Players with an attitude problem



When reading through the Karoline story, i'd like to mention a similar thing. Yesterday i was fighting salisbury giants with a group with one healer ... suddenly me and the healer were killed ... the others stayed on for like 5 minuts and then disbanded and ran off ... letting me and the cleric down (who had ressurected em couple times) ...

Therefor, i'd like to put up a page containing:

- XP leechers
- Players with attitude probs (like karoline)

so that serious players know that when grouping with these, they
could encounter bad behaviour

Therefor i need your help ... please send me info (Name, class, lvl and guild and a short descript) on every albion/excal player that ruins the experience for lots of low lvl players and i'll add them to the list.


LVL 12 Mind / Body specced Sorcerer
Soldier in the Flemish Lions Guild


It's very difficult to do this since you get people with a grudge in, misinterpretations, ... who will judge whether it was a simple mistake or a real fun-killer ?

There r also lots of people will explain gameplay, strategy, ... or tell you how to avoid this or that mistake but I have seen some bad things happen simply thru lack of experience or simply 'not knowing how'.

I DO think its a good idea tho since you can warn us all for peeps like karoline just as long as keep your wits to it ... shouldn't be a prob tho :)


Trouble makers


its quiet simple ... real pain in the ass people will be reported more than once ... if i keep report count, you'll see quiet fast who were the 'accidental' and the hardcore troublemakers :)


Starsplash (cleric)

This guy let the whole group die in keltoi, and wouldnt give up a vindi drop he couldnt use, even though i had just given him a DW arms drop a couple of minutes earlier. Dont group with him.


I havent got attitude problem, but i do have a short fuse - so my apologies to anyone who has been exposed :)


Aw I freak out sometimes too ;) I don't know if you can do that.. Sure we all hate those kind of players but we can't just archive them and place a stemple on them saying: Dangerous Stay Away!
Words spread very quickly in a realm and I think most of my guild m8s know some names already (just by reading these forums).


ow yes, you got to love those noobgroups

2 days ago:

alt group in keltoi, antroom,

xerox or whatever his name was: group just killed a good pull inl antroom.. needed a big rest.. xerox:"hey guys i gotta go... *runs into the rest of the mobs* ... argh everybody dead.. he releases and logs.. thx a lot... ffs
(there was no other group at the that time in ant room... :( )


just put them on ignore list, btw my is getting full :rolleyes: :p


anyone remember lethus lifesaver :D

btw i hear hes doin really well under a new name and is nothing like he was in beta still a cleric though but i occasionally glance through the prydwen forums and no nasty threads about him so before u all start goin half cocked about nasty b'tards and a'holes we had em long before release :)

old.mathus 2

nasty peeps

lol, its good to see peeps ranting about about nasty/bad/n00b players..I must admit that there seems to be a population boom of wanker type players..maybe the European Justice system's are failing and these peeps should be in jail, not having access to computers.......;)

I have just been told via a mate of a mate who knew a bloke who was the brother of a mate that a certain peep by the name of ZRO is running around mithra (n00b, leechers paradise) killing the mobs and pulling rooms onto very low level groups...when asked "why?" he said......"revenge!!!"

Revenge for what? mother not loving him?, dad running off with the milkman?, failing at school/university? :confused:

Mathus WitchHunter LvL 41 friar

I say we should turn the dome (greenwich, london) into a gladiator pit, think of it....great!!

oh, if i have got it wrong about ZRo, sorry, but this is a kangaroo court isnt it?........:confused: :twak:


hmmm, had an armswoman called magnild piss me off once

Fighting in catacombs, we had pulled a red mob, and got 2 adds

no worries, or minstrel messed them, while still fighting magnild asks if we have room.... we say no, because we had 8 members

we finish off the ads, while magnild hangs around

we pull again, get another 2 adds.... minstrel mezzes, etc

and then magnild walks over and attacks the mezzed mobs.... another 3 red mobs add (making it 6 in total) charge our healer.... I peg it after the healer died, and I see magnild logging off the the entrance

end result: everyone cept cowardly me dies
group breaks up after cleric leaves

(found another group shortly after though)

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