Pop Quiz!

  • Thread starter Roo Stercogburn
  • Start date

Roo Stercogburn

1) You're about to warpjump. Your ship disappears. You can no longer see it or control it and when you try to get back in game after relogging your char won't work. How do you clean your windscreen when you can't see the ship?

2) You want to buy stuff on the market, in fact have flown a long way to get to the station you know sells what you want but no although market transactions appear to work, no items actually seem to be changing hands. How do you get that Pan Galactic Gargleblaster you were after?

3) You try to plan a route to a far off system but as soon as you set a system as a waypoint you can't access any information on that system via the map any more to check things. How do you plan a route that is free of badly driven caravans sweeping across the middle spacelane?

4) You log off one night and the system you were in was a .8 system. When you log on in the morning you head out to an asteroid belt to mine you get jumped by 5 serps and then notice its now a .3 system. You haul ass back to base as fast as you can tail firmly between your legs and log off. Several hours later you log back on and its a .9 system. Where do you go for therapy?

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