Poem: The Fearless (Paladins)



In the wake of the recent Paladin joke posts on this forum comes another song praising their strength and valor. For those paladins that felt disheartened and sad at that post, stand straight and be proud as you hear these resounding notes!
The Fearless
In his shining armor dressed,
Always stoic, ever blessed.
By the Holy Church anointed,
Weapons at the foe is pointed.
Sacred longsword bravely swinging,
Bloodied shield the weak upbringing.
Striding forth with fearless power,
Paladins will never cower.


Your gesture is greatly appreciated, oh kind minstrel.
Even though we have our Holy Church as our guide, it will warm many hearts knowing that our presence is still much wanted and welcomed all around Albion.

lamus Yuatja

I can do poems myself but im to afraid of sounding like a girl.
Not sayin u do, u do it good :D :clap:


Hrm another hegley-style mangling of a superb Belomar epic poem? (ok it's nothing like Hegley, but I can dream... ;))
Oh why not

The Fearless
In his shining armor dressed,
Always stoic, ever blessed.
By the Holy Church anointed,
Weapons at the foe is pointed.
Sacred longsword bravely swinging,
Bloodied shield the weak upbringing.
Striding forth with fearless power,
He got mezzed before he left the tower.

Hope you don't mind me doing this Belomar :) the originals are superb.
I'm just being ironic and daft :)

For those of you unfamiliar of the works of Hegley, here's a sample:

The Price of Art in Luton

On the bridge approaching the railway,
the man was begging.
I said draw me a dog
and I'll give you a quid.
So I gave him some paper
and he did.
And I said, there you go, mate,
you can make money out of art!
Will you sign it?
As I handed him the one pound thirty-odd
I had in my pocket,
he informed me that the signed ones were a fiver.


Sounding like a girl?

Sounding like a girl? I will have you know that the minstrels of old held a well-regarded position and their task was to record the history into songs and stories, exactly what I am doing. Besides, I think that poetry has the unique property of capturing a concept in very few words and with potentially infinite detail.

To tell you the truth, I don't particularly care if someone disapproves of my work on the sole basis that it is "just poetry". :)

Thanks all for the praise!


No problem

Originally posted by Fingoniel
Hope you don't mind me doing this Belomar :) the originals are superb.
I'm just being ironic and daft :)
Hehe, quite all right! Your version is very funny (poor paladins!), but my purpose in life as realm chronicler is of course to boost the morale of our fair Albion, so I tend to praise rather than ridicule. ;)


Call me Cyrano :)

I salute your morale-boosting songs!

Any chance of one for a merc?


Belomar - should post these to the general DAoC forum :) they're cool - more people will see them there :)


More poems...

A mercenary one will surely come, I am intent on writing one for each of the Albion classes, but when they do come is dependent on the volatile nature of inspiration. Soon, I hope, especially now that I've received my first request. :)

About putting the poems on the General forum, that's a good point and I will do it, possibly tonight. I am also working on a website with all my writings and meanderings (including a storybook you can print in a nice format!).


so I tend to praise rather than ridicule.

Words of true wisdom. Hope you inspire more people with your way of thinking.


Nice indeed,
this goes to all sad paladins even if other ppl think that we are gimped nothing is less true!!!!
We are the working horse in every battle the last man standing!
We may be not the greatest fighters but we are the greatest leaders.
Don't let nobody tell you other wise!

Paladins rule for ever!


U r all just jealous to the MASTER OF GIMP, u GIMPS


Nice poem.

As a pally i just can't help thinking about the very old song we learned in the early days in pally-school, "Everything I can do you can do better".
(Original, Anything you can do I can do better, from the musical, "Annie, get your gun.") :) :m00: :)

Now some people even complain about our rez spells is to weak.
"Better dead than live, if rezzed by a pally ?"
Even our unique specline chants is a laugh in many ways, unless many pallies are in the same group.

Knowing I'm such a RvR-gimp just make me feel even prouder when I succeed killing an enemy.

And remember, pallies rox in PvE. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Gimped but RoX, we know we SuX, but who cares anymore:confused:

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