Poem: A Versatile Beast (Minstrels)



The time has come for me to raise my voice in the honor of my proud Minstrel brothers, to sing of our valor and strength, or cunning and might, and our skill and charm. Minstrels of Albion, be proud of your profession as the chosen battle poets of our realm! Without our strong arm and powerful songs, Albion would be faltering indeed.
A Versatile Beast
While roguish and charming with a lute in his hands,
This poet of battle thrives in war-ravaged lands.
Tapping his drum with effortless ease,
Playing his flute to make his foe freeze.
Bending the will of the creatures around,
Sending them chasing the target to ground.
Hide in thin air, perform at a feast.
Aye, the minstrel's a versatile beast.


Ehem...no sorc poems...you know, we are versitile to...we can single mezz, ae mezz...eh...root...eh, did I mention ae mezz...ok fine, we're sad, but we desreve some lovin to


Oops, just saw the sorc poem...I'll just take my foot out of mouth and be on my way. Thank you and goodbye.


As I've mangled all the rest - thought I might as well have a bash :)

While roguish and charming with a lute in his hands,
This poet of battle thrives in war-ravaged lands.
Tapping his drum with effortless ease,
Groans as he hears, 'Mana song please.'
For the fortieth time this hour,
he's regenerating their power.
Could he maybe mesmerise?
A discordant note, just some surprise?
Anything to test his vocal range...
Oh wait, 'speed please', there's a change.


It's funny because it's true :)

again apologies for ruining another top class poem Belomar :)

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