Please can you answer some questions?


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
OK played on US servers way back, decided to move to euro servers after long break, frankly the info page (equivalient to US Herald) is shocklingly bad.

For example when if its not already out do we get frontiers, is it going to be long time, i cant seem to find any of this information on the euro home page.

Also where is the best place to group or is that stupid question, whilst leveling in Atla I have not seen one group, not that euro populations have ever been that high, but im sure there must be some lowbie groups, or are you all uber lvl 50s that dont lvling below 20 :p

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
first of all.. indeed the <20 levelling groups are kinda dead. most of them are in SI I think...

Second of all... the info page indeed really sucks.... I think it's not till november orso till NF comes out..

[EDIT]sorry.. september so it seems :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
mostly lowbie groups are indeed SI area, only guild groups or peeps, like me example, use alott classic side dungeons and areas to xp own lowbies up.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Gaddry said:
For example when if its not already out do we get frontiers, is it going to be long time, i cant seem to find any of this information on the euro home page.

Although GOA feed us lines about them having to spend ages fixing bugs and translating patches, they are (I suspect) in a contract with Mythic to remain X number of patches behind so that the more impatient EU players are more inclined to want to play on US servers.

In answer to your question, check back around Christmas.

I base my judgement on several factors, not least that GOA have the time and resources to dedicate to the following (completed several WEEKS ago);


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Second of all... the info page indeed really sucks.... I think it's not till november orso till NF comes out..

[EDIT]sorry.. september so it seems :)

Sorry Inga.. Only the files will be available in September. There's no set date for the release of the expansion itself yet.

GOA said:
Some of you have noticed a press release on the GOA official site stating that New Frontiers will be available in September in new game packs or via download. Thus rumour has it that New Frontiers will be released in September. In order not to disappoint the most impatient, we want to point out that the New Frontiers files will be available in September, and not the add-on itself

Requiel said:
There isn't a definite date for NF on the Euro servers yet.
from fao goa GMs thread in Excal general discussion

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