Poem: Ode to Albion



To celebrate my return to Albion after one week's absence, and to glorify our fair realm, I have composed this little creation:
Ode to Albion
Walking the lands of our fair Albion,
The most beautiful sights you will see.
Rivers of silver and mountains of gold,
And the occasional tree.
The vile Lyonesse, a place of dark dangers,
The woods of Sauvage, hunted by rangers,
The Pennine Mountains, tall and forbidding,
The Stonehenge Barrows, its name most fitting.
The places are many, the danger is great,
Beware where you tread or face a doomed fate.
Long live Albion!


w000t nice one Belomar :) Keep em coming. Love your works..



Thanks for all the praise, it warms the heart of this scarred wanderer. To my mind, the task of a minstrel is not only to mezz, charm and fight, but also to spin tales and sing of noble deeds throughout the lands. :)

More seriously, on those occasions when I find myself delegated to merely playing powersong and DDing the baddies attacking a group, I usually take it on myself to try and keep spirits high and this keep the group together for as long as possible. If that means I need to come up with some vivid stories, then so be it! (The seed of the Barrows poem in a related thread was actually invented when my group was killing vigis in the Barrows.)


:clap: Another nice poem Belomar :clap:

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