Ive obseverved a very stupid trend recently in Malmohus. Level 50s being kicked out of groups for no other reason than they are level 50. Even worse... I saw a level 50 healer being told that she wasnt welcome to join a group but... she was welcome to stand at the side lines and mezz the pulls (for the CC short xp groups) and IF there was a spot at some point she would be "considered" for it. Even tho at this point the list had 2 people on it both low 40s and no healers!!
I seriously don't believe the reason she was given by one such fool that the xp would take a huge nosedive... everone in that particular G1 was 48 or 49 except for one level 47 Warrior who was the loudest voice for ALLOWING her to join the grp, now I REFUSE to believe that a level 50 in a grp with 48s and 49s will suck so much XP as to make the group unworkable.
PATHETIC! All of you people who xp in Malmohus with this kind of attitude should grow up... who the hell do you think you are dictating to others where they can or cannot hunt? Just because someone has reached 50 does NOT mean they have NO need for cash/items and so on...all of which are in plentiful supply in Malmohus nor does it mean that for those to whom PvE remains a fun and worthwhile thing should be banished to solo in Spindelhalla.
You people are the same people who regularly bitch and whine at level 45ish about not getting level 50 drops from Raumarik/DF hunts when there are level 50s in the group who can actually use the damn drops. I think you should have long talks with yourselves, really I do! It would teach all of you "Level Nazis" a very valuable lesson if a bunch of level 50s came and plonked themselves at the Lair or at Yar and excluded everyone else for a day!
I hope that the next time those of you who have this attitude die in RvR a level 50 healer comes along and sends you a PM along the lines of:
"Oh Im sorry I cant rezz you because you aren't level 50, you really have no business here... shouldn't you be in Malmohus being a complete asshole?"
But you know... I dont see that happening too much, because most healers are decent people and good players and will go that little bit further to help people out regardless of level.
This message is not aimed at the majority of people who xp quite happily in Malmohus, just at the idiot minority who think they have some kind of right to dictate to people how and where they should play a game that WE ALL pay the same money for.

I seriously don't believe the reason she was given by one such fool that the xp would take a huge nosedive... everone in that particular G1 was 48 or 49 except for one level 47 Warrior who was the loudest voice for ALLOWING her to join the grp, now I REFUSE to believe that a level 50 in a grp with 48s and 49s will suck so much XP as to make the group unworkable.
PATHETIC! All of you people who xp in Malmohus with this kind of attitude should grow up... who the hell do you think you are dictating to others where they can or cannot hunt? Just because someone has reached 50 does NOT mean they have NO need for cash/items and so on...all of which are in plentiful supply in Malmohus nor does it mean that for those to whom PvE remains a fun and worthwhile thing should be banished to solo in Spindelhalla.
You people are the same people who regularly bitch and whine at level 45ish about not getting level 50 drops from Raumarik/DF hunts when there are level 50s in the group who can actually use the damn drops. I think you should have long talks with yourselves, really I do! It would teach all of you "Level Nazis" a very valuable lesson if a bunch of level 50s came and plonked themselves at the Lair or at Yar and excluded everyone else for a day!
I hope that the next time those of you who have this attitude die in RvR a level 50 healer comes along and sends you a PM along the lines of:
"Oh Im sorry I cant rezz you because you aren't level 50, you really have no business here... shouldn't you be in Malmohus being a complete asshole?"
But you know... I dont see that happening too much, because most healers are decent people and good players and will go that little bit further to help people out regardless of level.
This message is not aimed at the majority of people who xp quite happily in Malmohus, just at the idiot minority who think they have some kind of right to dictate to people how and where they should play a game that WE ALL pay the same money for.