playing daoc from behind a enforced firewall


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
well i connect to internet via a network (uni) but there is a firewall that blocks stuff, e.g daoc, any1 know a way around this,.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Control panel->network connections->right click on connection->properties->advanced tab->firewall options.

That's if it has a windows based one, if it's software based then perhaps try lowering the security settings.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
dont think it will be that simple with a uni network :p Try and make friends with some random hacker :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There's always talk of how u can connect via a secondary computer that doesn't belong to mythic/goa (so there's no blocking) but isn't inside the uni firewall, of course this requires you to know how to do this (if it's possible, i've only heard of it being done to connect to p2p thingies like kazaa) and also to have someone with a computer outside the uni network that wants to let you use there computer for daoc use


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Make friends in the IT helpdesk!

Or study...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
have to set up a machine outside the firewall that uses somesoftware to act as a proxy .. you have some software on your machine that takes all its output and routes it to the proxy server on port 80 (standard web browsing port)

Then the outside computer re distributes the output on the correct ports for you and sends them off to where ever they were heading.

To get stuff back to your pc reverse the process.

You can find servers /services that do this if you google.. but its hardly ideal and adds to ping times ..

best thing move out of halls and into the real world ... share a house and get adsl ..



Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
This little proggie might do the trick, I've used it for IRC etc but never tried it for DAoC.

Fairly straight forward, but I have nfi if it will actually work on DAoC :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
[NO]Subedai said:
well i connect to internet via a network (uni) but there is a firewall that blocks stuff, e.g daoc, any1 know a way around this,.

Speak to the network admins and see if they can open up the port.

If they won't then anything you do is at your own risk and if you try to tunnel through the firewall i hope they suspend all network privs and throw you off your course for compromising network security and breaching your computer use policy you will have no doubt signed up to...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
yaruar said:
Speak to the network admins and see if they can open up the port.

If they won't then anything you do is at your own risk and if you try to tunnel through the firewall i hope they suspend all network privs and throw you off your course for compromising network security and breaching your computer use policy you will have no doubt signed up to...

hostile mate :D



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tharion said:
hostile mate :D


Just a warning, network security is there for a reason and admins don't usually appreciate people compromising it, i knwo i don't.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
hostile mate

Hes right, we enforce that rule here (well the security team anyway)
Which all students sign up to when they pick up their details

Talk to a web admin, but in all honesty its unlikely they will free up ports for games.
Edit: Alternatively get one of them hooked on daoc and pl them :) they will wub you forever ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
yaruar said:
Just a warning, network security is there for a reason and admins don't usually appreciate people compromising it, i knwo i don't.

Yes I agree with you, but you sounded very hostile.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tharion said:
Yes I agree with you, but you sounded very hostile.

I spend my life dealing with people who think they know more about computers and networks than i do who come work for us and try to get one over on my using various security hacks, it makes my life a pain in the arse and people really shouldn't encourage it.

If i had my way i'd deal with people mafia style, smashing one finget with a claw hammer every time they try and break through the systems..

That would teach em ;)

*edit* possible reason for hostility, i'm 2 days into giving up smoking and work have given me some god awful shift pattern to work so all is woe here ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
yaruar said:
I spend my life dealing with people who think they know more about computers and networks than i do who come work for us and try to get one over on my using various security hacks, it makes my life a pain in the arse and people really shouldn't encourage it.

If i had my way i'd deal with people mafia style, smashing one finget with a claw hammer every time they try and break through the systems..

That would teach em ;)

*edit* possible reason for hostility, i'm 2 days into giving up smoking and work have given me some god awful shift pattern to work so all is woe here ;)

Cant agree more - these firewalls and systems are put in place for a reason, im confident you will ahve signed a computer/network/systems use policy , if you get caught trying to bypass any such systems youll be in deep doo-doo, you need to confront the IT team and ask them to allow you connection to your DAOC server.

Where i used to work, one guy got pissed off with not being able to see a certain website - so went to pcworld got a modem and plugged it into his works pc.... subsequently he was sacked.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Doubt they'll be too enthusiastic about daoc, but at least it isn't hundreds of gigs of p2p downloading. Will depend how much they care about your degree I guess. And if they play, you might be in business :D


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If you're really desperate get a bluetooth dongle and connect via GPRS using a suitable mobile phone, or get a PCMCIA card reader and bang in a cheap GPRS card from e-bay, DAOC uses between 1-3 mb per hour, if you can get a decent package would work out about 2 quid an hour...or an ordinary modem and a huge roll of wire to friendly nearby hardwired phone line type person.

Playing DAOC over GPRS does work I do it all the time on my laptop, lag is..well nasty, but you are begging.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Job said:
If you're really desperate get a bluetooth dongle and connect via GPRS using a suitable mobile phone, or get a PCMCIA card reader and bang in a cheap GPRS card from e-bay, DAOC uses between 1-3 mb per hour, if you can get a decent package would work out about 2 quid an hour...or an ordinary modem and a huge roll of wire to friendly nearby hardwired phone line type person.

Playing DAOC over GPRS does work I do it all the time on my laptop, lag is..well nasty, but you are begging.
that costs horrendous amounts of money and is slow as hell, if he want sto do anyhting other than chat daoc is unplayable with such a connection.

I was lucky in my halls, i could play daoc (actually i think i was probably UNlucky i could play it, if it was blocked no doubt i wouldnt have had to do resit exams)

Seriously mate, your at uni for a reason, i found out the hard way how much daoc can fuck you over at school/uni just quit or dont play during term time - if your a hardcore player then thats obviously not what you want to hear but thats the way it is, il be playing very little during term time now im in my second year due to a) daoc is pretty shite these days and b) i wouldnt mind actually having a degree in a couple of years, not just a load of debt and a sense of complete hatred for myself for wasting my time on a computer game.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
well i connect to internet via a network (uni) but there is a firewall that blocks stuff, e.g daoc, any1 know a way around this,.



Or read all you can on JANET security..


or port redirects....
or tunnel over a secure protocol so the admins cant sniff and the proxy doesn't log the website... there are many ways you could do it, most will be against the Universitys Acceptable use policy.

Then again it is freshers week/enrollement this month for university and so every packet monkey that can download a program will be trying to show off there L33t skills by bypassing the firewall rulesets.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
depends on the university your at . Lincoln i was doing games software engineering so they encourgaged the use of games over the internet. HOWEVER A few unscroupulous users IE the media tech students (all muppets) kept using our 3d rendering computers (duel machines) to install p2p softare till it got to the stage where we would log on to say play counterstrike or dark age or tribes as a group. and would have to spend the next 30 minutes uninstalling trojans spyware, bearshare/kazaa/etc in the end the games students asked for the ports to be blocked because we could get any work done.

Also peeps were just blatently just burning cd's worth of pirated software i would go in to get some rendering done only to find people had locked workstations and were just downloading vast amounts of porn. I would happily turn off the computer and have them come in say 3 hours later and asked what happened.

By then i had already informed the techs who had canceled their privledges. Got so bad that i saw some first year thrown out of the games labs for doing work in word. (sad i know)

first call talk to your admins show them its not a hack or bypass all they got to do is open the IP to the goa servers and im sure they wouldnt mind, unless you got total hitler admins who barely open up the network for browsing then your boned and i recomend canceling your account till you can afford home broadband.

Btw Dark age and University doesnt mix i may have gotten a first instead i got a 2:2 :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Best advice is don't go behind their backs - cos if you do and they find out, you're going to lose all net access at best (thrown off course at worst).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well playing over GPRS does work, GPRS is actually faster than dial-up, the problem is the random lag issues.

Also the idea of it costing you cash, will stop you playing all freking night, a couple of quid for an hours play isn't THAT bad, a LOT less than most students spend in an hour in the bar.

And if you have a laptop you can play anywhere you like :)
I've played DAOC in the back of a car on the M6.


Loyal Freddie
May 11, 2004
I'm with everyone else here Uni + MMORPGS = Much Badness. I managed to fail my degree through a combination of DAoC and Jumpgate...

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