porn woes!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I just spent the weekend taking the girlfriend to meet my parental units over in freezing windy Eire this last weekend gone.

Part of this involved the inevitable parading round my Aunts houses for endless rounds of tea and me and my father updating and troubleshooting their systems. During this process we discovered some auto dialer software on aunt P's computer.

Odd we thought. Did some research and it was one of thos dialers you get when going to certain porn sites. Worked out it was calling a premium rate number in Italy... Was quite amused and worked out my not very bright 21 year old cousin must have been downloading porn from this dial up site...

Thought we would have a quiet word with him to save any embarrassment...
However then said aunt told us she had been complaining to her phone company as her last phone bill was €400 for the previous month mainly due to premium rate numbers....

We did laugh about how much trouble my cousin was about to get in!

That's got to be about the most costly monkey spanking session ever!


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
poor him :|

didnt the company tell your aunt what the numbers were?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Haha, classic. Free porn if you download this dialler and pay us hundreds to use it!!!!!!!!!111

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