Post 50 Hunting in Malmohus



Ive obseverved a very stupid trend recently in Malmohus. Level 50s being kicked out of groups for no other reason than they are level 50. Even worse... I saw a level 50 healer being told that she wasnt welcome to join a group but... she was welcome to stand at the side lines and mezz the pulls (for the CC short xp groups) and IF there was a spot at some point she would be "considered" for it. Even tho at this point the list had 2 people on it both low 40s and no healers!!

I seriously don't believe the reason she was given by one such fool that the xp would take a huge nosedive... everone in that particular G1 was 48 or 49 except for one level 47 Warrior who was the loudest voice for ALLOWING her to join the grp, now I REFUSE to believe that a level 50 in a grp with 48s and 49s will suck so much XP as to make the group unworkable.

PATHETIC! All of you people who xp in Malmohus with this kind of attitude should grow up... who the hell do you think you are dictating to others where they can or cannot hunt? Just because someone has reached 50 does NOT mean they have NO need for cash/items and so on...all of which are in plentiful supply in Malmohus nor does it mean that for those to whom PvE remains a fun and worthwhile thing should be banished to solo in Spindelhalla.

You people are the same people who regularly bitch and whine at level 45ish about not getting level 50 drops from Raumarik/DF hunts when there are level 50s in the group who can actually use the damn drops. I think you should have long talks with yourselves, really I do! It would teach all of you "Level Nazis" a very valuable lesson if a bunch of level 50s came and plonked themselves at the Lair or at Yar and excluded everyone else for a day!

I hope that the next time those of you who have this attitude die in RvR a level 50 healer comes along and sends you a PM along the lines of:

"Oh Im sorry I cant rezz you because you aren't level 50, you really have no business here... shouldn't you be in Malmohus being a complete asshole?"

But you know... I dont see that happening too much, because most healers are decent people and good players and will go that little bit further to help people out regardless of level.

This message is not aimed at the majority of people who xp quite happily in Malmohus, just at the idiot minority who think they have some kind of right to dictate to people how and where they should play a game that WE ALL pay the same money for.

:flame: :flame: :flame:


Malmo is also known as "Egoland". It can turn an otherwise decent person into a horrible beast which just growls and thinks about himself. Then we have the one that are not nice which get influenced, they get even worse.

People, please try and not let Malmo drag you down. Don't always think about yourselves all the time.

This is why I'm thinking about doing as someone called it "a Noita" (;)) with my sm, and try to get to level 50 outside Malmo.

Roo Stercogburn

Solo'd most 49. Best level in the game for me, was so much fun. Left the last micro part of a bub deliberately and went to Malmo with friends from guild to finish off.

Got my final ding with a lot of friends around me, not greedy muppets :)

Was really nice :)

Agree with Noita on the greed/stupidity. The xp/cash/drops may be good but its often unpleasant to be there.

Places like the H Stones or the lake you can go with a single group though. Go there, if camped do like always, find another spot. Only thing is that every once in a while you get a drakulv call for help which can really test your group. Actually, they're good fun if the group has its act together with CC.

Mmm crowd control. Healer + SM. Throw in a skald for when mezzing or rooting fails and you've got it all sewn up.


hmm, I was thinking of taking my thane in there for some money

Always people needing tanks for Yar or lair.... still need a flamewrought ring, and money is always nice


Noita would that be the 1 group at lair who would not allow a 2 group to be formed there ??? Those kind of peopel can suck my trollish arse...Hope I get to refuse to rezz them someday


malmo nowadays is just powerlevelers with an attitude.
it breeds noobs that dont have a clue how to play their character because they got in at 38 (sobs thinking at the 40+ rule we used to enforce), and got out at 50 , doing 12 levels of the same (press MA button, /stick, hit styles,repeat *3, sit, goto press MA button).

just do /who 50 and look at the huge number of people you've never heard off.


Anyone know who held the first "list" ever on pryd/mid?? ;)


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Noita would that be the 1 group at lair who would not allow a 2 group to be formed there ??? Those kind of peopel can suck my trollish arse...Hope I get to refuse to rezz them someday

if its the same as im thinking I was in that group, id held the list at lair for over 14 hours when the group and list broke down, we were about to quit but Jag thought we could stay, so we tried and we did fine with one group for about 2 hour's, personally it was the most fun ive ever had at malmo (on a par with the four groups i looked after there) when the yar group broke down we got bombarded with messages asking for a group to be formed as g2 our reply was no for a number of reasons:

1. It was Fun, dangerous at times, at one point we got CFH and took out 8 prots :) (all part of the fun)
2. (my personal reason) After spending all day there, getting bitched at by people on the list and by "some" members of g2 id simply had enough of trying to please everyone so selfishly i decided to please myself :0)
3. we were hoping for Jag to gain enough xp to leave malmo, and were planning on logging soon (3AM) so wasnt really worth organising.
4. it was FUN :D

P.s The yar group that day started at around 8pm the reason there was no group all day was because people didnt have the sense to take the 30+ list i had and create one (thx go to lovika for setting it up) but could manage to send me every other minute to ask there position

And to the original post,I totally agree that lvl 50's shouldnt be excluded from hunting in malmo, although perhapse there are people more needy of that space that should be considered first.

Have witnessed people complaining about lvl 50's joining groups,but cant imagine them complaining on say a legion raid where lower levels can absolutly rake in xp when grouped with 50's

EDIT: just to clarify- we were the one group at lair, but not the group that refused noita or any other lvl 50


Just to clarify, NO this didnt happen to me, this happened to a good friend of mine who doesnt have a BW account. I was so angry I just felt I had to say something about it. Ive personally seen it while watching my legally wedded play "Kolja" at Malmohus and have seen it when i was there just before I dinged 50... Ive also heard it from others who have been refused a place on a list at level 50 or have been kicked from a grp because someone has complained about a level 50 "...soaking up XP" because ..."they do not need to be there."

And no Damon it had nothing to do with that, just the fact that people seem to think they can dictate to others what they can do and how they can play, just because they have the biggest mouths and the loudest voices. I think your point illustrates my own though, in so far as there seems to be a small but inanely vocal contingent who seem, for whatever reason, to try and claim some "sovereignty" over what is, after all, a place where anyone can go providing they can survive the journey.

A very wise lady once told me "Empty cans rattle the most".. I guess its true :rolleyes:

Ulukin: Totally agree with you though you werent "list holder" on this particular occasion. Im not sure how you define "need" tho... if a level 50 crafter has little money, goes to Malmo to earn some cash/salvage items in order to make better weapons/armour for his realm mates, this in my opinion is just as needy or just as worthwhile as someone who wants to ding to 50 and MORE needy than someone who just wants to DING and then immediately start to level an alt.

ImLestat: :) Yes, doing ..."A Noita" ... hehehe well most people know how I feel about Malmohus Lair/Yar and the fact that I have been there 3 times in total. Been to the lake once or twice, H Stones and Svarts about the same. I found many far more enjoyable alternatives to having my brain turn to jelly and leak slowly out of my ear while pushing the same damn button for 10 hours at a time. Sure it took me longer but I guarantee this, I had a damn sight better time and a lot more laughs along the way.

Anyway... back to my point...this was a vicarious flame (ie on behalf of someone else) and I was very dismayed to post it originally. It kind of upset me that some of our realm mates have become so petty and so grasping that they are prepared to set up "exclusion" zones :puke:

Toodle pip :)


Just meant that in some cases there are people that can only play very few hours at a time, have witnessed lots of people getting stuck around level 40/42 for the simple reason that they dont have the time for malmo, and not many people bother using the other xp spots we have so they end up soloing, and so "maybe" more deserving of that space.

Having said that I pretty much stand on the fact that if your on that list and waited for your spot you deserve that place


Ulukin I agree but some list holders wont even take a level 50 on the list these days or as soon as they are in a grp the wh1n0rz start :rolleyes:

Anyway... you should play Meruna more, I grouped with you in Spindelhalla a long time back and had heaps of fun :)

Toodle Pip :)


hehe, I might just do that noita

The rather large bulky figure of meruna has been slumbering for a very long time, perhapse now that ulukin has reached 50 his time will come.

back to malmo? Hmm undecided.

old.Trine Aquavit

To be fair, Noita, we did get Aarween into the group at the end (thank God). I seemed to be asking for it to happen during the considerable downtime after each pull as I was the only Healer/CCer in group 1 and only level 44 at the time (a scary prospect) - and I was the lowest level there, unless this was a separate incident. The other issue was that Aarween was only helping on condition that Jag be allowed to jump the queue and get straight into group 1 (though he was a 49 warrior and wouldn't have had to wait long anyway). I'm not sure that was really on.

At the end of the day, everyone is better off if the group is working well and the main jobs of CC/MA/Peeler(s)/healer(s) are covered properly. This means accepting lvl50 people if no appropriate alternative is available.

However, relaxing this further could just turn the best XP spot for 42-49ers into the best cash spot for lvl 50 groups. Level 50's should be considered in the same terms as level 38 - 40 healers for Malmo groups. i.e. You can get a spot if there's no decent alternative on the list for your specialist role. It's more important for the realm as a whole that we get those 40+ players to 50 than we get those level 50s more cash.


I dont fully agree with you there Trine, when I held lists in Malmo, I would be happy to add level 50's onto the list, but I would follow the list and get the first suitable replacement from the list in the order it went. If we required a high tank in the group I picked the first high Tank, whether they were 50, 47 or anywhere in between.

The is no real fear of it becoming a major cash farming area as the length of waiting in the list makes it unattractive to many people.

Getting people to level 50 in Midgard is important but if a level 50 waits in line like everyone else for a place in a Malmo group, then it is unfair to skip them. After all, maybe that cash they are farming will be spent for the good of the realm as well (crafters, relic keep doors etc)


Originally posted by ulukin
Just meant that in some cases there are people that can only play very few hours at a time, have witnessed lots of people getting stuck around level 40/42 for the simple reason that they dont have the time for malmo, and not many people bother using the other xp spots we have so they end up soloing, and so "maybe" more deserving of that space.

Having said that I pretty much stand on the fact that if your on that list and waited for your spot you deserve that place

Hi Ulukin :

That'll be me I suppose. I have to say I've given up on Malmo for good. What is the point of even registering on a list when it NEVER is considered in terms of order of arrival. And why oh why do people not allow a 3rd group in ??? The few who actually bothered to try only have good things to say about it.

As far as I'm concerned, Malmo-peeps are divided in 2 groups: the guys who go through with it because they feel they have to and have the strenght to withstand a 10 hours brain-shutdown, and the overwhelming majority of greedy nutters who will only work in their own self interest instead of trying to remember about the fun and co-operation.

I tried twice, I will not go there again unless it's with a pre-arranged group of friends. It's just not worth it.


No Trine I wasnt referring to that particular incident, but the many I have seen either as Noita or through the eyes of other "characters" who I either play or see playing. Yes I did see the Aarween incident, and was a bit growlie about the fact that so many people objected to her joining the grps but were happy to have her stand on the side lines and mezz mobs. As far as I know Aarween has a BW account and is a big grrl who can fight her own corner without much help from me :) But this was just another illustration of what I was talking about in my original post.

I dinged 3 weeks ago now and the trend began well before that, this is what I refer to. Yes we can all point to individual incidents and say "Oh yes... well it was because of reason A or B..." and so on. But the trend continues to hold, regardless of reasons per case.

For example, quite some time back a level 50 SM was told NO to joining G1, when asked why the predictable answers were given... however, the SM was offered a spot in G2 "But Im here for cash and items..." protested the SM.... "We'll give you 100 gold then..." was the answer or words to that effect. I believe Gjalpinulva claimed another meal shortly after!

Lets face facts here... there will never be THAT many level 50s who choose to go and hunt in Malmohus unless its a guild organised hunt or something. Those level 50s who do choose to hunt in Malmohus have just as much right to be on a list or in a group as anyone else does. Furthermore, there are things that a level 50 brings to the party that lower levels do not, higher skills and greater damage, usually more RPs and so more RAs as well which in SOME circumstances (not all) can reduce down time and healer mana. All in all... a level 50 or two (Shock horror multiple 50s ;) ) in G1 would increase pulls, reduce DT, reduce the risk of a wipe out and POSSIBLY speed up the XP rate for all concerned.

Trine: Im not sure what you mean here by a "more appropriate alternative", are you saying that if there is a level 50 at position 2 on a list and a level 48 at position 3 then the 48 would get the spot because its more appropriate?

Toodle pip :)

old.Trine Aquavit

Trine: Im not sure what you mean here by a "more appropriate alternative", are you saying that if there is a level 50 at position 2 on a list and a level 48 at position 3 then the 48 would get the spot because its more appropriate?

Yep, that's sort of what I'm saying. XP > cash. That's the way I see it.

The prime reason that people join Malmo groups is to get XP so that they can get to 50 (as a goal, and so they can enjoy RvR on a somewhat equal footing). Level 50s don't need the XP so shouldn't be considered on the same terms as those that do. I would not be happy if a 45+ player who needed XP was kept from the group by a 50 who just needed cash.

Is this "fair"? Let's not kid ourselves: lists do get skipped for classes that can properly fill roles in group 1 45+ crowd-controllers and tanks, healers and pbt'ers. 38 healers get into groups ahead of significantly higher levels on the list IF they're needed to fulfill a role. The list isn't pure FIFO (First In First Out), it never has been. It only becomes FIFO (and therefore "fair" when those important roles are filled)

The way I see it there are actually 6 lists:

Crowd Control list (45-49 CCers)
Tank list (45-49 Tanks)
PBT list (40-49 PBTers)
Healer list (40-49 healers)
Damage dealer list (45-49 damage dealers)
Main list (everyone else)

Each of these is FIFO, but if any of the 'specialist' lists are empty they could be filled from the main list (highest level first). 50's will generally be 'first reserves' for the specialist lists.

I'm sure there are those that would disagree with me, but this is how I see it. Sorry it seems anti-50, but I really do think the priority should be getting XP for those that need it (and 50s are still more likely to get in before 40-44s to fill specialist roles).

One last note: are Malmo XP groups really the best way to farm cash at level 50? I may be wrong, but I'm sure killing high-cons has never been the best way to get cash. I'm pretty sure chain soloing greens/blues will net you a fair chunk more cash than sharing loot with 8+ people in Malmo (that's certainly how it works at lower levels). Why not chain kill cola-bears in Raum, for instance? Or open up DF and farm seals?


I don't know exactly how you lads xp or get cash etc, but i know this, if i was in a witherwoode grp(or leader) and we had to choose between a lvl 50 minstrel and say a 48 one, id go for the 48 one, why? like some other people said, that lvl 48 person "needs" to get to 50, i would never take a 50 (who was just there for cash) over a guy thats wanting to do everything so he can get nearer his goal of hitting 50! If a lvl 50 needs cash, maybe he should make a alt to make cash again, thats what i done aswell, i made 3+ platinum on my paladin, then i have made 2+ platinum on my minstrel, so id say its best to do that, plus u will get a other char to mess about with at the end of it.


best cash in game is Darkness falls.... BUT, you need a guild group to go there, or you need to know a few peeps who might be interested.

Malmohus is excellent if you don't have a guild capable of backing you up, or, if your guild doesn't have the time to help you.

Personally, I think that xp > cash, always... but often has messages been seen on /as , saying they need a high lvl tank or 2... I'd be happy to go in there and give a hand if I knew I wouldn't be kciked out as soon as a lvl 47+ tank came online....

And yes, green mobs is way better cash than lair.... rocoots in a group of 2 is about 5g a minute :D


No problem with 50's joining lists in malmo myself either, but I would certainly prefer to include someone that is going to benefit from the xp. Lets face the facts, the malmo groups are built for the purpose of xp'ing.

With any of my chars who might want gold for whatever reason, I would farm for seals in DF. Solo you can collect Saphire Seals at a perferctly satisfactory rate, and at 5g a seal (if you purchase Hauberks for salvage) I would suspect is faster than a Malmo group.


I've taken up the list in malmö twice, after the mornings list holder logged for the day. And i had some nasty encounters with a few people that where on the list. But when i messaged them they where either in Emain/Hadrians. Or not in the game at all or playing an alt that i had no clue about. And they think its their job to flame the listholder because they are not in Malmo or your alts name is not on the list.

So a few ground rules should be 1. The char you have on list should be in malmöhus. 2. Give your alts name to the list holder before relogging or right after you logged him in. 3. Dont send tells every 3rd min to ask if someone logged. Had this one friday nite. Got about 30 tells a min. Until i yelled out Stop sending me or i pull you from the list. Then all tells just disapered like magic.

And i like to appoligy to the listholders i've bugged. And i know what malmö can do to me and other people. I hope i will be better prepared if i ever take another char there.

And i've been kicked from a group at lvl 45 when a lvl 49 logged in. And that was after a 8 hour wait. I wish they just could have asked. Instead of booting me.


I am a person that thinks kicking lv 50s out froma grp id disgracefull, why shuldent he be allowed to maby get some cash or get some items to salvage? as for malmo being egotists or turning people nasty i trully believe you malmo on some days turned me into a weird beast that only cared about the next bub the next lv etc and nothing else after comming out of malmo and experiencing some real fun i became my normal self again not botherd about getitng into a grp or nagging the list holder asking him what number i was. i started grping in early 20s first yggdra UD camp ice scrags some others then did 30-40 in spind when u grp for 20 lvs and u see how fast it can be the only option that looks right to u is grping the last 10 lvs now where do all 40-50 go? to MALMO. if it stays the same malmo will stay the same as its the only 'easy' grping spot yeah theres DF but its a tad hard to get in with keeps etc however there is one thing and one thing only mythic could do to stop malmo grps and that is make the dragon fly past yar. If that would happen it would be a catastrophy :p


Whooa, Noita, you get way too excited, take a deep breath. I just read this post and tbh, i can see the reason why the groups there wouldn't want a level 50 in them, what would be the point, the people there are primarily after xp and a lvl 50 in a group excludes someone from the list who is waiting to xp. I know Cerbies gone down there many times after she hit 50 becuase there was no healer available but as soon as one came up she was happy to leave. If people want salvage item and cash there is other places, DF for cash definatley but im sorry i totally agree with the people there.

As for the bit about " we all pay for this game", your right, we do, and while people have a right to hunt where they want, other people have a right not to have them in group if they dont want.


Well I dont know what to say but i will say this

Poeple are on a waiting list miles long to xp - us lvl 50's can farm DF and get about 1g+ per mob.

Tesla Monkor

Don't you think it's rather egoistical to claim that you getting xp is more important than whatever reason the L50 has for going to Malmo (Be it helping friends, farming for cash or whatever.)

Stick to the list (No matter how hard it is, and let everyone have their chance.). Fair's fair.. noone is forcing you to go there to xp, or to farm for items. :)


I was in a Malmo group awhile ago and the fine Healer Aarween lvl 50 was ungrouped but with us. She mezzed heal and all that, we peeled her if she got aggro. And all she want was cash for the troubble. It was actually great, it was safer and faster exp for eveybody. I would not have mind having her in the group but she was not. I gave her even more gold than I earned that evening just becouse I think it was so great to have her there. And I hope more than I did that, but then again it's so many stingy ppl out there so maybe not.

Now this only works for Healer but if we could donate a good amount of gold for it maybe at least Healers could make some cash farming in Malmo and at the same time help all the exp whores there.

Roo Stercogburn

Aarween rocks. She's often out there on the frontier doing the keep takes so peeps can get into DF and you rarely see a big raid without her.

(Yes, this is a shameless attempt to make sure I keep getting PoM :))

TBH though, I wouldn't waste time going to Malmo lair or Yar for cash. H Stones are good for a small lvl50 group and you get peace from the xp whores and high level noobs. I can do main mez easily, but wouldn't subject myself to the hassle and player agro for a thankless task unless I went with friends to help them level.


Tesla: Its not egotistical, fact is we have more places to farm cash than they have to ding 40 > 50, unless theres a camped place i dont know of?

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