Possible memory problems?.....



Is anyone else getting a bug where the more you play Tribes 2 (without restarting, both game and sometimes system) where it begins to, well, run out of memory.

I'm not sure if this is what is happening, but after 3 or 4 maps my computer wont stop loading to the point where its becomes totally unplayable

It actually took (on the day i got tribes - after about 5-6 maps :D) 5 whole minutes (i timed it) to quit the game and get back to windows, due to the hdd accessing non stop.

Now, no other game has this problem, just t2. I noticed it again today as i was messing about with certain settings, etc. The more I changed the settings (requiring it to mess with the texture cache) the slower it got. I kept at this till the pont where i was getting 5fps. Incidently at this point I had turned all the settings to the lowest they could go.

Still, im not 100% on whats doing this - many people think im mad when i say about it dong this :/

It could be my totally borked 98 (so unstable to try and move the taskbar will cause a huge crash, etc etc), but im in the process of killing that and putting 2000 on here.

So, anyone else getting symptons like this?

Or has anyone found out why it is occuring?

for info: Athlon 700 with geforce 1 (standard)
128 mb ram


Yep T2 eats RAM etc etc.
Try another 128MB ram and it should ease the pain no end.


errr that shouldnt be the problem. as i said its fine for the first few games (which would be bad if memory was a prob)

it seems that its using up the memory but not clearing it afterwards - till the point wheres its full or summin :/

/me dunno, buts its damn annoying


Many have reported this problem but I thought it was fixed in the last patch, you have patched it up to v22337? If not run the auto update.



It was meant to be fixed in the last patch, but it wasnt.

I've got 256MB of RAM, and i generally can play about half a dozen maps in a row before I have to reboot to free up the memory again :(



There is still a memory leak issue in the current patch. It was confirmed on the Sierra T2 forums somewhere.


i know why, my l33t detective work :) found these two items "missiongroup and missioncleanup not found in server.cs when calling function delete" (this was on CLI after leaving server)unfortunatley no-one listens to me. :)

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