Please read...........



Hmmmmmm one of the tings i have been looking forward to was the campaign(aha you think a whine about the campaign not being here yet.....WRONG).

So i have been following the forum really much, finding all i could find about events in our fair realm. When i read about it i went out tested and thought about the stuff i read, when new post arrived i would tell people if it had been spotted before and where they could find old threads about it. I even hijacked an old a thread so keep like a master thread for all the new NPC popping up:

Since i keep putting new things in the thread motsly cause ive been meeting some strange things around the realm lately, the thread often sits on top.

Trouble is i have been noticing lately that i am the only one posting in my thread and there seems to be a generall decline in posts about possible campaign related stuff.

Now the reason for this thread is to discover some stuff.

Why does it look like people have lost interest in the campaign:

a: people have given up on campaign.

b: my thread have become to long and people cant be bothered to go all the way to the end to read the new stuff(must admit there is some boring stuff in the middle of thread)

c: I have this really bad habit of posting uber long posts and people cant really be bothered reading it.

d: people are to busy RP farming after the RA came.

e: campaign what campaign...........


f**k realmpoints, i want events :clap:

btw i still think the strangers are scouts, they are checking everything for something big ...


The problem, from an Alb point of view, is how un-interactive the event is. I've taken alot of interest in it, traveled the corners of the ream after both known and unknown pieces of the puzzle. The stuff that happens happens fairly slowly, fair enough, but what is really bothering is that you can't interact with what is happening. I've tried half a dozen of keywords, spoken to all sorts of seemingly unessential NPCs, been chasing ghosts in our frontier, fighting goblins in Cornwall. It all amounts to, nothing. Nothing is changed, there is no effect of my actions beyond the direct kill (respawns in a few mins), no NPC that says anything of true value or responds to conversation.

It's all (atleast currently) just a big show, sit back and enjoy the ride. Not my idea of a stimulating event exactly, of course interest is lost when there is jack all to actually do in the event.

Oh and my apologies to the people I've over the past month hassled off to strange locations to kill a purple mob which I thought to serve a purpose.


Have you read the thread i linked to, i actually had an conversation with one of the NPC's(edit: okay really short one but still) and i think i saw something really rare.......... well wont spoil the fun if you havent read the link yet

Bridge Trent

Its hard to know whethe they are waiting for us to trigger something or for them to start up the events. I cant wait personally, Ive tried saying words to the npcs but had only one reaction so far (one of the strangers in camp forest asked me whether I minded him hunting there I said no and he told me to clear off coz he was tired, hmm). You can guarantee when something happens 200 people will be there within 10 minutes which hopefully wont ruin things.


My take on the events:

Early summer: OOOOO upcomming event, everyone find out as much as possible and we chall overcome the impending evil!

Mid summer: Cool, a couple new things.

late summer (2 weeks ago-today): Oh yeah, the event! Hasn't that been done yet? What are they waiting for? Oh wow, geershas and strangers (kill em respwan and repeat)

I've been to all the known locations of the new event npc's. No big exciting thing. I've been about looking for new things, nothing to special.

In my opinion, they threw out ALOT of hype about the summer event and then forgot to live up to it. It's been way to slow and way to one dimensional. Rarely does anything talk to you, and of those things rarely can you find out anythng worth while from them.

if they don't do the event soon it will fade out of everyones minds and become a big old nothing.


Just wanted to say that i am really happy about doing this thread, i feared people would either just ignore it or call me a bloody whiner or something. It seems like this thread has done its works, peps have started new threads about campaign or event related stuff(or maby more like nonrelated but thouht t be related). So i am felling very happy, chippy..... whatever. Just to bad i cant use all this good energy for something usefull...... like killing stuff...... cause i am working as usuall :(

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