please read -for albions humanity :p



tbh i think albs need to sort some tactics out - i mean cmon atm daily mids camp amg - the only time we get through is when THEY let us and not b4 - but the thing is when they do let us get through after them farming us - literally - for some time we get through amg and generally our bulk will dispand - groups will all split up from the others....nxt thing you know groups are taken out by mid zerg......e.g

we get an oppertunity to counter this - one time with enough albs together...but no - im not saying alb is bad - far from it - just saying we need some organisation.... maybe GM's arranging some general tactics to be used in these situations .... even the simplist of tactics and discussion could help so much in albions performance...

think of it as an Un-Official Alliance btween the guilds in Albion
even if you think is a silly idea - please give it a try ...may help a lot

if any guilds wish to assist in my Proposal please could the GM email me on -


I think the irony and cause of the problem (as you seem to see to see it) is that the months of whining at albs for zerging has actually worked. Most Albs are now so paranoid about being called zergers that they just dont clump togehter for very long and they soon split up into nice little 1 - 2 fgs (a good thing in my view).
The irony of it all, however, is that despite the success of the anti-alb-zerging campaign, its the hibs and mids who now shamelessly practice zerging and camping walls for hours on end (and these lame ass individuals aint gonna stop because they think its so rp profitable).
The solution is that either;
1) The hibs and mids start practicing what they preach and stop zerging
2) As you suggest, the albs start zerging again. If they do, then albs will out-zerg the hibs and mids, and the hibs and mids will have to STFU (hypocritical fools).

Personally I would prefer option 1) ;)


Lets just say,who cares bout being called zergers,it gets me no richer or poorer,cos its a game.Lets zerg them all an burn there villages down an purge there childrens children!!!! /em slaps himself 'must remember its jus a game'.Nah,but if there gonna contradict what we have stopped then they have started i think they deserve it :D :D :D

I think the issue of team work needs looking at,maybe group manouvers across sali plains with scouts shooting graves (cos theres enough of em on there) for special effects would help!?!?


i liek that strondor, i agree...but tbh one thing that piss's me off royal is when people DO complain about zerging...

the point of a game is to WIN! simple as that.

and to do that you do whatever you see fot in doing...

if we zerg we win..if we dont we lose..

so why is it wrong for us ( or anyone ) to is fullfilling the object of the game - any game for that matter - TO WIN!

so when someone says 'omfg i killed 5 albs , so they got a group of 8 to come kill em! how lame'

lmfao tbh !

so we are expected to go out 1 by one and die ? lmfao

is it just me or do people miss the point of a game - if they lose they complain ! haha sort it out!

if you dnt like zerging play SNake!


problem with the mid zerg is that they are a skilled mid zerg o_O put insta win button in skilled mid zerg hands and we gonna get pwned unless we got double their numbers ^^


Originally posted by yog-hurt
the point of a game is to WIN! simple as that.

and to do that you do whatever you see fot in doing...

if we zerg we win..if we dont we lose..

so why is it wrong for us ( or anyone ) to is fullfilling the object of the game - any game for that matter - TO WIN!

Hmm, gonna have to disagree with you there. I thought the object of the game was to have fun... Now if you're trying to tell me that the only way to enjoy the game is to win (and therefore zerg), then I'm afraid in my humble opinion I think you're missing out on alot. Personally, if I am in a close fight with an equal number of hibs or mids and lose, then I would still find that infinitely more enjoyable than winning all the time by zerging. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference, but I would say that if you only enjoy the game when you're winning (as opposed to engaging in meaningful battles), then you aint gonna enjoy it very much overall ;) . Having said that, I do agree that when faced with mids camping amg we do need to organise, and on a number of occasions recently its been a pleasure to see Albs forming a large chat group and atleast trying to act as one unit. We just need more of that :)


lol, well here it is how it goes

Well mids/hibs camping WALL....why rush there??

they will 1st cast the doors, 1st wave stopped, then behind them is usually casters, boom, csaters dead, tanks get AOE, they back up fast, and mids/hibs kill more us than we kill them = they get more RP.

After 3-4 trys we manage to get trough, then what we do ?
we go camp another wall, and after 3-4 trys enemy gets trough, and yes, albs rush after them all the way to TK, some of them die and then enemy rush, and makes sure peeps dont get rezzed = force at wall gets smaller...

difference here is when albs r trying to get wall they run back to TK, albs die more, and dont get rezzed, and enemy rezzz's their casualties = Albs force gets smaller and need to wait port = more RP's to enemy.....start from beginning..

Why albs dont wait them to rush? range attack on side, with some tank cover, and also at front....enemy wiped on 3 diff direction, and we have made them to make the move, we dont rush, and why this dont work? Well as well known albs thinking= 1 enemy weee, if i kill that 1 , i might get 80 RP's and i will die and give 800 RP's but so what , i got RP's weee me gonna get soon new RA....1:10 ,Specially when 10 guys think the same , and kill the same hib/mid while hib/mid kills all those 10 guys , so its 1:10

.and again force is smaller at the wall, and rezzing is slow because some still thinks that "wee i got mana left i smite" and pallys rezz they mana off and casters wait 10 mins to get something done again....and again albs die more because no caster prot = more RP's to enemy...

Then when enemy at our frontier, there aint no walls, only trees, 1-3 fgp enemy kills 1-5 fgps albs aover and over again, why? because they think again, 1 enemy weee, if i kill that 1 , i might get 80 RP's and i will die and give 800 RP's but so what , i got RP's weee me gonna get soon new RA,,,,,Specially when 10 guys think the same , and kill the same hib/mid while hib/mid kills all those 10 guys , so its 1:10

and same time porting guys moan , bah they farming at sauvage again, while peeps who wanna go to sauvage, and wait more peeps, looks while the same guys port 2-3 times to emain , because they have got killed when mids/hibs r camping WALL..and what there happens read from beginning...

And of course then mids/hibs takes renaris, and moan here that Albs dont wanna take defended keeps, and u know who i mean, and then when albs r defending keeps, enemy dont attack, because albs r defending, well that crybaby on that enemy side can stfu, imo, and try remember those 5-6 hour defends at the end enemy gets the keep, like albs will get renaris, just thinking 2 much RP's is lame, because at keep fights, u mostly get the msg, xxxxx has been recently killed no RP's gained....and then albs r waiting 4-5 hours to enemy to come to keep, while enemy camp WALL to do whats told at the beginning ..but the prob specially in odins side is that albs inc with bad tactics or with 2 few peeps because rest r dieng at emain, and what there happens, read at beginning, and that enemy who can stfu, imo, laughs to his beard, and thinks what RA he's gonna buy next...

then albs come here and moan, why? because they died so many times....and call mids and hibs zerging....and when albs do it hibs/mids moan it....well

any cures???

Yes, but i think albs dont have enough patience for that....because they think 1 enemy weee, if i kill that 1 , i might get 80 RP's and i will die and give 800 RP's but so what , i got RP's weee me gonna get soon new RA,,,,,Specially when 10 guys think the same , and kill the same hib/mid while hib/mid kills all those 10 guys , so its 1:10


enemy camps Wall...hmm, wait 2-3 ports, ZERG their buts back to home realm, or pull them to our side wall....then what? Huge amount of albs r looking each other at amg and thinks what to do next, go to enemy wall? wrong answer!!!
most of the enemy is killed at wall, and maybe some enemy know s that albs there, so what to do ..... split up 1-2 fgps, each group takes 1 keep, if defended, sent infils to look how many etc etc, u all know the drill...then albs have taken keeps, with good luck 3-5 keeps, then DEFEND the keeps, if hibs/mids r thinking this boring, and starts to take albs keeps, well then its easy, enemy at our frontier, knock enemys relic door, they will come back, and they have managed to take only 1 keep, and imo, would be stupid to take enemy realm keeps when own keeps r at enemy hands...then of course start to take keeps back , so what if they have defended, its boring to take undefended keeps, imo..

and then u think about RP's again..well its same kind of ping pong effect than the wall fight, go to doors, die, run to tk, most die, they release, gaved RP, and then again....only difference keep fights is , that its more fun, and what was the meaning to have in this game? to have fun... prob solved....

but who will make it when every1 thinks 1 enemy weee, if i kill that 1 , i might get 80 RP's and i will die and give 800 RP's but so what , i got RP's weee me gonna get soon new RA,,,,,Specially when 10 guys think the same , and kill the same hib/mid while hib/mid kills all those 10 guys , so its 1:10

=) and if u dont understand a lot from that text, get finglish translator, but i think u will get the point easy.....

and sorry if it was little long text, but hey, thats life


Mids Zerg AMG, let them have it

If mids are zerging AMG, lets all let them have it buy a medalion to odins and cause some havoc there,
and let them stand at amg with nobody to fight
and dont give me that odins is always empty BS, get acouple of grps there start taking keeps, mids will show up


sigh - well with the interest ive had seems that albs care not too much about the succes of thier rlm.


after the same shit for 8 months mate yuo gotta expect that ppl cant be assed much not sayin its right or fair on those that do just that its to be expected


Albion is just filled with acne covered twats, who are still in diapers. The combined IQ of most is the same as my shoe size (size 10 if you want to know).
There should be several leaders, and they call the shots. Shame that this will never work as most of the players are too immature to set aside their elite ego's and do as they are told.
They will claim they just play for their fun, etc, blabla...
Regards, Glottis


I have a small suggestion to the wall figth thing..

Have 1 kamikaze group who uses SoS to run though the wall..
on the other side they have to turn against the wall again.. and start to mezz/nuke what ever is coming after em .
hibs and mids allso follow the RP's so 40-50& of the wall force will fokus on the kamikaze group... and the alb army have a chance to break though...

thing is this works best with a sorc in group ... if he gets to the other side and starts to mezz rigth and left the chance's for the albs are big ..

i have been in groups who did this many times.. it can fail but most of the time we broke the wall.


Actually I managed to just sprint through the milegate once ;) ran past them, whacked the one person on the way past and hid in the trees.

Chased a red caster that ran from the battle (as the rest of the albs came through a minute or so later) got him to 10% but he QC mezzed me, fled to range and nuked me to death (waah)
so close :)


In my opinion , I think Fins advice here IS the solution
to the zerging and such problems building up...

If we have the numbers we should be constantly taking their keeps, always putting pressure on them to spend more time
on their defense rather than the zerg.

If this is accomplished we could then move from the mile gates and start attacking them on way to their keeps , hitting them from the sides / behind and frontal , with our 1-2 fgs we could keep moving around their frontier , hunting them not the other way around . And if they attack our keeps we all move to intercept and take back.

Simple solution


I agree with Bracken,

There is no end to the game therefore there is no winner, what you do to somebody esle will get done to you, and since Albs started the zerg I dont think Albs are in any position to nag about it now, just because some of us dont do "Zergs" doesnt mean other wont, some idiots will always charge and die, then get pissed off when they dont get a rez.

I dont like Zerging cuz its wank, it takes no ability, you dont need a brain to do it, in fact all you need is a button that says "go with zerg" and suck in the RP's.

9 times out of 10 all that happens is that you ganked 30 mids or hibs or whatever and then you all sit down and talk about RA's and kak...

I'm quite happy to get ganked in a fair battle or even if its 2fg vs 1 fg least it aint 50 albs or mids or hibs mowing down anything in its path.

Sure its a game, but there is ability and skill, there is honour and respect among some people sadly Zergs have none of the above.

If you zerg you WILL be zerg'd back.


Originally posted by old.Filip

thing is this works best with a sorc in group ... if he gets to the other side and starts to mezz rigth and left the chance's for the albs are big ..

~collapses laughing~

~gets up~

~collapses laughing again~

Cupcake, sorcs are lucky if they can get within mezzing range of the DOORS on their own side of the wall! And mezz takes so long to cast that your sorc will be dead before it is off 9 times out of 10.

Why? Someone will instastun him. Or QCbolt him. Or instamezz. Or give him a dirty look and he'll have a heart attack and die.

And if none of that happens, the target will have moved out of range whilst he is casting.

~grinds teeth~

I'm just starting RvR and already it's like the pain and anguish involved in PvE group mezzing multiplied by a GAZILLION.

So, just take a cleric and get THAT to AoE instamezz on the way through the doors.

BTW...mezzing the doors is so lame but it's all I can survive long enough to do. ~cries~



Originally posted by old.Filip
Have 1 kamikaze group who uses SoS to run though the wall..
Kamikaze meaning yes you will die cupcake
SoS meaning Speed of Sound so that you will get through and have enought time to QC without getting mezzed/stunned. It has been done.

I for one just get bored with the situation and go play my alt.

I am still hoping that they impliment some kind of battleground where 1 group from each realm ports in and no one leaves til only one realm is left standing. That would be much more interesting.


what would nolby pride do if they did that kate there only used to working in numbers avg 20+ :p


First ya you will proberly die ...

but you bring so much confusion to the lines that the alb army got a real chance to get though ..

and about the Instant mezz and stuff ... ya well .. mostly they dont make it in time before you have past em..
they allso chat and do stuff they are not supossed to :)

all i can say i have been in groups where we have done it many times ..

so it can be done...


A big alliance is not a good idea at all.... we tryed this with Albion United but we all saw how that went down...

The reason for Albion United`s failure was egos...


Dendan... i did not say Big alliance... i said an un-official alliance....which is very vague and kept to a minimum of discussion aprt form GM's/officers...i was thinkin about weekly meetings/cg-discussiuon's about the way we perfomed as a rlm and the way that ca be changed in the future... and the GM's them selves will pass the info to thier guild members.

tbh i dnt think anyone can say it 'isn't' worth a try...


I really don't think RvR needs more people thinking their selfless kamikaze efforts are what is required to turn the tide of battle. If you're fighting around the gate, it's best to stick together. Not exactly a zerg, but the benefit of random people running through the gates and a sorc trying to QC mezz (Still laughing at that...still laughing.) on the other side will be lost due to the fact that they won't have TOLD anyone else what they are doing and most of the other people are there only for their own RPs' sake and aren't paying attention to people trying to organise things.

All you have to do is wait. Wait! WAAAAAAAAAIT! And the enemy will come to you when they realise that constantly gtAoEing the gates isn't doing much. None of this sorc-sacrificing stuff.

~weeps for the sorcerers~

You know what sorcs need? Stun/mezz/root/snare resist! Mwahahaha. And 20k HP.



St00pid question perhaps but...

Why the hell when we take a keep do we sit for 5 minutes, get bored and all wander off?

If you want to take the heat off the zerg to some extent go take a keep and camp it. Keeps can be held easily againt a force 2 or 3 times the size attacking it.

Enemy casualties high and friendly casualties low = more rps for everyone (even the tanks!)

I know it can be boring BUT the time spent in Emain to RPs gained ratio is probably the same when you think about the amount of downtime for res sick/finding lders/searching for enemies/suffering suprise attacks and getting wiped etc that is the standard fare of the nightly zerg.

Good tactical play is more satisfying to me personally than a series of random and, frankly, pointless encounters that often end in no RPs due mostly to the chaos that is Emain.

I may be barking up the wrong tree entirely here but I am curious to know what people think (and to some degree who flames me I think hehe)


Apathy hahahaha :D

Well, i think if we had several groups charigeing with SoS to amg we could win, usually the aoe snare dd and stuns that kill us at amg....

Just a thought tho.. ;)

Also everyone have to fight not 40% that charges and 60% seeing how they are doing and then running once the 40% are dead.. no atleast 80% should charge :p

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