please feel sorry for me



I have no internet connection

well for a week at least while I wait for ADSL installation
this means that I will have to go out in the real world



Don't go there! I've heard they eat people alive out there! It's just plain dangerous!


Originally posted by fingoniel

Don't go there! I've heard they eat people alive out there! It's just plain dangerous!

oh my god it is true then
that is it i shall go and lock my study door and wait untill i have ADSL


Its definately true.. All teachers, Tutors and professors con purple and are aggressive.. But nothing can be more dangerous than the ... "Mother"! I've heard she's level 85, and extremely aggressive with an aggro range twice the range of the CC.. Be very afraid.


just get a mate in & swap pieces of paper with things like :
"stfu n00b"

You will feel as if you were never away


Originally posted by fatgit
just get a mate in & swap pieces of paper with things like :
"stfu n00b"

You will feel as if you were never away

sounds like dam good plan

but I have herd that the new patch I have @home V1.3 has a new monstor called nagging-wife i have heard that she is worse that this mother monster????
any sugestions?


mmmm 1.3 was a bit of a mess in my opinion. I suggest you at least patch to 1.31a which introduced chocolate rations, or better still 1.32 which added the effective dieting. Avoid 1.33 though... the 1 monther with dirty nappy was a real mess ;)

BTW.... thought you didn't have a connection?



Hehe, damn, I got my cable in 2 hours total. From taking my ISDN "box/modem" to the ISP, signing a paper and then taking the cable modem to my house, connecting it to my computer and wall. After this I waited for 30 mins and I was in broadband heaven :D
Just 2 hours before downloading at 100kb/s I was online with my ISDN getting 16kb/s :)
I know, this is different since ADSL needs to be installed by the ISP in your house, physically.


Originally posted by SFXman
Hehe, damn, I got my cable in 2 hours total. From taking my ISDN "box/modem" to the ISP, signing a paper and then taking the cable modem to my house, connecting it to my computer and wall. After this I waited for 30 mins and I was in broadband heaven :D
Just 2 hours before downloading at 100kb/s I was online with my ISDN getting 16kb/s :)
I know, this is different since ADSL needs to be installed by the ISP in your house, physically.

i am at work (not doing any but you know)

as for ADSL we have a company called BT that will take your soul for the right ammount
the ADSL i am getting is from for £23.44 a month and is DIY install so basically all i have to do is wait for the modem to arrive and then wait for this BT to turn on the line at the exchange


Originally posted by Bedwin

Bedwin Cunetio

"who says I'm insane?"
Bedwin Cunetio 4x season friar (Albion-Excalibur)
<Guardians of Light>
Soroshan 2x season mercenary (Albion-Excalibur)
<Blade & Quill>
Cesean Cameleo 1x season scout (Albion-Excalibur)
Octanion x season roque (Albion-Excalibur)
Grallen Duncansheir 1x season thane (Midgard-Prydwen)
<Danish Huscarls>
Onewen x season shadowblade (450 tailoring) (Midgard-Prydwen)
<Danish Huscarls>
Granny x season runemaster (Midgard-Prydwen)
Nosirun x season runemaster (Midgard-Prydwen)
4 hibernian chars when we get another english server

You ever heard the thing about sig length? You know, max of 4 lines.


The life.

There is a new epic zone in the realm of No Internet. It's called "The Life". Most recent post from an official board tells this:

"The life is the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual. We have placed several real life monsters and are quite proud of them..."

The rest is mostly just some jibberish about how well it was coded and so on. But here's the list of the, might i add, higly aggressive monsters:

Mother: Known to live in the near vicinity of the starting town called Home. Higly aggressive at times and sometimes uses debufs to obtain what she wishes. Most commonly used debufs of the mother are; Take the trash out, go out and play, why don't you do something with your life and the most feared of all.. I need the computer.

Father: Can be usually found near the mother. The father is less agressive then the mother but is considered dangerous still. Some fathers attack with furious stun attacks as some use, like the mother, debufs towards their pray.

Girlfriend: This is one very dangerous being. With constant requests/commands to put away the computer and denying of certain bufs these creatures control the male adventurers with a firm hand. If a girlfriend nears you the best defence is the -I love you- or the often used -You look pretty tonight- buff. At any time -do not- try to argue with the girlfriend as they can get higly aggressive. The girlfriends most feared weapon is the mesmerizing -Kiss- attack which renders most of the adventurers in a higly confusing state of mind.

The Life: This is all around. It -is- life itself and should be approached carefully. It has a very wide aggro range and can sweep down whole groups with a single blow. Those that have survived The Life are, in 95% of the cases, unable to perform the simplest of tasks as if mesmerized.

There are tons of other creatures dwelling in the deep, dark depths of The Life but these are the ones one should be really careful of. Also there is a rumour of a "Netconnection loss" that can take out anyone at any time and send them to The Life.. but these are only rumours.

I hope this will help some of you to avoid the perils that exist in The Life.


omg this will turn into one of those
"you know you've been playing daoc too much when..."

lol :)


The pub: this is a VERY dangerous dungeon, lots of agro-mobs who usually BAFs. Best thing here is to bring lots of tanks, coz bt wont save your ass in here no.

And be very careful with attractive women who asks u to buy them drinks, they will put a confusespell on u and debuff u highly! U will wake up next morning with no money and a DOT-spell who will go on for the whole day!

Thanks alot for reading all your posts, it was VERY FUN!

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