How do you use those stones you get with your bounty points? I've died sooo many times when a health regen stone would have saved my skinny elf ass!!!!
1 use and they dissapear
but.. one thing I have noticed... the 100 bp one gives something like 100 HP's and the 400 bp one gives about 250 hp's (is that right?)
So... better to buy 2 100 bp stones and use 1 after the other quickly? or is there a timer and u can only use one every 15 mins or something?
As far as I can see there is no limit to the timing that you use them, but your realm rank limits the number you can carry at any one time.
Its one for each realm rank, so at RR2, either you'd get one big hit of hp using up both stones at the same time, or youd get 2 medium hits using them one at a time.
well when using items with charges you get a 1min timer before you can use another charged item.. fairly sure there is a similar timer on the stones, altho I've never actually bothered to buy one
Got a feeling is was Svartur and went something like this...wsa a long time ago
<Szle> You PA for Svartur for laughable amount of dmg
<Svartur> Attempts to change weapons
<Szle> Thwack Thwack
<Svartur> Changes weapons, fumbles shift-1, changes back to bow
<Szle> Thwack
<Svartur> Changes weapons
<Szle> Thwack Thwack Thwack
<Svartur> Hits you for funny amount of dmg
<Szle> Thwack Thwack Thwack Thwack
<Svartur> Uses gem of healing
<Szle> Thwack Thwack
You just killed Svartur
Well may not have gone like that, may not have even been Sva......think that hunter was having a bad day.
My point is those gems are tricky to use, you may end-up losing a chance to strike or get-away.
As a Warden, I don't see any point in them.
You are low on HPs, you heal yourself or oh look First Aid
You are low on POW, you use MCL
You are low on END, well where's a chant gone
as stated the amount of stones/totems you can carry is dependant on your realm rank.
And there is also a time on them, can't remember how long exactly, but is definitely more than 1 min, more like 5 minutes.
More than enough time to make it useless to use 2 small totems instead of 1 big
And while they only heal small ammounts of hp/pow/end, there is no reason to not buy them, what else can you use your bouty points on ?
Also I don't know if you can use them while in melee as you can't use the charges on you epic armour when in melee, but it might be different with the stones/totems. But I know for a fact that MCL can't be used in melee, I can't even use it right after I have casted a heal spell on someone, even if they are not in combat, and first aid is not supposed to work in combat either, but that one is bugged to the moon and back again
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