Possible bug - Has anyone noticed...



... that some mobs (not sure if all) in DF are aggro'ing as they return to their home position after killing another player?

Of course we are all used to seeing diamond mobs walking back down from shredders for example when they've chased down and killed someone - but last night I found out (3 times) that these mobs at least (Mahr, Nightmare, Knight) seem to keep their aggressive state while walking home...

Now imagine a diamond mob gives chase all the way to the merchants before killing its target - then proceeds to walk casually home wiping out the whole DF lowbie population...

This must be a bug - anyone else experienced it?

(and no in all three cases I did not interfere/buff/heal in anyway the other people fighting their mobs).


been there for a while, when i was in mid some twat trained Cthonic knight ukobat back to the lower players, he then proceeded to kill everyone...

old.Trine Aquavit

Ah, it sounds just like EverQuest :)


It was the case even in beta in Barrows (not since some patch tho) where you could bring phantoms to entrance where they used to slay every peeps afk at entrance.

Which was a good fun :m00:


Some mobs have always done this in DF, as far as I know. Molochian tempters were usually the worst offenders; I got killed more than once by someone accidentally pulling 6-8 tempters out of the Archivist Borath room and trying to run away, right past me, where they would promptly aggro after he was dead.


Happened to me with an Umbral Hulk at merchants!!

By the way do you play a pet class, coz I was playing necro at the time and wonder if it has something to do with pets...


Originally posted by sharma
been there for a while, when i was in mid some twat trained Cthonic knight ukobat back to the lower players, he then proceeded to kill everyone...

You saw this before the patch?

Before yesterday - I have never seen mobs, at least on the Alb side of DF (or anywhere else in Albion tbh), aggro players while returning to where they spawned after giving chase and killing another. I seem to remember /wave'ing at purple aggro DF mobs as they walked straight through me on many occasions as a lowbie...

Anyone else seen this behaviour pre 1.60?


mainly the tempters killed me a lot as well, and I'm an Armsman. so it has nothing to do with the pet.

personally I rather like it, adds to the danger of DF :)


Originally posted by parisienscot
Happened to me with an Umbral Hulk at merchants!!

By the way do you play a pet class, coz I was playing necro at the time and wonder if it has something to do with pets...

no this was with my friar.

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by sharma
been there for a while, when i was in mid some twat trained Cthonic knight ukobat back to the lower players, he then proceeded to kill everyone...

This is my pet hate in DF. If you get the agro from these guys some selfish idiots run back through the areas where everyone else is xp'ing, leaving a trail of death in their wake.


Originally posted by Alrindel
Some mobs have always done this in DF, as far as I know. Molochian tempters were usually the worst offenders; I got killed more than once by someone accidentally pulling 6-8 tempters out of the Archivist Borath room and trying to run away, right past me, where they would promptly aggro after he was dead.

I know this one all too well, was on the end of 3 lvl 50's in about an hour deciding to suicide (that must have been the reason!) then running out and getting all and everyone exping there killed when the train went home. VERY annoying. And no pet here either, just super aggro mobs.


Originally posted by omi
... that some mobs (not sure if all) in DF are aggro'ing as they return to their home position after killing another player?

Of course we are all used to seeing diamond mobs walking back down from shredders for example when they've chased down and killed someone - but last night I found out (3 times) that these mobs at least (Mahr, Nightmare, Knight) seem to keep their aggressive state while walking home...

Now imagine a diamond mob gives chase all the way to the merchants before killing its target - then proceeds to walk casually home wiping out the whole DF lowbie population...

This must be a bug - anyone else experienced it?

(and no in all three cases I did not interfere/buff/heal in anyway the other people fighting their mobs).

I actually never ever experianced this kind of thing in alb or hib - only when going to mid does this seem to happen, chi-knights in df do it a lot, especially urkobat or whatever his name is, sometimes no ones even fighting him and he just comes up and twats all the level ~30s killing lilispawn and rocots and stuff.

also mobs in dungeons on the way back to their home spot after someones exited dungeon with agro etc, they often agro people on their way back which never happened in alb.


This has hapenned to me several time before the patch.

When doing tanglers (after 1.57) if a group ran off with a trail of gobbos behind when they returned past you and you were fighting at the time your mobs would shout for help and suddenly you would get ganked by the others.

Av City entrance several times the big patroling guards with the spikey heads would be pulled back to the entrance and procede to kill everyone.

And lastnight the same thing as the tanglers happend there. Soloing by entrance, some one pulled a load of mobs (oranges and reds only) to the entrance. When they had gone they suddenly ganked me on the way past but left everone else alone.


I already asked about this on RightNow - just remembered ;)

Guess what? Working as intended!

They said that mobs have a chance to aggro when returning to their spawn zone - but I've never seen this happen outide of DF.

EDIT - just remembered happens with goblins in vendo caverns too - if someone runs out they hang around entrance causing much misery!


Ah, it sounds just like EverQuest

/y TRAIN TRAIN move your asses

/em giggles at the thought of those days

Afun Mindbreaker


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Ah, it sounds just like EverQuest :)

TRAIN TO ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11! GET THE FUCK OUTTA DODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And pre-patch, all since we got df i think, ukobat has gone rampant from time to time, clearing df better then a swarm of infils. And he doesnt stop until you kill him either :rolleyes:

I think its kinda cool though, but "met" him twice while lvling in df with my rm ;)


The goblin guards in Vendo Caves (Midgard dungeon) do this. People leg it to the exit and then the guard will aggro all the lowbies at the entrance.


I once got chased by 2 mobs, on called 'Saracen' and one called 'Briton', they got me close to the exit but then proceeded to kill lots of lowbies around the area :mad: I felt bad for all those involved and never forgave myself.

Brannor McThife

Certain mobs have "camp" spots, and won't attack anything till they get back there. Others are set to permanent aggro and will attack anything that comes within their range, no matter where they are.

Live with it...sheesh.



All saracen and briton mobs have permanent aggro Omniscieous. Oddly enough, Highlanders don't seem to have permanent aggro unless there's a briton or saracen mob to add. Odd that :rolleyes:


This happened in Avalon City, we were at bugged spot a patrol walked up (the lvl 65+ mobs) none of us hit them (so they shouldn't agro) instead they agro'ed us, chased us all the way to the entrance then wiped out EVERYONE at the entrance that was either afk or didn't run out in time, we had to wait 10mins for them to go back to their usual patrols instead of wiping everyone out.


Originally posted by acei
This happened in Avalon City, we were at bugged spot a patrol walked up (the lvl 65+ mobs) none of us hit them (so they shouldn't agro) instead they agro'ed us....

Xanxicarian Patrols are evil - they aggro anybody they see, no matter where they are.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Certain mobs have "camp" spots, and won't attack anything till they get back there. Others are set to permanent aggro and will attack anything that comes within their range, no matter where they are.

Live with it...sheesh.


Well that explains it.

Cant say I saw that behaviour before 1.60 from Nightmares, Mahrs & Alb Knights in DF though... maybe an undocumented change in the patch... who knows.. I'm bored of this topic now :p

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