Please Stop Zerging "!OUR!" Darkness Falls Entrance Please :)



Earlier today i was in DF soloing with my eldritch getting a couple of +7dex, +9con bracers for my ranger... i'd been there a while, the night before a shadowblade got me, earlier today an infil got me, but other than that no real sign of enemies other than demons. all was going well, i was on my 51st emerald seal since darkness falls had been patched in and was rapidly on the way to getting the second bracer.

then one of our high lvl shades dropps screaming to the floor for no reason, yep, you guessed it, an enemy stealther... so i run down the hall and towards the entrance to get help and have the bastard killed when what do i see?

what i see is something like 30 albs sat there discussing the state of the decor whilst in a room FULL of dead hibbies :( /cry.

now since this was at our entrance there really wansn't anyhere for me to go, i look back the way i've come and i see another swarm of them coming... this is also when i realise that ALL the hibbies i can see are quite dead, i'm the only one there who can still walk.

what i'm saying is this: please stoppit! :) it's irritating when you have to run like a prat and hide in the corner desperately trying to log off before you get found :D i didnt know when we'd get DF back open so i wasnt about to get kicked out so close to getting that second bracer, well anyway i managed to log off just as one of your casters saw me.

i came back later, you'd all gone and i have both bracers now, which is good, but you were bloody inconvenient :) please sod off and stay at your side of the dungeon, we dont want your kind around 'ere! :)


Hit ^_^

All of the cave are belong to us ;)
go kill the dragon or something :p


hehe, last week it was plz stop amg mmg ect....I had the same problem earlier today, wile killing a succubus with my guild grp we run along into an empty room, now, none of us really KNOW where are so I can't say...we turn around and what do we behold...MIDS...ahhhh no wait, I'm a sorceress, I should be ae mezzing, ok, 1, 2, 3, start casting ok, halfway thru, omg, I might get this mezz off in time to live...ah hell, I'm dead.

and that was only the first encounter =/

Oi, guys at Mythic, can I get an instant ae mezz with a radius of 6000 plz? I'm not uber nuff :p


Originally posted by old.Charonel were bloody inconvenient :) please sod off and stay at your side of the dungeon, we dont want your kind around 'ere! :)


Same goes to you :p
I was twise killed today by a band of rampaging hibs while peacefully killing green plated thingies at our enterance... :)

Well, the first time the whole band of vandals was cornered by our reinforcements from below right at our portal and annihilated...
Revenge is so sweet :)


ive been killed closeish to our entry by hibs + mids no big deal so stop whining and go get some more seals :)


I think some are taking this post too serious... ;)

Just say:

We're sorry for the inconvenients we cause, but our zerging nature forces us to exterminate all invaders in DF... We cant help it, its what we do...

To try and solve any future conflicts, we will try (note: TRY) to zerg the mid entrance first... But since we're just an uncontrolled herd of Albs, if the majority goes to the Hib entrance, we have no other solution then to follow...

We are albs, we zerg :clap:


Heh well mids charged our merchants a few days ago so u will get used to it:p

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Heh well mids charged our merchants a few days ago so u will get used to it:p

We had some infiltrators over by the Hib merchants; heard they amused themselves :)


Well my level 19 theurg was killed near the merchants, he has 290 hits (buffed) took 792 damage ;) I'm not sure the time it takes to make an attack is really worth the one realm point but hey at least the guy left me alone after one kill and didn't stand there griefing. Roll on the patch that removed one shot stay stealthed :)



Well Korv was roaming our merchants a time ago when we didnt have entrence I just logged on in DF a buffed up and saw ppl getting 1 hit killed by Korv (most grey and think 2 blue/yellow casters) so I start roaming around looking for him, saw him a little glimps and missed pbaoe mezz, some other get killed a bit from our merchants, ran over there, stopped for a while and who is standing perfectly still beside me there? Oh it was a Korv (hotdog in english), start casting my stun, and still no movement, and bang a nuke and he was visible, lucky I had backup cause that smite that turned him visible was my last mana, but he was struck down by a bolt of fire =):clap: :clap: :clap:


oki, just incase anyone didnt know, this thread was meant to be funny, these forums have been getting a little bitchy lately and i thought i'd post something which may bring a smile to peoples faces for once :)

hope it did.

but i'd still appreciate it if you'd stay at your side of the dungeon :p hehe


lol ours all ours!! no its pretty funny though when the fights go on in that place when ure trying to solo and doing well!! grr but still more fights to come...and more portal camping to be done...c ya there..:clap: /bow


You just gotta remember that when u take the entrance from us most of alb is still down there :)

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