Please ! - Servers



right, i dunno if i shoud post this here, but i might as well cos it can always be moved right? :)

hardly any1 uses the FFA servers or TDM... and there are 2 of each... which is a bit of a waste...

i think we need another CTF INSTAGIB server ! that gets used a lot! so another one wudnt be too bad, replace a ffa one with it ?

then... we also need the assimilation and specialties servers to be able to vote in them! whyn not add some code in like the instagib ones? so u can only vote maps ? cos no1 goes in them cos the maps are always on crap ones!!!!!!

the action hero server should be srubbed too, no one wants to play it... and replaced with something else like either excessive or assimilation OR A PROPER SPECIALTIES SERVER :upyours:

tbh BW dont have too many maps either... we need BW to help us and do us some favours, how can it hurt u if u replace some with ones that do get used ?

any1 agree? :D


I couldn't agree more,although I think the removal of one of two of the CTF servers could help as well.It's very rare that I see more than three public servers with players in them at the same time.

I'm not sure how the servers are used connection wise,but if it's two servers to one connection (yet again I'm not sure so don't quote me) but taking down the amount of CTF servers would this not free up bandwidth and make them slightly faster?

We had a post from BW on here a few months ago about them changing the rotation of the maps and adding/removing maps as well.nothing has been done yet...................but as it's a free service we can't really complain :)

oh well just supposed we will have to wait :(


lol further to my last reply........................

look at the sticky topic at the top of the forum,then click on the public/bookable link.

I think the change of I.P's is also going to impliment the use of new maps and rotations (although im taking a wild guess) the reason im saying this is...................I qoute

BarrysWorld - Capture The Flag (2) - =====Vote Only===== 27961

if they are adding voting to a server i should think they will be adding maps as well :)


whyn not add some code in like the instagib ones?
this has been asked before, and the answer was too much work (or something like that). As for just enable vote. I would say no, looking at how many new players there are at the moment.

As for the rest cant comment, an not often in those servers.:p
I would like to see a disint duel/ffa, lol even a in2tagib one would be nice:)

maps see here though i haven't seen much change:(


^ too much work?

lets ask salinga or whoeva to just tell them how to do it !!! im sure its easy enuff! and we need some more gr8 maps that EF has to offer on the BW EF servers..... i mean... we r still on geo, faceoff spyglass since they came out nearly 2 years ago?!?! dont get me wrong, they shouldnt be removed cos they rock.... but there is no change or anything new? why not? adding maps is actually very simple :(

sometimes BW servers do have a lot of peeps on, someitmes they dont.... so we need new maps, new servers with maybe voting, and what about some low grav ctf ? might as well make some fun !!!

thats why a lot of US etc countries dont use BW cos of 1, its ping to them and 2, they dont have many maps or voting etc on them :(

shame really when BW has the potential for a lot more :D

some1 help !??!:(


when i searched if the voting thing wasn't threaded already i found this. You do have to realise most people wont do what you told was a solution. The new people wont even realise what to do and just put the game back in the box. Wish it was different though :( . just hope that there will be a map change soon.


I think voting is only going to be enabled on one server so it's not going to be that bad.


any1 from BW gonna answer and please let the players for once get a request NOT denied? :(

god sake, as much as i love playing on BW servers, it seems u dont want ure players to moan or want anything else other than what u have... u've had the same maps for years !!!! get some new ones at least!

and servers that dont get used, whats the point? :(


*COUGH*booming voice from the skies*COUGH*

Thou shalt convert a TDM server to GIB CTF!!! (thunder say "Hooooooo", good)

*COUGH*Normal Voice*COUGH*

Did you hear that? OMG IT WAS HIM!!!!

btw, please no voting (kick or else) allowed on BW or we're going to get the same abuse as usual from people with the know how to use old Q3 voting bugs and who will take us for a infinite discovery walk of all maps first 30 seconds as it happens some times on italian servers...



yep i agree.some server for jedi have the voting enabled
3 games now in CTF totally ruined by people messing about
kicking players...the kick vote sucks big time.


sometimes i wish it was back players calling the better players cheaters or constant spamming is rather irritating :(


ind33d :(

i get called a cheat a lot now, and then they accused my clan of cheating too :(


aaaah but the rest still wub you. it seems to be the rule when a clan is belongs to the top, people like to call them cheats...:(
sad aint it. I often dont use my clantag no more................


ah theres worse!

wait till you're called a hasbeen,thats the hurting one
hehe mind ive always considered myself a neverwas to begin with :O)
is it me or are there some right little F*#$#@@! online
of late??


yes there are. acording to them no more rocket jumps and no more camping. last thing aint bad though...


right, make a rule about no camping in leagues and what you'll have is utter slaughter... as if it wasn't already :p

Camping is a good way to grab a smoke or to get some coffee although what most n00bs on BW call camping is actually defending the flag. I even have been called a camper when rioting in enemy base with photon and all. what is there wrong with camping in enemy base? it's warm, people come to say hi to you and you get to kill them... :D

Disco PhoolCat

Camping - imho - is only a problem when you can't get rid of the buggers, otherwise they're just like speed cops - if you get caught by one then you weren't paying enough attention...

Camping in the enemy base is a laff, though. But it can get a bit boring in KNG1 & 2

If you don't like the campers, TAKE 'EM OUT!!!:flame:

& I don't mean to the flicks...:rolleyes:


lol I actually had that problem last night on the SFI server,a few of the paddy guys and myself went for a little fun.

Don't get me wrong,camping or as it should be known defence is a part of the game and rightly so.It o.k. if they are defending very well...........but then you get incidents like this

The map was kln_1,had this guy called Boneless,just stayed in the top right ledge(if you was going into the base(where the grenade launcher is))
He was there for the whole 20 (app) minutes apart from the first few where he decided to get the photon and get our of my team got thier flag at about the same time and returned to our base meanwhile I decided to wait in the grenade ledge area for mr boneless to return.hehe that was the first place he went,I took him out only for a few seconds later to get the "camper" jibe. lol how can you call somone who is out of thier own base a camper,w00t? you want me not to shoot you? lol
Anyway after that he camped continously on that ledge and as far as I know he didn't move out of his base once lol not even when we got the flag! ooooooooooooh the n00bs,don't you just love them :)
Funny thing is they went down to 5-2 in score and yet he still didn't move even though what he was doing wasn't working that well.
The game ended up 8-2 as far as I remember ah well at least we know he will play and learn...................I hope


CTF_KLN1 is baaaaad for n00bs, if you have a good opposing team they get neverous and do the chickn dance in the main room... sad.

My bro just got cable conn and he tried the game online. He loves it BUT the only thing he can do right now as a n00b is :
a. play in the morning when he can win some games and have fun
b. Sit in a corner with photon and the flag in sight and frag everything that's coming
c. pray that he is on some hot shot team and try to do his stuff...:touch:

poor n00bs need help. reruit them in your clans as we are doing right now so we have a new generation of players and new people connecting on the servers so they don't all go JK2...

anyway defence is my turf, come eat my photon pancakes anytime :flame:


dont get me wrong I have nothing against new players (newbies) but its the n00bs, new players with a big mouth that piss me off.....

Also just standing still is not a good way to learn the game imho, then again i dont think that it will be a nice game if you are constantly fragged...


lol come to think of it we all must of camped at some point of our EF days..................I know I did,it took me about two weeks before I stopped camping lol

oh if you want to find out more about me and my EF experience check out my site (there some other good stuff there as well)

oh and in reply to my own reply about boneless...................saw him again today..................still camping but on and_1 this time lol

some people never learn lol

Disco PhoolCat

Originally p1mped by crashpaddy
oh if you want to find out more about me and my EF experience check out my site (there some other good stuff there as well)

U AER TEH l33t p1mp0r!!!!!!111222¬

Heh, but I really love Mr n00b calling YOU a camper because you were in his campsite!
ROLF takes 1 2 no 1?:flame:


lol yeah,i couldn't help but PMSL over that one.Even better was the fact that after half the game I decided to get payback keeping in that same area so everytime he tried to get back up I slaped him back down :)
n00bs are a pain in the ass but hell they're funny when they keep coming back for more :) hehe

Disco PhoolCat

What a pity there ain't no bombs on that level:D

I can see it now...
From [AOL]l33t_B0neLess_184...

Help! On that Klingon temple map, can't remember the name, but it's got loads of lava outside? You know the one, with the flags?
Anyway, every time I climb the stairs, I blow up for no aparent reason! The spooky thing is, everytime it happens, everyone starts singing campfire songs...


ahhhhh finaly after some crap server-------I had a good one and good sides too :clap: only prob was that I was too tired (its never good:eek: )


one of most frustrating and worst maps for people on other team against u to camp on is spyglass :upyours: :upyours: :upyours:

that bloody does me head in...

in the part where ure on the 2nd floor beneath their flag, and they camp on the diagonal ledge going round towards the grande launcher :(

godammit on a BW ctf last nite and this lad wudnt fekcing move from there, till he d/c after a few times when i killed him with a phaser LoL

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