Playing Midgard now



Hi all.

I'm now playing in midgard realm with other albioners like zarek and charge.
My nick in midgard is Diabolic for the ones that always winned that wated to kill me :D

I hope we all meet in RvR soon

Cya arround :)


welcome aboard mate! i'll give you some help (coin/items etc) if i see you in-game ;)

Nicky Nook

Another case of if THAT Realm is winning ill join...People that leave there Main Realm to join the Enemy Can Rot in Hell if you ask me ....

Yes we should have 3 Servers to choose from but imo Stop Throwing your Ball out of your Pram Killtoons, Zarek, Charge and Finster for that matter and help Albion .......

Regards Nicky..

Nicky Nook

Sorry and i just have to add that i would NEVER EVER leave Hibernia for any other Realm on the Server that i play on....

Serious it really just shows lack of passion for you and your Fellow players and shows that you really are lame as Fuck ...

Have a very nice Day....

Reagrds Nicky.



No wonder Hibernia has few players if there attitudes are like yours..


Nicky u need a doctor fast :D

I join the realm that i want whenever i want first when i joined mid alb and mid were in equal territorys mid relic raided alb in the day i join what u want me to do about that? :)

Eitherways don't really care what others like u think i PLAY this for FUN so who cares? :)

Nicky Nook

Nicky u need a doctor fast

Yeah i do !! Come on man i would never leave my Realm how can you have so many Chars and just go fuck you Albion ?

Only a Question i can talk.

Regards Nicky..


lol @ Nicky Nook


Wake up, look at yourself and repeat into the mirror. Its a game. Its a game......

Repeat until cured.


I would never delete my hard worked character... I will always stay under the command of the great albion council. For we are united once again and we strike with deadly precision. Never shall I surrender to those who stand in my way. I'd rather die by there hands then join the enemy...

Ohh I loved to say that :)



People pay their money and play to have fun.

Not to be told by others what to do. Laf, it's like having online parents! :rolleyes:


Nice of you to post this here so despite it having nothing to do with me I'll say it is lame as well :) If everyone decided to move to the winning realm there would be _no_ game (unless running round empty frontiers is fun for you) so be thankful to those people who stick with it in outnumbered or outgunned realms.

If people want to move it is fine no one can stop them, but likewise they should have no problem with other people calling it lame because it is. If you want to move realms why not Hib? I'm sure they could use a hand but instead most people go to Midgard.


Can't say I (and many others) are sad we lost you - go to Midgard and stay there plz.

Another "l33t d00d" jumps the ship - I'm not really surprised ...

Brannor McThife

It's reactions like this that has me going to the US version to play Alb...

It's a game. I pay to play. Albion is 1/3 of the game. And since I can't please both sides (Albs would accuse me of spying if I used a second account on Pryd and Mids would accuse me of jumping ship if I deleted), I'll go somewhere else to try the 3rd of the game I know least.

/em shrugs.

Sometimes I think people are taking this game just a tad too serious.



All i know is that Incetes gone = 1 less minstrel for me to climb over to get a lyonesse group.
GL in midgard, try and get some of that powerlevelling Finster's been having ;)
(Yeah, i'm just jealous that i had to WORK to get to 30+)


I dunno if finster been having Plvl or not, i won't get for sure :D


Originally posted by Nicky Nook
Sorry and i just have to add that i would NEVER EVER leave Hibernia for any other Realm on the Server that i play on....

Serious it really just shows lack of passion for you and your Fellow players and shows that you really are lame as Fuck ...

Have a very nice Day....

Reagrds Nicky.

Maybe one of the reason people are leaving albion is just due to the numbers on there. If they wanted to be on a winning team then surely they would go to mid on pryd.

+ as has been pointed out when you reach lvl 50 it can get a bit tedious and some people enjoy the challenge of leveling ( I know I do )

Some people are seeming to get a bit obsessed with the whole realm thing to the point of (virtual?) xenophobia.

Lighten us it's only a game.

Mids are going through a good patch because we got organised like the albs were before.
No doubt in two weeks it will all fall apart again....
You could argue that people could keep their lvl 50 characters and start one on pryd, but at teh moment excaliber is the closest thing we have to a competitive balanced server..... If I ever got totally bored of mid I would be more likely to start on Hib/Excal because it seems like it would eb mroe fun.....
IMHO of course...


well, if you wanna group trubadur has been hanging around uppland for a few days, and he's all lonely...

wtf? are you saying someone left ALBION on EXCAL to go to MID on EXCAL and theyre joining the winning team?

hehe, mid get one relic and suddenly they r0x0rz the server


*thinks about becoming a Troll* :puke:

What a plan ...


I deleted a lvl46 Healer in Middy to join Hib. Played a champ to lvl26 then deleted that. I am not partisan about any realm and really don't understand the almost fanacital devotion people have to 1 realm or whatever....I deleted my Healer because I realised that getting to 50 was A) a boringly repetitve slog, B) I'd have nothing to do when I got there anyway (you can't RvR for long before that becomes boring, as the people who are quitting the game show) and, most importantly C) I WASN'T HAVING FUN.

I play games for fun. Not stress or to play politics or to swear at, abuse or annoy people. Those things do not bring me any pleasure at all (although obviously some get their kicks this way). It's a real shame that the EU game (I am soon to learn if the US game is any different) has turned out like this. GOA havn't helped here, surely, as patching has been waaaay slower than people level. But they aren't wholely to blame. The whole atmosphere within the daoc community on the EU servers is childishly pathetic. People take the game far, far too seriously, to the point where people seem to consider that other players should put their alleigance to guilds/realms above their own personal enjoyment. How selfish and narrow minded can people get ffs??

Back on topic :p Kiltoons, good luck in Middy and I hope you have fun and wish you good luck. And if you don't have fun, try another realm. I can vouch that although Hibby is gimped as a realm, it is the most fun to play in (imho, of course)....


Damn... I could just never ever delete a 40+ char or even 30+ actually :)

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