Plz GOA give us a PvP server ASAP!



I've been reading about Mordred and its ruleset and mates, from my point of view, it totally owns regular or roleplay servers. If they can come out with that thing polished n' working fine, it will make regular servers as boring as most TV shows.

Not being affiliated to any realm is really nice. Creating multi-raced guilds, weird group combinations, travelling "foreign" (well I don't think they will be called so anymore :D ) realms, buying stuff whatever place you are, ..., well, in short words, doing almost anything you want. That's the real power, that's the real fun.
Did I mention relics will be controlled by guilds, not realms?
And don't forget you'll be able to exit capital cities to many places inside realms; this is a really nice idea to avoid bad peeps camping at the two main exits for PKing, and will give us an umprecedent speedup in travelling :D .
Darkness falls opens 24/365 :)

Yeah I know its not ready even in DAoC USA, but I'd like to see this here soon. I'd suggest opening an english server to see the acceptance of it (more ethnic friendly ;) ).



Kemor has already said that GOA is amenable to opening a PvP server as soon as they have seen how the final version works in the US, and that if/when they do open one, it will be in english.

Brannor McThife

Patience young padewan. ;)

All things in good time. PvP for the mass murderers amongst us, and epic events for the RPG'ers. Sounds good to me. May just try out that PvP server...just so you can all slaughter me. ;)



I'm more or less 'on hold' until the PvP-server is opened here in EU. Hopefully it will be before SWG cause otherwise I have the feeling my DAoC-account will be kind of terminated :eek:

I'm crossing my fingers that the US-version will be ready soon, and that GOA won't have to mix with the code but can get it up and running here a few days after US-release. English/English or American/English .. who cares :)


Its starting to look like it will blow chunks tho.

Mass ganking at bind points, not my cup of tea, it will e PK fest and the essence of the game, RvR, will be lost.

I will reserve judgement till I have played it myself, tho from some US testers feedback, it dont sound much fun unless you are the Ganker as opposed to the Gankee, and even then, chain ganking at bindpoints for zero xp kinda sucks anyway.


Mmm. Yes.

Clouded the future is, yes. Much suffering i see, mmm. Flames of PvP server come. Uber-group formed quickly i know, mm, yes. Hidden classes of the dark side uber they say. Gripe i hear. Flame after flame will come. Head hurt now, yes. Yoda talk big pain.


Re: Mmm. Yes.

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Clouded the future is, yes. Much suffering i see, mmm. Flames of PvP server come. Uber-group formed quickly i know, mm, yes. Hidden classes of the dark side uber they say. Gripe i hear. Flame after flame will come. Head hurt now, yes. Yoda talk big pain.


people will get bored of ganking at bindstones, and with a nice group of 8 friends it would probably not be that big a problem to turn the tables :)

I'm sure it will get 'better' since mythic is working very hard on it (as far as the patching goes). Tweaks tweaks and more tweaks ... and then we might get a very balanced PvP-server WITH the latest patch!

Maybe a prydwen-guild would be something to set up ;)


I think that can be solved somehow

Well, how about putting some guard patrols around the realm (more numerous around bindpoints ok) acting as anti-violence police? :D

Yes, that would put some fear over PKers and other players in general, as they'd have to look out a bit to avoid being spotted by "police" while trying to murder someone, lol :D
It would also be fun seeing people stuck to the "pacifist police" while trying to travel the realm.

I don't think you need any new rule (maybe I'm wrong, who knows), just change the environment itself to fit needs.
"NPC mobs" could also be cool.



It'll probably settle down so that the groups of people hanging around the bindstones start getting by the groups of people that trip over there to kill the campers...

It will get rid of a lot of the griefers though :) they can go to the grief server, leaving the Realm vs Realm ones that bit more peaceful.


who is going to roll a shammie on these servers ? :/


Prkleen Tohtori sehän puhuu ihan eri taval :)

PvP Server still balancing need... mmm... great amounts ganking happen, yes... mmm... GOA powerful not yet... time need to PvP server bring they do... mmm... jedi council opinion its own have... GOA concentrate on patching must! Mmm...


No joo no...niin :D

Ok fine, maybe you do speak better yoda but i'm still small and wait..


I'm really hoping we won't get a PvP server... The whole idea = counter strike bull ****.

What will happen is we'll attract alot of i33t (whatever) scum, entrances and bind stones will be camped, as they are in america.

The reason I don't want a PvP server is it would drain resources from the main game, keep the money and get a few more translation staff = earlier patching of the game.


Oh, I don't know. They wouldn't be translating the PVP server into french or german, so it wouldn't be draining translation resources. It might well mean there will never be a third english regular server, or a roleplay server, we might never get those anyways. On the other hand if it kept a few more players happy and interested in the game, then that's all good - the more people there are subscribing and playing, the better!


Originally posted by kain_pravus

The reason I don't want a PvP server is it would drain resources from the main game, keep the money and get a few more translation staff = earlier patching of the game.

Think you are wrong. PvP-server would be used as an alternative to the other servers. When you feel like playing normal DAoC you play a normal server and when you feel like getting some 'hardcore' PvP (guild vs guild) going you join the PvP-server.

It's mainly for people who are either bored of playing the normal DAOC-style or who prefer PvP over normal. These people wouldn't play the normal game anyway so I don't see how a PvP-server could 'drain resources from the main game'. It's not like the people who are already bored will keep on hacking and slashing :)

As it is now I switch between pryd/alb and excal/mid so I won't get TOO bored of playing albion. Things are not very diffrent in mid tho (or excal) so I still get bored after a while. Some PvP would be good for those occations!


¿Remove xp winning/penalty?

Maybe they should get rid of the xp penalty/earnings, much like PvP is on the regular servers. I don't think that would destroy much of the charm a PvP server has, in fact I think it may be beneficial, as it would diversify a lot the player conflict, regarding locations of course.
I'm just seeing the peeps fighting for the good xp spots hehe (also for some of the loot from the losers ;) )

Or maybe the problem may get a fix changing the spawn system a little. Being able to bind in much larger zones around bindstones, and/or spawn in random places inside that zones may do the thingie.

Still I like the idea of having some "police". Would help to relax a bit :m00:



Wouldn't we have to wait for GOA to patch the normal servers to 1.5x before we get the PvP server?

Else, the client(on our PCs) will be patched to 1.4x for the normal servers and 1.5x for the PvP. Will it be possible?


I would thought GOA would have to release the PvP server in French as well, seeing that they aren't allowed to release software that doesn't have a french equivelent.

If this isn't the case, then why not just release everything in english?

Way too many contradictions with this whole subject.


I guess that depends on whether or not the final version of DAOC-PVP uses the exact same client as the regular DAOC, or whether all the modifications are server-side. It may well be that to play on the PVP server, you have to do the same thing as to log onto Pendragon or Gorre - keep a copy of the game in a separate directory, that is patched from a different patcher than the regular game, in which case GOA could run the PVP server at a different version than the main servers (if they decide to).


Basically, bind stones are camped yes. There is a few sec immortality tho. You should be able to choose where you want to spawn. And make a "safe zone" around bindstone, for like one visible range. That would help a bit. You still could get a mate inside the bubble, he tells you where people go and you go keel, but thats too hard work ;)


Originally posted by Fingoniel
It will get rid of a lot of the griefers though :) they can go to the grief server, leaving the Realm vs Realm ones that bit more peaceful.

I agree ... hopefully they will open this soon, so we can get rid of all the griefers, and leave this as a true RPG.



What are you talking about cerebus? :eek: Are you saying french is a must for GOA?

Absolutely lame and sad I'd say if that's true, because I can't understand then how GOA is responsible or in charge of "european" DAoC. If we have to choose a standard language, be for the world, europe or whatever, that language is english, not french, no question ask. So if you can only choose one and only one the choice is clear, I can't cope with the idea of GOA having to make a french PvP because of that, just too ridiculous for me to believe... :eek6:

I know that's not going to happen :rolleyes:, because if GOA comes with a lone french PvP server, I'd make my account rest forever in Valhalla!


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