Polished Granite Staff of Earth!



Hello, sorry if i have posted this in the wrong place but this is my first time using Bworld forums ;)

Does anyone have a Polished Granite Staff of Earth that I could have, whether i have to buy it, trade for it or get given it i dont mind.

The only things i have to offer for trade is Stonepin boots.

If u have the Staff and are looking for a particular item to trade then reply to this with what it is plz

Thankyou ;)

I forgot to say either reply here or msg Matthius/Darkshot in game plz


Stonepin stuff isn't that rare if your spend a lot of time in dm, the staff is tho, if anyone had one spare it'd be snapped up by their guild theurgy(s).

(altho if you have a ice one sitting around, and want to give it away :), i have no money thanks to the relic doors :( )

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