please some one help me



Ok I am sure you all get this alot but the FPS on quake 3 are just horrible. Once I start a game it runs fine for about 20 minutes or so then the frames quickly drop to almost 3 or less . My pc specs are 500 mhz celeron 128 megs of ram and a voodoo 3 graphics card and a cable internet connection. I am at the end of my rope here . Please any help would be greatly appreciated. There is nothing worse than getting fragged while stuck in a corner trying to turn around at 12 fps for sec.


make sure you havent got a virus scanner running in the background.

make sure ALL drivers on u system are upto date.

try the wickedgl drivers (do a search it)

make sure you are running the game at a sensible setting :)

this is waht i use and is fairly quick -

// ***** "Fixed" Video Settings
SETA r_mode "3"
SETA r_nocull "0"
SETA r_picmip "3"
SETA r_finish "0"
SETA r_flares "0"
SETA r_drawSun "0"
SETA r_gamma "1.22"
SETA r_fullscreen "1"
SETA r_depthbits "16"
SETA r_colorbits "16"
SETA r_primitives "0"
SETA r_inGameVideo "0"
SETA r_stencilbits "0"
SETA r_dlightBacks "1"
SETA r_vertexLight "1"
SETA r_texturebits "16"
SETA r_swapInterval "0"
SETA r_subdivisions "7"
SETA r_simpleMipMaps "1"
SETA r_ignorehwgamma "0"
SETA r_facePlaneCull "1"
SETA r_overBrightBits "3"
SETA r_detailtextures "0"
SETA r_displayRefresh "0"
SETA r_roundImagesDown "3"
SETA r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
SETA r_ext_compressed_textures "1"

// ***** "Dynamic" Video Settings
SETA cg_gibs "0"
SETA cg_marks "0"
SETA r_lodbias "2"
SETA com_blood "0"
SETA r_fastsky "1"
SETA cg_shadows "0"
SETA cg_drawGun "0"
SETA cg_brassTime "0"
SETA cg_forceModel "0"
SETA cg_simpleItems "1"
SETA cg_draw3dIcons "0"
SETA r_dynamiclight "0"
SETA cg_drawAttacker "0"
SETA r_lodCurveError "5000"

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