Population split



Hi all,

Is there any way for us Euro players to find out the population split between the realms please?

I'm about 99% set on starting up my first couple of Alb toons but I'm certainly not one for joining huge zergs.

I've had a look at the topic count for the Alb/Mid/Hib boards and its quite scary if thats an indication of the server pop split. Is Hib really about a 1/4 of the size of Alb?

If so I may be forced to play another 18 holer round Mag Mel just to help them out. My heart is kind of set on a Friar so I really hope the answer isn't as bad as I fear.

Also, would be great if people could let me know what they think of the SI part of their realm. Does Hy Brasil look amazingly different to the Par 4 that is Connact et al? is Trollhiem (or whatever :D ) a world away from Midgard?

Thanks in advance :clap:


i doupt your numbers are correct

but im deleting my char rite now


Originally posted by innferno

I'm about 99% set on starting up my first couple of Alb toons but I'm certainly not one for joining huge zergs.

Guess Albion is the wrong realm for you in that case.


i`d say on prydwen the realms are fairly even now albs have slightly more people ...mids have more high levels..and hibs have caught up over the last few months probably something like..

40%alb 35%mid 25%hib

although RvR is generally

35%alb 35%mid 30%hib so fairly balanced IMO

The Real Redi

Can Camelot Seer help out at all? it has loads of different searches, the only problem being that it relies on the XML files to retrieve the info and everyone knows the state of those recently.. :rolleyes:


Thanks guys.

Seems like its pretty even so thats cool. I never like to be on the 'winning' side and so i've steered clear of high pop servers in the past.

The problem with the UK servers is that theres only one other choice....and thats Excal :scared: ;)

I've changed my mind on realm/classes so much in the past few days i'm just glad the damn game finally arrived this morning so I can just get on with it !!


Originally posted by innferno
I never like to be on the 'winning' side
so you gonna be joining albion then? :m00:


Guess on the next Excalibur defense it'll be 251 Albs instead of "just" 250 Albs vs. the 100ish Hibs/Mids.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
Guess on the next Excalibur defense it'll be 251 Albs instead of "just" 250 Albs vs. the 100ish Hibs/Mids.
well you'll still win tho :p in zergs albs like to have a free for all and attack evry1 whose mezzed and leave the casters who arent to nuke the crap outta us


The last time it was working Mids had the largest population with Albs second and Hibs catching up.
Who knows what it is now.....


id say as rough estimate 35%mids 33%albs 32%hibs


32% hibs? are u having a laugh mate?

we have 300ish on a very good peak time, and normally around 200 odd people after 9pm, no way can we have 32% unless all u albs and mids stopped playing


good way of checking how many people are in realms is go to thidranki, and check the no.s of zergers, to me its a good indication of the amount in each realm.


Originally posted by k9awya
overall pop != relative to rvr pop !
lol if i was a epiletic id have a fit at ur avatar ;)


lol 32%?

There are now 1621 people in prydwen, and only 271 non anon in hib.

if you count in the anon you have like 300 people in hib at this time.

It's more like 19% on hib and not 32%


Hibs have the most on this server, thats why I left and joined Albion to even things up more.


total RvR population wise, I think the numbers are even.

Mids got more high levels char, but most of the older players have more than one 50.

Albs, well, they like safety in numbers... from my experience anyway.

Hibs slaughter most people, regardless of numbers.... seeing a group of hibs kill 20 mids and not lose a single person makes me wanna puke.

Overall though, it's balanced. Just don't expect fun in emain unless you're in a RvR guild.


hibs are dieing on prydwen, was 252 non anon and 1583 or something in total on server. :(

Most people have gotten tired of chanters, whining and mythic's lack of interest.

Aran Thule

Before duskwave wentr down if you looked at the realm ranks Midgard had more or less twice the number of people that were RR2+ then Hibernia had.
Albion had similar numbers to midgard.

This might have changed a fair bit since then but at a guess i would say:

Hibs 20%, Albs 40-45%, Mids 35-40%


Originally posted by old.ondor
i doupt your numbers are correct

but im deleting my char rite now

well 307 players in hib not including /anon and 2001 plaers on the server. We are really screwed :(

tonight prime time 6.30 pm GMT 290 people online in hib :(

Originally posted by case-rigantis
i`d say on prydwen the realms are fairly even now albs have slightly more people ...mids have more high levels..and hibs have caught up over the last few months probably something like..

40%alb 35%mid 25%hib

although RvR is generally

35%alb 35%mid 30%hib so fairly balanced IMO

That rvr figure is a lie
more like

60%alb 20%mid 20%hib


its only fun to be on the side with few numbers imo :)
Remember when i played hibbi for 1 night or 2 and i had fun as hell and owning mids,albs all the time :)

2fg and u can do miracles :) and have alot of fun
But tbh i dont like to play on hibbie since imo its a realm that is to overpowered and dont wanna play on a realm like that i think for example if 1fg hibs kills 1fg albs or 1fg mids its noot that "great" but if u have 1fg mids and kill 1fg hibs its a better achivement and if u have 1fg kill 1fg hibs or mids u have probelly played pretty nice etc, and how fun is it with not big challenges none imo :)


Doubt you can even imagine what some us would give just to be in the realm without mindless zerglings all over the place and the chance of always having something to fight when going to Emain. :p

Low population = good, High population = bad. k?


Hmm, low pop can be good but too low and there's never anyone to fight with :(


From what I can tell it is fairly balanced in RvR with the bias slightly toward Hibs... usually it ends up being who can get their insta CC off first (i.e not the albs)

But RvR is not strictly limited to Emain, I have had many a good 1fg vs 1fg fight in HW where the outcome is uncertain and the fight is long and good. Longish waits between fights, but you have to wait to port to emain usually anyway ;)

And if you make a friar please be prepared to be targetted first and hope you have a good healer at your back. :)

The Real Redi

hmmm, well its been said on many occaisons that Albs only zerg there way in the frontier... odd that.

Hating Emain, like i do, I run regularly all over Mid frontier, and spend time wandering around Hadrians Wall and Surs/Eras, and the only times im ever killed by anything other than stealthers, or boneys (who have their own little armies anyways), it is at least 1fg charging around and lawnmower my green arse down.

I have on only three or four occaisons seen NON-stealther classes solo-skirmishing (or duetting, but again, nearly always stealthers :bore: )

I get the feeling a lot of the vintage 2003 alb-zerg-whine should maybe dumped in the Battlegrounds forum, and even then, it can only be classed as a zerg if the force is working/moving together - which we all know albs NEVER do; "all for one and screw the rest, whilst your flaming the cleric and camping the PKs!"

Not being 50 (still) its rare that i ever survive to return to my realm intact, but ive beaten the odd one on one with a stealther who missed his PA, so its not all bad... <shrugs>

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