Yesterday whilst running around with Arnora with our alts doing my 15 epic, i was swimming across water between Vasudheim and E Svealand (Morra site) when i saw a troll thane (level 17) running thru the water, actually running ON the water, kinda ankle deep and as fast as he would run on land.
is this a known bug or a possible hack?
I took a screenshot, not sure if his name is in the screeny.
I know his name and when i asked him if he was abusing a hack, he promptly logged out.
What is my best course of action?
is this a known bug or a possible hack?
I took a screenshot, not sure if his name is in the screeny.
I know his name and when i asked him if he was abusing a hack, he promptly logged out.
What is my best course of action?