Please read, everyone.



Call me when a petition actually does something...

Other then that, fuck of my lawn.

You get the point, no use.

Aule Valar

until we get regular server crashes i won't sign anything like this, yes goa are doing a bad job in (far to many ) areas, but they keep the servers up pretty reliably, and thats the main thing


Im but sorry but you fail to relise is if MYTHIC hurried up on sending Goa BACK the data quicker, then the patching will be done quicker.

Goa do not totally patch the game themselves.
Mythic send Goa the game data, Goa make the translations which are sent BACK to mythic to be re-made into GAME data type files.

Atm apprently Goa do a very efficent, fast translation and finding out the bugs, Mythic need to speed up on their behalf ...
But due to many bugs of the newly released ToA, they are very slow I suppose in doing the process to patch us, least priority

And game servers being down alot ???
Sorry but naff that they are HARDLY down compared to the rate of the US servesr, if you played there you would now that the servers are down at least once a week.

And the subscription problems I am personally unaware of.


rofl - if it pisses you off that bad mebbe go find something else to play?


Originally posted by keela is
I read about this great site and did it.
I've had enough.

DAoC friends or enemies, please come together for once and for all to sign the petition against Goa, the european DAoC host.

If we get lots of signatures, I will directly send the links to Mythic Entertainment and

Who knows, something good might come out of this!

Thanks for your time.

[sticky please?]

like the 100 other petitions?


Originally posted by vivacelilp
Im but sorry but you fail to relise is if MYTHIC hurried up on sending Goa BACK the data quicker, then the patching will be done quicker.

Goa do not totally patch the game themselves.
Mythic send Goa the game data, Goa make the translations which are sent BACK to mythic to be re-made into GAME data type files.

Atm apprently Goa do a very efficent, fast translation and finding out the bugs, Mythic need to speed up on their behalf ...
But due to many bugs of the newly released ToA, they are very slow I suppose in doing the process to patch us, least priority

And game servers being down alot ???
Sorry but naff that they are HARDLY down compared to the rate of the US servesr, if you played there you would now that the servers are down at least once a week.

And the subscription problems I am personally unaware of.

Er. I log onto Pendragon and I get the patches before they even go live . . .

When something of the order of a major update to the game happens (like Foundations, like ToA), then Mythic are on the ball getting to grips with things and you have a week or two of patching associated (many of which are live updates that don't ven take the servers down). Also, if they do a major server hardware upgrade, such as they did for some servers recently. then those servers are down. They inform you accordingly, and keep you informed of progress. Nobody is in the dark about anything.

They also make a point of patching early in the morning, so that gaming time is affected to the least extent possible. 8:00 am there, translates to 1:00pm here, by 4:00 pm here, you can be pretty certain that the servers are normally back up again.

Other than that, their server performance is excellent, with nothing more than scheduled server maintenance.

They discover problems quickly, because their support is IN GAME, with instant feedback from the whole playerbase. This allows them to also tackle problems quickly (I have used the CSR's, and when they have needed to be there, they were quickly on the spot).

Compared to GOA, Mythic are a breath of fresh air, and infinitely more competent.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Call me when a petition actually does something...

Other then that, fuck of my lawn.

You get the point, no use.

It allready has so fuck off?


Originally posted by keela is
... I've had enough. ... DAoC friends or enemies, please come together for once and for all to sign the petition against Goa, the european DAoC host. ...
Why are you paying for something when you're not satisfied with what you get in return?

In case you're not paying: Why do you post on boards dealing with a game you don't play?


One thing that amazes is me about GOA, is there are over 20k peeps playing throughout europe,each will have their subs withdrawn on exactly the right day, unless they`ve gone to the bother of making them manual rather than auto payments, all this done with impeccable precision.
For 9 months the reaver has been missing certain fighting animations, i`m no techy by a long way, but the problem was sorted out by a player who accidently picked up a usa patch,he then compared files, and noticed the ones missing, made some amendments and cured the problem.
All this to name but one example of where GOA`s priorities lay.
Just my 2 cents.


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
It allready has so fuck off?

What where when? Come on man, linkage!

Ooooh right! You mean the 33 people who have signed the petition. Oh my, that'll change the whole world.


Now here's a petition to sign and is a good example of a WORKING petition:

Linkage to Petitionage

I mean, that would ADD to something! That would put some humour into stuff. It would IMPROVE stuff.

Not some.."wah can't play a game and the took 5 bucks from my daddy's CC"...whine that is signed by maybe 50 people at the end of december....2006.

EDIT: 114523 Total Signatures


Originally posted by OldDruid
When something of the order of a major update to the game happens (like Foundations, like ToA), then Mythic are on the ball getting to grips with things and you have a week or two of patching associated (many of which are live updates that don't ven take the servers down). Also, if they do a major server hardware upgrade, such as they did for some servers recently. then those servers are down. They inform you accordingly, and keep you informed of progress. Nobody is in the dark about anything.
Last I checked GOA keep everyone informed when they upgrade the servers too...

It's an essential thing that the servers patch a lot after each expansion... but we just happen to get it all in one lump :) so whatever the reasons are, and however valid and necessary it may be to have their servers up and down like yoyos the first week after an expansion - we don't have to deal with it.

But his point was more the fact that GOA need Mythic to do the coding on the translations - and if Mythic are busy we suffer. Yet everyone pins the blame solely on GOA.

They also make a point of patching early in the morning, so that gaming time is affected to the least extent possible. 8:00 am there, translates to 1:00pm here, by 4:00 pm here, you can be pretty certain that the servers are normally back up again.

I heard no end of whining that the patching was in the middle of EU primetime just before ToA :) Now that's

They discover problems quickly, because their support is IN GAME, with instant feedback from the whole playerbase. This allows them to also tackle problems quickly (I have used the CSR's, and when they have needed to be there, they were quickly on the spot).

Your appeal is number 297 in a quue of 398....

OK, ok that's only recently with ToA :)
before we had the magic of alt-tab I'd agree that /appeal woulda been handy... but if you can alt-tab then there's no problem with RightNow. Just means people are far less likely to report something completely frivolous ;)

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
What where when? Come on man, linkage!

Ooooh right! You mean the 33 people who have signed the petition. Oh my, that'll change the whole world.

You can search for the petition I started up considering the subs page.



Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
You can search for the petition I started up considering the subs page.


Yes. And?

I do remember that silly "let's make another petition" thread.

But what good did it do? Did GOA/Mythic answer you?

Did it magically fix the account pages?

You said that "it did plenty".

What is this "plenty" it did?

Moron.(since we're going personal :rolleyes: )

SoulFly Amarok

Nothing you would care about, you can see it from your mindless replies. Wonder why you aren't banned from here anyway.


Mythic has received numerous petitions in which people express their displeasure with GoA.

GoA people are either incopetend or don't give a shit about their customers, i believe it's both but that is not the issue.

I am sure by now Mythic is totaly aware that there is a large number of european customers that are not happy with the service they get from GoA, so they either can't or don't want to do something about it now, maybe at some point something will happen, i do expect things to start happening though when Dragon Empires, Worlds of Warcfart and Warhamer Online will start appearing and hopefully something better than DAoC will come out.


oh joy. another flame fest over something so petty as a petition that petitions for the petitions to continue.

I guess Pet threads are FOTM ?

I've got 2 cats. Frank and Oscar.


Originally posted by tripitaka
I've got 2 cats. Frank and Oscar.

I don´t have any pets, tits way to expensive and I think I´d might forget to feed them and stuff like that.

tits a shame really, would like to have a cat I´d call it Bob the simulacrum and pretend it could cast stunspells...

ehm or something......

always wanted a pet tiger, tit would be so cool to have a tiger,

or a seel..... seels make great pets, all you have to do is feed them with fish and the occational cheese.



grass... greener... otherside

You dont like the way the game is ran, stop posting wine and cheese, vote with your wallet !
Stop paying if you dont like the service!

If a butcher sells you bad meat, would you keep going back for more or go ot another butcher ?


Originally posted by tripitaka
I've got 2 cats. Frank and Oscar.

Two cats here too.

I've been very glad of the 1.62 patch (or was it 1.60), when they finally stopped being able to cause link deaths by stepping on the keyboard ! I think it only once killed anyone other than me !



Originally posted by maxgirth
One thing that amazes is me about GOA, is there are over 20k peeps playing throughout europe,each will have their subs withdrawn on exactly the right day, unless they`ve gone to the bother of making them manual rather than auto payments, all this done with impeccable precision.
For 9 months the reaver has been missing certain fighting animations, i`m no techy by a long way, but the problem was sorted out by a player who accidently picked up a usa patch,he then compared files, and noticed the ones missing, made some amendments and cured the problem.
All this to name but one example of where GOA`s priorities lay.
Just my 2 cents.

GOA doesn't handle the billing themselves, they hired an other company for this.


kinda reminds me of the people who protesting today in glasgow

it wont make a shits difference

thats just the way of the world

the only thing that gets people noticed is violence hence why the world is in such a mess :(


You can change something without violence, But first you have to deside what that "something" is.

Game patching. As sais here, they do a bit send it back to mythic, get game file back, test it, Fix any errors, repeat mythic part. Not happy with this, Make a petition to ask Mythic to work faster so GoA can work faster.

Server crashing. GoA have had little down time realy, Zones crash which is a pain in the arse, But nothing more. Thing can happen during that "crash", But i'll look at that in a later example :) In my time i can only remember 2 roll backs on excal, 1 was rewarded with a full day free, I'd imagine this new 1 being the same. Also free days have been handed out for other problems that have happened outside of there control. (read, hackers, GM tool, Unforseen patch problems)

Information to the community. I truely think this needs some work, We are often left looking at 3 lines of text, That never get updated and seemed to be ignored till they roll of the front page. Maybe make a petion asking GoA english Games masters to be more activily involved in the english speaking community.

Rightnow. I hate this thing :p But it some cases it does work, It just seems sometimes no one reads hit and just hits Auto respounce number XX and files it under completed.

Vous avez envoyé une question au Support Client DAoC Europe. Nous nous efforçons de répondre à votre message dans les plus brefs délais. Vous pouvez voir ci-dessous le résumé de votre question.

Sans réponse dans les 72 heures, nous considérerons que votre problème est résolu. Pour répondre à ce message il faut vous connecter au Support Client DAoC et aller dans mon dossier.

Nous vous remercions d'avoir fait appel à nos services.

From a right now report i filled in regarding merchant problems with prices, recieved today. Am not french, I can't speak french, I have no idea what that says. I could Babble it. But i shouldn't have to. GoA run 3 language servers, There should be eliments in place that give the correct replys in the language that was used to make the report. On the flip side, And to try not to seem to biased.

Thank you for your report, this bug has indeed been reported to Mythic, who is preparing a fix for us. We should fix it very soon.

Sincerely yours,

Support Client Dark Age of Camelot

The important part was in English :)

keela is

please sign people, it might work, you never know :(


Please reply to me Mythic, you are the only ones that can help us

with lines like that, maybe you should be in SWG instead?


Other than the communication issue, Goa do an alright job. Server availability is excellent. 99.9% of the player base never have a problem with their account and rightnow works in a reasonable timeframe (at least it always has for me - never more than two working days).

As mentioned before patching is something that Goa have very little control over, being entirely reliant on Mythic to supply them all the binaries. And for what it's worth I remember reading that the UK version of the game is a different client to the US client so even if Mythic did take over the servers they'd still need to translate all the patches for us.

However a small minority make a lot of noise and create the false impression that most of the playerbase is unhappy.



You know, a really sad and masochistic part of me wants these petitions to succed. You know why? Well, guess what waould happen?

Firstly, the European servers would close. Maybe temporarily, more likely permanently. After all, the hardware belongs to GOA, and they're hardly going to hand the stuff over. Maybe if Mythic told them to, they would hand over the data, but more likely Mythic wouldn't care.

Then, if Mythic could be bothered to, either all the european players would be given the option to join the US servers (V. unlikely) or they might look for an alternative franchise.

Would mean a hefty downtime, and more likely the complete loss of ALL the EU player base characters et al.

Then at least all the players would have something to moan about!


Have to be honest, the only thing I think GOA are lacking in overall is communication. And by that I mean patch progress et al, like keeping us informed on the status of the server shutdown prior to the patch. Doubt we'd see online CSRs, and tbh even if we did, they'd be busy most of the time with players moaning to them about how "someone in my group got an item /split to them that I could use better than they could, but they won't give it to me" or other such rubbish, that serious issues wouldn't get dealt with by this way (even in the US, most online problems are 'resolved' by the player being told to /bug it! and CSRs often get accused of being incompetant on the VNboards), servers are mostly stable with few problems, and has been noted here patches are ping-ponged between GOA and Mythic anyway, so I would guess (hope) that they are dealt as quickly as possible!

/em sits back and waits for the first person to post that we should get patched months sooner than French or Geman servers!

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