aye where would i be without that clown PM'ing me with some fecked up story or two, who will i have to make me mad with envy cos he has soo many more better flashy glowy weapons? Mckfly <slaps him round teh face> wake up dude! people need yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I think most of us get mad sometimes at some people in daoc but is that so strange? We all spend so much time trying to get to lvl 50 in a boooooring way. Sorry but it is really boring to kill gobs for almost 15 levels (including the Tanglers) and then spending the rest of your levelling time doing trees. Ok I made some xp in barrows and at other places to but if you want to group up you have to be in Lyonesse where all others are.
I’m sure that I made some people dislike me to like all of us have. When you doing the same thing over and over you get bored and frustrated and then its easy to get upset over nothing. I can understand that people can get upset sometimes like when I once hitted aenuke button by mistake at tanglers that where rooted just in front of us. Guess if I felt bad when we all where eating mud 10 secs later…
I’ve been in many groups where people talking bad about some guilds or persons and I always try to end that kind of conversation. It gains nothing and it’s just a game. Don’t bother so much about others. Have fun and spend all aggro on mids and hibs
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