May not leave my current guild and do it (hence the assumed name).
If there was a Guild with the following Aims/Rules, and if you weren't in your current guild (I'm not asking you to join - there is no guild yet!), would this be the sort of guild that would interest you ? At least one leader of it would be someone who is already known as a raid leader here.
Guild Aims
To have fun in a stress free environment whilst playing Dark Age of Camelot.
To enjoy the PvE content that Dark Age of Camelot has to offer.
Guild Rules
Respect your fellow guildmembers and the other players of the game, in all realms.
Try to be an adult, even if you are not.
No whining.
No scamming other players.
No camp stealing.
No artefact stealing.
Real English to be used on guild chat, not l33t speak and abbreviations. The same applies to guildmembers speaking on alliance chat, when we join one.
Guild Opinions
Non played characters are allowed in both guild and in guild run groups and raids. They do not get rolls on loot, however, and are considered less desirable to have in group than a played character, including ones from out of guild.
It is desirable to have the expansions for the game, as the best PvE content is in them, so this is where many guild raids and groups will be run.
It is recommended that all loot in groups is free for all, as so many have alts these days. If one person particularly wants an item, and people are happy to give it to that person, they can always roll for it and then pass it over.
Guild crafters have all been self funded, so don’t expect crafting for cost. In practice this will be likely for non Masterpiece, non Overcharged spellcrafting, however. Crafting is not the most fun thing in the game, and you must realise you are asking people to enjoy the game less to make you stronger.
It is more important to enjoy training your characters than to do it fast. We believe in being effective, but not at the cost of enjoyment.
We are not anti-RvR, but it is not the focus of the Guild. If you want to run RvR groups, feel free.
If people want to join the guild for getting to 50 and getting artefacts only, they are welcome, as long as they abide by the above and thus enhance the guild whilst they are in it.
Training groups will be similar level ones in various places in the game, not powerlevelling groups, though active characters significantly younger will be welcomed as long as there is not a higher level guildmember wanting a space.
If people want to play characters differently to each other, with their own little eccentricities, then great. A bit of roleplaying livens up the guild.
If you can agree with all the above, you are welcome to join, as long as you adhere to it. Any level / class / spec welcome.
If there was a Guild with the following Aims/Rules, and if you weren't in your current guild (I'm not asking you to join - there is no guild yet!), would this be the sort of guild that would interest you ? At least one leader of it would be someone who is already known as a raid leader here.
Guild Aims
To have fun in a stress free environment whilst playing Dark Age of Camelot.
To enjoy the PvE content that Dark Age of Camelot has to offer.
Guild Rules
Respect your fellow guildmembers and the other players of the game, in all realms.
Try to be an adult, even if you are not.
No whining.
No scamming other players.
No camp stealing.
No artefact stealing.
Real English to be used on guild chat, not l33t speak and abbreviations. The same applies to guildmembers speaking on alliance chat, when we join one.
Guild Opinions
Non played characters are allowed in both guild and in guild run groups and raids. They do not get rolls on loot, however, and are considered less desirable to have in group than a played character, including ones from out of guild.
It is desirable to have the expansions for the game, as the best PvE content is in them, so this is where many guild raids and groups will be run.
It is recommended that all loot in groups is free for all, as so many have alts these days. If one person particularly wants an item, and people are happy to give it to that person, they can always roll for it and then pass it over.
Guild crafters have all been self funded, so don’t expect crafting for cost. In practice this will be likely for non Masterpiece, non Overcharged spellcrafting, however. Crafting is not the most fun thing in the game, and you must realise you are asking people to enjoy the game less to make you stronger.
It is more important to enjoy training your characters than to do it fast. We believe in being effective, but not at the cost of enjoyment.
We are not anti-RvR, but it is not the focus of the Guild. If you want to run RvR groups, feel free.
If people want to join the guild for getting to 50 and getting artefacts only, they are welcome, as long as they abide by the above and thus enhance the guild whilst they are in it.
Training groups will be similar level ones in various places in the game, not powerlevelling groups, though active characters significantly younger will be welcomed as long as there is not a higher level guildmember wanting a space.
If people want to play characters differently to each other, with their own little eccentricities, then great. A bit of roleplaying livens up the guild.
If you can agree with all the above, you are welcome to join, as long as you adhere to it. Any level / class / spec welcome.