonstrating new and unusual abilities. Some have undergone physical changes as well.

- The war in Darkness Falls between the Necyomancers and Infernalists has shifted slightly in favour of the Infernalists. Their numbers and appearance have changed due to earning the favour of their demonic masters.

- Molochian tempters have begun to plague various passages once again.

- Director Kobil's aggression radius has been reduced slightly as has the healing he receives from his pet souls.

Item Notes


- The Blademaster Epic armour received upon completion of the new epic quest now has new graphics. This will not affect armour received prior to 1.79

- Boots of the Wicked Mage will now show up correctly as cloth and dyable as such.


- The Hunter and Thane Epic armour received upon completion of the new epic quest now have new graphics. This will not affect armour received prior to 1.79 - The Wiseman Cloak will now have a bonus to Augmentation instead of a bonus to Suppression.


- The Minstrel and Sorcerer Epic armour received upon completion of the new epic quest now have new graphics. This will not affect armour received prior to 1.79

All Realms

- Various Treasure tables across the realms have been correctly adjusted to appropriate levels with the monster level adjustments of 1.76.


Volcanus Encounters

- Taur warlords have been given an immunity timer on their Clouded Mind spell.

Oceanus Boreal

- The spitting cobras involved in Trial 2.10 will now properly attack players.


Instanced Adventuring

- The majority of monsters within task dungeons, both normal and caster version, have had their aggression radius reduced and roaming removed. In the caster task dungeons specifically, several monsters have been relocated off certain ramps.

Items - General

- The Malevolent Darkspire Flute, Malevolent Darkspire Lute, and Malevolent Darkspire Drum are all now tinted blue, rather than their base wood colour.

- Darkspire weapons will now all be set to the appropriate 16.5 DPS.


- The Warhammer of Heresy will now correctly proc its spell.


- The monster "Dother" from Darkspire will now correctly drop items.

- Zogg's Bow of Zeal is now rechargable.

Midgard - The Spellbound Sapphire Boots now have a bonus to all Melee instead of bonus to all magic.

- Several items from Forgemaster Wolak have been adjusted accordingly to the level of the encounter.

- Keantoth's Defender will now proc correctly when hit.

- The Spore Cloud Necklace's Acuity charge has been replaced with an AF charge.

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.80 Release Notes
Darkness Rising


With this version, we are happy to introduce Dark Age of Camelot's fourth retail expansion, Dark Age of Camelot : Darkness Rising.

Please read below for a summary of changes and features for Dark Age of Camelot : Darkness Rising and Version 1.80. You will find specifics on the Version 1.80 items under the NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES section, later in this patch note.


These features are only available to customers who install the Darkness Rising expansion pack.

Darkness Rising features the introduction of 'epic' player-controlled horses, champion quests, champion weapons and new character "sub-classing" abilities. For more information on the Champion Quests, Champion Levels, or horses, players are encouraged to speak to one of the Champions found near the entrance of each capital city, as well as near the throne rooms. (Note that basic player controlled horses are available without the purchase of Darkness Rising. Please see the VERSION 1.80 SPECIAL FEATURES section below for more details.)

New City Art

- Each of the capital cities received a major art upgrade to provide a more detailed, realistic environment. The cities now better reflect their status as the crossroads of the realm, and furthermore reflect the current graphical capabilities.

New Darkness Falls Art

- Like the capital cities, Darkness Falls also received a major art upgrade and is now more detailed and realistic in appearance. Many of the creatures lurking in Darkness Falls have also received upgrades in art.

Advanced Player Controlled Horses

- Acquire a faithful horse to travel the Realms and the frontiers. Ride a warhorse, unicorn, nightmare, undead, or an elemental steed.

- Once players have achieved level 45, they are eligible to purchase an advanced horse.

- Advanced horses travel at a 50% increase over standard run speed. Grouping with a class that offers a speed enhancement greater than this will increase your speed to match that of the speed enhancement.

- Unlike basic horses, advanced mounts can be summoned in the frontier zones.

- Horses may be named using a /namemount slash command. The horse's name is limited to one word with the first letter only capitalized.

- Advanced horses may be customized with armour, barding, and saddlebags. In addition, the barding may be emblemised.

- Players may not enter in to combat while on horseback. Upon being attacked, players will be dismounted.

- Delving an inactive horse will return basic help text.

The Champion's Quest

Players are given the opportunity to undertake a new series of quest tracks (commencing at level 30, continuing at level 40, culminating at level 50) based around the Darkness Rising backstory. Players interested in combating the realm's newest threat should speak with their class trainer, or one of Champion Recruiters who have taken up posts throughout each realm's home city to provide information about a variety of topics, champion quests included. These NPCs will provide information on how to gain access to the King's Throne Room, where the adventure begins. Players successfully completing the story arc are rewarded by the King with a weapon (or instrument) of their choosing, the famed Champion Weapon ! The realms are in need of new legends to look to in these troubled times. Will you be one ?


Players of level 30 and above should see the Visindakonar, their class trainer, or the Champions found inside the entrances to Jordheim to begin their Champion Quests.

- Warriors, Hunters, Berserkers and Savages must seek out Visindakona Siv in Jordheim.
- Shadowblades, Shaman, Healers and Skalds must seek out Visindakona Guri in Jordheim.
- Bonedancers, Warlocks and Spiritmasters must seek out Visindakona Sigyn in Jordheim.
- Runemasters, Valkyries and Thanes must seek out Visindakona Magna in Jordheim.


Players of level 30 and above should speak to their Path's leader, their class trainer, or the Champions found inside the entrance to Tir na Nog to begin their Champion Quests. - Members of the Path of Harmony should speak to Lovernios in Tir na Nog.
- Members of the Path of Focus should speak to Dian Cecht in Mag Mell.
- Members of the Path of Affinity should speak to Brigit in Tir na Nog.
- Members of the Path of Essence should speak to Fagan in Mag Mell.


Players of level 30 and above should speak to their guild leader, their class trainer, or the Champions found inside the entrance to Camelot to begin their Champion Quests. - Members of the Church of Albion or the Temple of Arawn should speak to Bishop Kustan.
- Members of the Defenders of Albion should speak to Sir Amren.
- Members of the Guild of Shadows should speak to Dostram.
- Members of the Academy should speak to Master Narudos.

Champion Weapons

- Wield new, class-specific Champion Weapons bestowed upon characters by the king to aid in the quest to rid the land of unspeakable evil. These special weapons increase in power as players progress through their Champion Quests.

- Champion Weapons are available for players who have reached Champion Level five and become Champions of the Realms.

- The Illuminator found in the Throne room will explain to players the spells available for their weapons.

- Players may "respec" their final champion weapon to choose another version of the weapon. To respec a champion weapon, players should hand their fully repaired weapon to the Weaponmaster in the Throne room. The Weaponmaster will then allow the players to choose the type of weapon and the spell desired.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
- Champion Weapons must be repaired by a NPC smith, but they do not lose durability.

Champion Levels

In order to allow level 50 players additional means of advancing their characters, we are introducing five new Champion Levels to the players of DAoC and Darkness Rising. Become one of the chosen champions of your Realm as you prove your mettle, skill and spirit to your King and fellow Realm mates. The King shall grant rare boons and bestowments as a reward for faithful service to your Realm. The more status you obtain within the ranks of the elite champions of the Realm, the more coveted and potent the equipment and tools you'll receive.

- Players wishing to embark on their Champion Levels must first speak to their class trainer or one of the Champions in the capital cities. They will send players on a quest to speak to the King.

- Once players speak to the King, and if they are level 50, they may begin the process of gaining XP towards Champion Levels.

- Upon completing the experience requirements for each Champion Level, players return to the King to receive their reward and their talent points.

- Champion levels provide additional hit points, additional power points, sub-classing points, access to the King's Quartermaster, and increased customization of mounts.

- New titles have been added for players for each Champion Level.


- Darkness Rising introduces Sub-classing. Sub-classing is a way to advance your character down paths which offer various abilities like spells and styles. These abilities are earned through champion experience, which is gained through normal means (quests, monster killing, and RvR). The champion experience gained in RvR is significantly greater than the experience gained otherwise.

- To start on the path of Sub-classing, make sure you visit the King of your realm in the respective Capital cities of Tir na Nog, Jordheim and Camelot. Once the King bestows upon you the ability to gain Champion experience, you are well on your way to advancing your character down the Sub-classing lines !

- Sub-classing is available from BASE trainers such as Seer, Mystic, Viking, Rogue, Fighter, Acolyte, etc. Sub-classing is NOT available from career class trainers such as Ranger, Warrior, Paladin, Cleric, etc.

- Characters are permitted 5 champion points to spend on abilities. You get 1 champion point per champion Level. These abilities can be spent on any tree other than your base class. For example, a Warrior cannot get sub-class abilities from a Viking Trainer, but CAN get sub-class abilities from a Seer, Mystic, or Rogue trainer.

- Spells granted from sub-classing will be listed under the Spells tab in a new tree called "Abilities".

- Styles granted from sub-classing will be listed under the Styles tab.

- Necromancers will be getting a pet class version of all abilities available to them with the exception of styles, bolts and GTAE spells.

- At champion level 3, players are granted access to the base weapon types of each realm accordingly :

Hibernia : Blades, Blunt, Pierce, Small Shields
Albion : Slash, Crush, Thrust, Small Shields
Midgard : Axe, Sword, Hammer, Small Shields

- The interface will show up when interacting with the base trainers and will show each ability available per trainer. An "information" button displays the delve information of the ability. When you purchase the ability with your champion points, the arrow beneath the ability will highlight, denoting that you have purchased the ability above it. You CANNOT purchase an ability twice.

Royal Expeditions

- The Kings' Lieutenants are now offering groups of level-based tasks ranging from 5 to 49. These NPCs are located in the capital city, near the SI portal and in the portal keeps. These tasks are divided by type : combat, dispatch, delivery and the occasional assistance to the taskmaster. There are 5 such tasks available per level, although you may only have one of each type pending at a time.


- Remains for trophies are dropped by the following Champion Quest monsters :

Albion : Geryon, Astaroth, Belial, Moloch, Abaddon, Xaphan, and Azazel
Midgard : Rugak, Soltinn, Myrkr, Banahogg, Farbjodr, Ofridr, Utgard-Lok
Hibernia : Bres, Grimeil, Uamhas, Glamaim, Teugmhail, Malairt, Crom Cruaich


- We have added various recipes for horse items. These recipes are available to all clients.

- Horse armours are now available at 1000 skill in Metalworking.

- Horse bardings are now available at 1000 skill in Clothworking.

- Horse saddle bags are now available at 1000 skill in Leatherworking.


These features are available to all Dark Age of Camelot players. More details on these changes can be found in the NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES section later in this patch note.

Basic Player Controlled Horses

- If you are level 35 or higher, you are eligible to purchase a Horse Voucher from the Horse Merchant in your capital city for 250 gold pieces. You can redeem the Voucher at the Royal Stable Master, who needs a small errand run before turning over the horse to you.

- Basic horses travel at a 35% increase over standard run speed. Grouping with a class that offers a speed enhancement greater than this will increase your speed to match that of the speed enhancement.

- Basic horses cannot be summoned in frontier zones.

- Basic horses may not be customized with armour, barding, or saddlebags.

- Players may not enter into combat while on horseback. Upon being attacked, players will be dismounted.

- The Horse Merchant and the Royal Stable Master can be found at these locations :

Camelot : Next to the stables inside Camelot Castle
Jordheim : In front of the stables near the West Gate to Vasudheim
Tir na Nog : At the stables across from the Green Rose Pub


In order to fix a bug causing some characters to hit ability caps, which then prevented those characters from earning any new abilities, we have made changes to the structure of the ability and spell systems. For the most part, these changes will be unnoticeable to the average player.


- Water breathing potions now give base speed increases even when the player is speedwarped. Currently, the only things which shut down water breathing potions are holding a relic and the Testudo Realm Ability.

- A new "/release entrance" command has been created to allow players to release from an instance to a point just outside of the instance, instead of releasing to their bind point. This command is enabled for most of the adventure wings, Darkspire, and select Champion Quest instances.

- Catacombs classes whose accounts are qualified for /level now earn a 50% bonus to experience from levels 1-20.

- The delve information for resist debuff spells will now reflect any splits between item-based and spell-based resists.

- Style lines with different styles, depending on class, no longer have duplicate listings when being delved at a trainer.

- Battleground Siege Merchants will now only display their stores when they are within the region of portal keeps.

- Bug fix : When equipping items that grant a skill bonus, spells with recast timers will stay depressed and have a tooltip with a valid duration.

- The delve information for Mastery of Concentration are now more precise.

- The delve information window for combat speed debuff spells now displays the correct debuffed value.

- If a style has a spell proc, that spell is now delved as part of the style's delve.

- Style delvesnowshow follow-up styles in a style chain.

- Players will no longer zone into an instance and fall through the ground.

- Artifacts and Champion weapons are now dyable by player crafted weapon lusters as well as new weapon dyes available on the King's Quartermaster. These new dyes are called Burnishes and are available at champion levels 2, 3 and 4 at the cost of 125 gold each.

- Necromancers in shade form will no longer get stuck in doorways.

- Instant spells can no longer be cast while casting another spell with the same re-use timer.

- Players who are Phase Shifted (Sojourner, level 9) can no longer be Grappled (Battlemaster, level 4).

- Bonedancer subpets will now die when the link with the main pet is broken.

- When a group has an active instance, but the group has fully exited it, the group leader is now able to immediately request a new instance just as a solo player can.

- Artifacts now properly display the level requirement on unlocked resist bonuses.

- Towers now message guilds with "Your guild's tower is under siege" when under attack instead of referring to a keep.

- Powerdrain spells will now drop any run speed buffs you have, even if the spell does no damage.

- Delves for weapon "active when worn" effects has been changed to "active when wielded".

- The Mass Gateway spell will now properly appear to be cast for a full 40 seconds.

- Pets that cast percentage-based buff spells will no longer constantly try to recast them if their target has a better spell active.

- Power Leak (Battlemaster, level 3) now reports back when power is drained from target.

- Delve for Power Leak fixed to report proper power drain and the fact that no other damage is done.

- Rain has been disabled in Tir Na Nog.

- Players can now select the title of a pending quest in the Quest Journal. The title will be displayed in the bottom section of the window and players may attempt to remove that quest with the Remove button. This feature has been enabled for many of the quests received in Catacombs and Darkness Rising and will be enabled for quests from other areas in version 1.81.

- Sitting down will now cause you to stop sprinting.

- Bainshees will now properly return to bainshee form if they have another illusion that expires while they are still in bainshee-form.

- If bainshee form expires, the bainshee will not drop out of any other applicable illusions if they're still active.

- All styles are now organized into lists according to skill, and both style and ability spell lists are now sorted by level like normal spell lists.

- Bow weapons will no longer delve to chat as crossbow weapons.

- Players who release after death and do not switch regions, or are resurrected, will now have their worn magical effects re-initialized properly.

- Attempting to use an item and failing due to a current action timer was incorrectly setting the re-use timer. This has been fixed.

- Berserkers now return to berserk form properly if they have another illusion that expires while they are still berserked. If the berserk state expires from a berserker, they will not drop out of any other applicable illusions if they're still active.

- Added all available /bg commands to the message reported back when typing /bg.

- Bug fix : When using the command "/where", sometimes guards would not point in the right direction toward the NPC being asked about. This has been fixed.


Left Axe

- The animations for Snowsquall, Comeback and Frosty Gaze have been updated.


- A new ability has been granted to the assassins of all three realms (Infiltrators, Nightshades and Shadowblades) upon reaching level 35, to combat horse riders of enemy realms. The ability "Caltrops" is a rune trap which is scribed on the ground that dismounts enemy players on horseback who ride over it. Upon being forcefully dismounted, players are snared for a brief period of time. The ability has a refresh timer of 10 minutes and has a small Area effect radius. Players which are 35 or higher will be granted this ability retroactively.


- The Shroud of Doubt spell now correctly has a single target icon instead of an area effect icon.


- The Group Heals from the Tribute of Battle line will no longer display the weapons crossing graphic when casting the heal.


- Heretics now have access to Cure Poison and Cure Disease in their Rejuvenation line. Cure Poison is available at spec 7 and Cure Disease is available at spec 9. All Heretics currently specialized higher in Rejuvenation will receive those spells retroactively.


- The Minstrel spells Song of the Mind and Song of Empowering will no longer skip pulses.


- The ABS Aura Debuff line will now correctly display a graphic upon turning the spell on.


- The icon for Headshot now correctly displays that it is not a chain style.


General World Notes

- Megh, the Vampiir Trainer in Tir na Nog, now resides inside the Chamber of Stealth.

- Rheoran, the Bainshee Trainer in Tir na Nog, now resides inside the Chamber of Magic.

- Many of the monsters found in Darkness Falls have received new artwork for players using the Catacombs or Darkness Rising client.

- Various demons throughout the land, including Darkness Falls, have been given weapons or have had weapons removed based on the upgraded monster art with Darkness Rising.

- Lighting has been adjusted in Tir Na Nog.

- The vast majority of demons associated with Darkness Falls have been granted minor abilities by their dark masters.

- Channelers have been added to the Housing entrances in each Realm.

- Players will no longer be able to jump on top of any cave entrances.

- Players will no longer become stuck under porches in Wearyall in Avalon Isle.

- The floating ruins in Hadrian's Wall have been fixed.

- Howth now has trainers for each class.

- Adribard's Retreat now has trainers for each class.

- Server channelers will now only appear on clustered servers.

Festival Notes

- To add to the entertainment at the festival in each realm, several barkeeps in each realm have stocked up on alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The NPCs offering these libations are as follows :

Albion : Jonathan Lee (Cotswold)
Barkeep Dwerrav (Camelot)
Barkeep Broec (Camelot)
Barkeep Garban (Gothwaite)

Midgard : Barkeep Prugar (Jordheim)
Barkeep Banak (Jordheim)
Barkeep Nognar (Mularn)
Barkeep Kaari (Aegirhamn)

Hibernia : Barkeep Felemu (Ardee)
Waiter Valaray (Tir na Nog)
Barkeep Hurley (Tir na Nog)
Barkeep Tawny (Domnann)

- The festival's tent vendors have widened their selection of items. These vendors will now sell tents and supplies that may be used in the housing zones.

- The standard pup tents have been modified to allow them to be used outside of housing in all areas except for New Frontiers, any of the battle ground zones and all of the capital cities. Tents will also not deploy if you are attempting to deploy one within 512 in-game units of any monster or NPC.

- The duration of campfires has been increased to 10 minutes, giving them the same duration as other tent items. Like tents, campfires cannot be deployed within 512 in-game units of any monster or NPC.

- Festival Items : Drinks (alcoholic and non) from the festival vendor and barkeeps will now show only 1 charge and 1 max charge properly. This fixes a bug that made it necessary to have them display 2 charges and max charges but they could only be used once.

- To increase the flexibility of the player placeable items that are sold at the festival, a few modifications have been made to how they work and how to use them. These changes cover the tents, campfire, fence, cart, and boxes that can be bought. Previously, the items were used by selecting the item and the /use command. This caused the items generated to always face one direction. To alleviate this, the items have been changed so that they deploy when dropped on the ground. Items will now deploy exactly where dropped and will face the player dropping them. Once dropped, they last ten minutes and cannot be picked back up. Some items are allowed in housing only and some items are allowed anywhere except the frontiers, battlegrounds, or capital cites ; the item delve will specify which is true. In all cases, the items will fail to deploy if within 512 units of a monster or NPC to prevent exploiting.

Darkness Falls

- Items purchased with Emerald Seals are now 90% quality.

- Items purchased with Sapphire Seals are now 92% quality.

- Items purchased with Diamond Seals are now 94% quality.

- The upper level demon lords of Darkness Falls have increased in power. The treasure that they now drop have been imbued with their new power as well.

- The lighting in Darkness Falls has been adjusted.

- The Prince Abdin encounter has been reduced in difficulty.

- Prince Asmoien and Prince Ba'alorien have been adjusted to the same difficulty rating as Prince Abdin.

- Beliathan will no longer climb the chasm ladders.

Quest Notes

- A number of new NPCs have moved into the capitol cities. Some of them may require some assistance in the form of new mini-quests. There are four per realm and they are geared for levels 30-50.


- Stones of Power (Epic 1) - The Journal will now display the correct number for step 6.

- You can now recover Master Dunwyn in the Culmination quest if you lose him due to going linkdead, logging out, etc.


- Lady Hinda and her guards will once again be able to attend the secret meeting involved in the quest "Traitor in Mularn".

- You can now recover Master Briedi in the Culmination quest if you lose him due to going linkdead, logging out, etc.


- Players on step 7 of Viraniel's Plague will now receive the proper item from killing a Large Luch, allowing them to move forward with the quest.

- You can now recover Master Lucyn in the Culmination quest if you lose him due to going linkdead, logging out, etc.

- Beginning of War - You can now recover Master Lucyn on steps 14, 15 and 16 if you lose him due to going linkdead, logging out, etc.

- Ley Line Legerdemain (Epic 4) - If the demi-fey gives the killing blow, anyone who is on the quest, and who is within her region, will receive credit and be moved to the next step of the quest.

Monster Notes


- Donnchad's horses, stabled at the Parthenon farm in Lough Gur, will no longer find themselves stuck inside the stable walls.

Item Notes

- Festival Items : Added drinking animation and intoxication effects to the appropriate items sold on the food vendor in the festival.

- Revamped item drops in Darkness Falls now have new spell effects for their charges and procs.


- The Resplendent brushed velvet tunic now correctly displays as a tunic instead of a Robe.

- The sleeves of Clandestine Rites will no longer make the Necromancer pet do a drinking animation when using the object.


- The Captivating Kobold Hammer is now 16.5 DPS.


- The Valiant Ring has been renamed to Valiant Jewel.




- Bonuses on the Moon Facade Shield have been adjusted to the proper amount.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Instanced Adventuring

- The Shafts of the Tenebrae and other similar dungeons in the other Realms have been adjusted to start sending their waves of denizens 60 seconds after first zoning in.



- The Malevolent Darkspire Dire Sword now correctly does not display charges.


New Files

- daoc_subclass_window.xml : This window is used for viewing and training subclassing abilities from base class trainers.

- mount_window.xml : This window is used for displaying and modifying player mounts and saddlebag inventory.

- atlantis_03.tga : This image now uses the "title" (title_24.tga) font for "Quest Journal" and "Master" text embedded in the image.

Assets.xml Additions (Sub-class Window)

- Texture small_arrows and the file
- Texture selected_icon and the selected_icon.tga file

Styles.xml Additions (Mount Window)

Please note that, although the mount window is in XML, the use of dockable icons and sockets is not supported in custom interface at this time.

- icon_socket_large : ImageAreaTemplate
- icon_socket_large_active : ImageAreaTemplate
- icon_socket_small : ImageAreaTemplate
- icon_socket_small_active : ImageAreaTemplate
- paperdoll_back : HorizontalResizeImageTemplate
- bag_bg : VerticalResizeImageTemplate
- button_bag : ButtonTemplate

New Adapters

- mount_name : Text Adapter : This is the active player mount's name
- mount_saddlebag_slot_1 : Text Adapter : This is the active saddlebag's inventory slot 1 text
- mount_saddlebag_slot_2 : Text Adapter : This is the active saddlebag's inventory slot 2 text
- mount_saddlebag_slot_3 : Text Adapter : This is the active saddlebag's inventory slot 3 text
- mount_saddlebag_slot_4 : Text Adapter : This is the active saddlebag's inventory slot 4 text
- mount_encumbrance : Scalar Adapter : This returns the mount's encumbrance from 0 to 200
- summary_champ_exp_coarse : Scalar Adapter : This returns a value from 0.0 to 10.0, indicating the amount of experience until the next Champion Level. 10 is equivalent to one Champion level. This is used in the standard interface to show the "experience bubbles."
- summary_champ_exp_fine : Scalar Adapter : This returns a value from 0.0 to 100.0. When this reaches 100, it increments summary_champ_exp_coarse by 1 and resets to 0. This is used in the standard interface to show the "experience bar."
- summary_champ_level : Scalar Adapter : This returns actual champion level.
- summary_champ_exp_total : Scalar Adapter : This returns a concatenated value of summary_champ_level + summary_champ_exp_coarse + summary_champ_exp_fine.

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