Please - help me gimp myself (seriously)



I'm doing the unthinkably stupid and speccing an inf like a shadowzerker. All i've decided on for definite are 50thrust and 37 envenom. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Particularly mercs, i'm keen to hear which DW styles are worth using (if any)...

edit: shadowzerker is a critical-strike-less shadowblade.
Yes i do know that such a template doesn't really work for an inf. *shrug* I'm going to do it anyway!


Good combos are:

Shadow's edge (skill 6) and Penumbra (skill 21), used from behind enemy
Flank (29) and Shadow's Rain (39), used from beside enemy
Twin Return (4) and Shadow's Rain (34) are both evade based (though allakhazam says parry based on TR), and TR has a follow up called Orbit (10).

These are the main chains you do when dual wielding. I always do my positional thingies in a group, when I am alone or are the main fighter I rely on slash-based styles mostly.

Read more here.


while you're at it, test out my uber-annoying scout template

39 stealth - 50 thrust - 42 shield

you can snipe greycons , and take out tanks with

sneak - slam - finish, or just annoy hibbies/middies with sneak-slam-wave-run


50 thrust for dragonfang presumably?
Why spec to 50 and gimp your longbow, in order to get something that 42shield gives you anyway?
There's gimpy and then there's plain silly :D

edit1: thanks Hendrick! :D
edit2: Klavrynd - soz, didn't catch on that you wanted only to annoy ;)

edit3(cough): Any zerkers or shadowblades able to say what kind of +damage they get from the snowsquall->icy brilliance chain?
As in.... you perform your snowsquall correctly (+how much?)"


Originally posted by old.Hendrick

Read more here.

Never really rated Allakhazam.. try catacombs:

Twin return(4)/Orbit(10) is the Evade chain

the 34 evade reaction is called Dark Tendrils

Reflection(25)/Hypnotic Darkness(44) is the Parry chain (which you won't get as an infil)

Misty Gloom (15) is the only use anytime skill other than the lvl 2 newbie one...

however reports have it that Dual Shadows (50) is front-positional and really quite good.

I use Amethyst Slash a lot (the slash skill) as it's way better than misty gloom... (hell, uppercut/cleave did way more dmage than two misty glooms)

Unless I'm in a group when I try my damndest to get behind and use:

Shadow's Edge (6) followed by either Eclipse(12) if we have no theurgist... or Penumbra (21) if we do.


that's what i'd feared, really.... not a single really good anytime style in DW or thrust. I could get the standard thrust-inf solution which is in critical strike, the garrote->achilles heel chain, but that burns end and the damage isn't terrifically impressive.
Hmmmmm :|


i know you wanted a full zerker, but you at least need PA if you ask me, heres what i thought:


if you auto stealth till 24 like most infils, youll get (6! - 1) extra points (cant be arsed to work out 6 factorial) which will let you get another level is something i think.


was planning to auto stealth very high indeed, possibly even to 34 (saving points so as to whack it up at lvl35 and enjoy the BG a bit..)
I believed originally i could go to 29CS for the garrote->AH chain as well as hamstring->leaper and PA. Perhaps 24CS instead since dragonfang will eventually replace hamstring->leaper, and since the 39DW style seems actually worthwhile. But then....where i drop the points? Gah D:

You're right of course, i *do* need PA at least. DW just offers no replacement for snowsquall-->icy brilliance as used by zerkers, and certainly no amazingly good anytime style like doublefrost. So i have to take PA and frontload my damage... but then, if i'm going to be PAing, why not do a standard inf? No-one is going to be able to tell "oh, an infilzerker, how original" they'll just think "that standard inf PA's like an old woman"

Brannor McThife

Hehe...while on gimping...

Make a warrior with 50 thrown and then split the rest up between axe and parry...




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Hehe...while on gimping...

Make a warrior with 50 thrown and then split the rest up between axe and parry...



i happen to know someone who did that (well, he never got to 50... but had max thowing weapons) and it worked quite well, albeit expensivly.


Blooming templates

Originally posted by Fingoniel
Never really rated Allakhazam.. try catacombs:

I think Allakhazam is okay actually and it's pretty much the best for info about quests and mob locations so ner.

PS Sorry couldn't resist seeing as how at the end of the day anyone playing by a template created by someone else and used by a squillion other people is surely doing it for the wrong reasons.
This is 'supposed' to be a role-playing game set within a mythological world etc, it's not just for hundreds and hundreds of clones to run around hitting the same blooming crit strike at any given moment.

Go on spec it differently to what some template tells you to - I dare you to be different ;)


Re: Blooming templates

Originally posted by cadiva

PS Sorry couldn't resist seeing as how at the end of the day anyone playing by a template created by someone else and used by a squillion other people is surely doing it for the wrong reasons.
This is 'supposed' to be a role-playing game set within a mythological world etc, it's not just for hundreds and hundreds of clones to run around hitting the same blooming crit strike at any given moment.

Go on spec it differently to what some template tells you to - I dare you to be different ;)

Whatever you choose to spec I'm positive there will always be a squillion clones running around hitting the same blooming style button at any given moment. People choose a spec which has been tried and tested. I don't see what that has to do with the lack of role-playing in a mythological world.

The pleasehavemercytrator has been done and ofcourse its viable, its just.... crap.


I didn't give a spec ;) just said what the styles are.

Catacombs seems to be more accurate/up to date for style info.

The bestiary there is nice for finding something to kill... but Ilia's at allakhazam is better for finding out what's in a zone.

prefer warcry for the quests though :)


Re: Re: Blooming templates

Originally posted by old.nicolas
Whatever you choose to spec I'm positive there will always be a squillion clones running around hitting the same blooming style button at any given moment. People choose a spec which has been tried and tested. I don't see what that has to do with the lack of role-playing in a mythological world.
The pleasehavemercytrator has been done and ofcourse its viable, its just.... crap.

So you, in fact, miss my point entirely then and fail to see the essential essence of it - that all those people who went for the 'tried and tested template' will now be whinging while everyone who didn't and just played around with their characters making it up as they went along, won't be ;)

And you also seem to have hop, skipped and jumped over the whole point of the game in the first place - this is a multi-player online ROLEPLAYING game. It's not your own personal version of uber-Camelot in which dozens of mirror image templated characters run round with the same equipment/specs etc trying to get to the number one spot. There are no leagues in DAoC it's an open-ended game with no conclusion - you don't get an end screen "Yay you are a l33t d00dz" at the end of it.

Oh and can you please explain your last sentence to the rest of the planet who might not know what you are talking about? Why is a crap just because you don't agree with it?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is no wrong or right, only lots of different opinions, mine just happens to be better than yours (that's irony by the way).


i found the best and most up-to-date tables are at

Trevor has the most indepth spell lists too and he works them out with thiss scott guy from mythic. Problem is, they are so recent that they no longer apply for the european version :)
I mean, our earth wizards still suck :)


Dear Fin you are a sweetie

Originally posted by Fingoniel
I didn't give a spec ;) just said what the styles are.

Catacombs seems to be more accurate/up to date for style info.

The bestiary there is nice for finding something to kill... but Ilia's at allakhazam is better for finding out what's in a zone.

prefer warcry for the quests though :)

Grin. I hate it when someone goes and is perfectly reasonable after I've had a rant ;)


Re: Re: Re: Blooming templates

Originally posted by cadiva

So you, in fact, miss my point entirely then and fail to see the essential essence of it - that all those people who went for the 'tried and tested template' will now be whinging while everyone who didn't and just played around with their characters making it up as they went along, won't be ;)

And you also seem to have hop, skipped and jumped over the whole point of the game in the first place - this is a multi-player online ROLEPLAYING game. It's not your own personal version of uber-Camelot in which dozens of mirror image templated characters run round with the same equipment/specs etc trying to get to the number one spot. There are no leagues in DAoC it's an open-ended game with no conclusion - you don't get an end screen "Yay you are a l33t d00dz" at the end of it.

Oh and can you please explain your last sentence to the rest of the planet who might not know what you are talking about? Why is a crap just because you don't agree with it?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is no wrong or right, only lots of different opinions, mine just happens to be better than yours (that's irony by the way).

I didn't miss your point at all. I just didn't, and even after your little rant don't, agree with it.

Like you said there is no conclusion and it's totally open to any style of play so why does your method of playing the game have to be the point of the game? That's merely your interpretation of the game, its whatever personal version of camelot I want to make it within the rules they have laid out for me. Now who is acting elitist? :)

Basically I think the template he was aiming for is crap, crud, turd and last but not least poop. Ofcourse that's just MY humble opinion. Capiche?

There just aren't any good DW which make it worthwhile sacrificing CS for.


Originally posted by logan6
i found the best and most up-to-date tables are at

Trevor has the most indepth spell lists too and he works them out with thiss scott guy from mythic. Problem is, they are so recent that they no longer apply for the european version :)
I mean, our earth wizards still suck :)

Yeah both the classes and the catacombs spell (not style though, yet) lists use the XML from the herald...

dunno about anywhere else...

Hear hear :) roll on the DoTs Roots and three bolts :)


Lose the thrust and go slash :)

Slash+dual wield+stealth

I call it... Minimerc!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Blooming templates

You said:

Originally posted by old.nicolas
Basically I think the template he was aiming for is crap, crud, turd and last but not least poop. Of course that's just MY humble opinion. Capiche?

after I'd originally said:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there is no wrong or right, only lots of different opinions, mine just happens to be better than yours (that's irony by the way).

You obviously failed to 'capiche' my use of irony in my closing statement however.

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