


Well I'm away for four days now so before I go a quick rant about levels of politeness in the game.

Pet Hates:

1. You invite person A to join your group.....person A levels then disbands...ofetn leaving the group in an area which is too dangerous for them without person A. I mean come on guys would sticking around a while or asking if anyone else is close to a level that you can help really hurt?

2. You invite person A to your group...person A joins then finds a 'better' group and disbands without a single word. Now this I understand if you want to join up with people you know better etc that's just fine but how much does it cost to say 'Thanks for offer but I'm joining with my friends'?

[This happened to my group at the relic raid on Saturday with a level 50 player and their friend...really at that level you should know politeness costs you nothing]

The atmosphere on Albion at both low and high levels (and in the middle too since I got alts playing in the 10's 20's and 40's) has gone greatly downhill of late. You don't have to like everyone but a little curtesy would go a long way.


Remember ... as said soo often in the forum :
Level does not stand for politeness or lack there of. It's the person behind the keyboard that is responsible for that.
Be it true that some have got bigheaded about being lvl 40+, there r loads of nice peeps at high lvl.

What I do want to add to the list is the fact that no matter what lvl you are, you cant run around solo in albion anymore without having to click away one or more invite group (even guild) messages (and yes, my lfg flag was off). What has happened to introducing oneself before that ?

Just a little sidenote as for my opinion.


Ah man it's even more fun teaming with lower lvlers =)

Herbal Remedy

think that was me at the relic raid sorry had to group with my guild m8s who lacked a healer didnt leave you for a better group just guild m8s hope u can understand that 8)
/edit if it was me id did say sorry i have to go join some guild m8 as they have no healer and my friend the merc was joing guild team as well

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