Player campaign: Say "NO" to respec!



In order to support Kemor i just started a player campaign against respec. It has one member so far but i hope ill get some more more help. Feel free to add more.... :D

Poster #1

Poster #2


NO to Respec !!!!!

YES to delete and reroll !!


Yes to respec,but its best listening to many people,using char builder for something that you WILL like and make sure you study the advantages/disadvantages of the respec.


Originally posted by -Nxs-

I thaught your characters would be perfect already Matt ?

Bah nah but if you like them there is no need to change them just because people think you should.


Nope but some chars have been nerfed , gimped and allmost made un-playble by some " changes " brought by Mythic , and as we could not calculate with these changes , some of them drastic , we should have the abillity to correct the chars specc's , to what they would have been if we would have had the info when we made them..


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Nope but some chars have been nerfed , gimped and allmost made un-playble by some " changes " brought by Mythic , and as we could not calculate with these changes , some of them drastic , we should have the abillity to correct the chars specc's , to what they would have been if we would have had the info when we made them..

Yeah thats a fair enough point but the one i said is one that should be ignored surely.


Yes Yes and Yes to respec!!

oh did I say yes?

Y E S !!!!!!! to respec.

Thanks. :)




I'm a ranher (new in advance about nerf), so I have no need to respec.

So i really dont care, but people will make changes and screw them selves up, so be careful


On one hand respecs rock for all those people that have rolled classes nerfed who really need a respec.

Annoys me though that people can roll group friendly specs to level like maniacs in PvE and respec @ 50 to be RvR friendly. Defeats the whole point of the rigid speccing system in the first place if you can completely reroll your char when it hits 50 imho.

I'm not sure 100% about how respec works, but certainly respec shouldnt NOT be allowed for any chars created AFTER 1.52. Although I guess that respec is a very, very popular feature so Mythic won't take it out without causing much community grief.


As the saying goes, there are no gimped characters, just gimped players.




What people doesnt understand about respec is this, you might feel your character has been nerfed silly and you might be rigth, but when everybody respecs to some new uber spec line they are just gonna nerf that later on and then your respec option is lost.

My bid is stay with what you got, if you feel uber gimped now be happy cause then it cant get any worse.

I for one know i will never ever respec my ice wizzie no matter how good they make earth of fire, cause then he wouldnt be my ice wizzy any longer.

edit: removed some of the worst spelling errors ;)


Think about the archers and minstrels who specced high stealth prior to see hidden ? They kinda deserve respec....

I can imagine it though, a week after every archer and mincer specs out of stealth....

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.55A Test Release Notes



- See Hidden was stupidly overpowered and made everyone but 11 people in Albion roll Infiltrators. We have removed it completely. RAR!


Haha, what they gonna do then !


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Think about the archers and minstrels who specced high stealth prior to see hidden ? They kinda deserve respec....

I can imagine it though, a week after every archer and mincer specs out of stealth....

Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.55A Test Release Notes



- See Hidden was stupidly overpowered and made everyone but 11 people in Albion roll Infiltrators. We have removed it completely. RAR!


Haha, what they gonna do then !

Aaaaah great post really shows what i was trying to get through, well actually the point i cared most about was my ice wizzie not being my ice wizzie, but thought this would get more people attention. You might try to make it a bit more obvios that the release notes are a joke, they look almost to realistic.


Originally posted by old.chesnor
On one hand respecs rock for all those people that have rolled classes nerfed who really need a respec.

Annoys me though that people can roll group friendly specs to level like maniacs in PvE and respec @ 50 to be RvR friendly. Defeats the whole point of the rigid speccing system in the first place if you can completely reroll your char when it hits 50 imho.

I'm not sure 100% about how respec works, but certainly respec shouldnt NOT be allowed for any chars created AFTER 1.52. Although I guess that respec is a very, very popular feature so Mythic won't take it out without causing much community grief.
You only get full respec if you have a char when 1.52 goes live. You get a level 20 and 40 one-line respec for any char that hits those levels after 1.52. So you can't roll a char and xp to 50 then respec.


Originally posted by Danyan

You only get full respec if you have a char when 1.52 goes live. You get a level 20 and 40 one-line respec for any char that hits those levels after 1.52. So you can't roll a char and xp to 50 then respec.

But lots of players have known it is coming soon and done just that already.....

Respec is fundamentally wrong.... character nerfs and so on are something players should learn to live with on the basis of it supposedly being for balance overall. The respec should have been inplemented more as an 'undo' facility for people who are drunk and hit the wrong training line...:rolleyes:


Yes to 44 spear!

Yes to respec!

Do my other chars need respec? not really


Originally posted by Jupitus

But lots of players have known it is coming soon and done just that already.....

Respec is fundamentally wrong.... character nerfs and so on are something players should learn to live with on the basis of it supposedly being for balance overall. The respec should have been inplemented more as an 'undo' facility for people who are drunk and hit the wrong training line...:rolleyes:
Think how you'd feel with several hundred points in a line you can't use any more... :p



Hehe, not getting much support, are you Whandall? :p ;)


1.52 introduced respec and 'fixed' block and parry, or so Mythic said.
People tested block+parry, noticed it was shit and had already been 'fixed' so respecced out of it.
1.53 came the 'real fix!' for block and parry, and now the load that just respecced=unhappy.

That's one good thing about being a few patches behind US, but means i have to wait till 1.53 to see if/what to respec


YES to respec!

I agree when most of us made our chars they were all kinda gimped cause most of us didnt know what they were doing (with most of us i mean me :p )and ended up with a 'gimp' char (namely the one my sig refers to).
The new batch of players (most of them being alts) knew how to spec and what the best options concluding...they > me :rolleyes: gimme respec /cry


Originally posted by old.mattshanes

Yeah thats a fair enough point but the one i said is one that should be ignored surely.

Yes ofcourse it should cause your a wise person just like me :clap: If someone respecc's just because someone says they should.. they should get a bit of spine and the peopel telling them too , should stop being so nosy and play there own chars :clap:

Did I mention.. YES TO RESPECC !!!


Nobody is forcing you to respec, if you like the way your specced as your posters claim then simply never type /respec all infront of your trainer. problem solved

as it happens i like the way i am specced as well, but if people have nerfed themselves because mythic took away a certain skill or nerfed it then shouldn;t they be allowed to respec to make up for it? (BTW, just imagine if mythic anti-nerfed the lines people had dropped in the respec. smite is made uber again but no full smite clerics HURRAY!)

campaign all you wish my friend, the respec happened in america a long time ago and will certain happen here in a few weeks time (another btw, if your not lvl 50 but want to save your full respec for when you do plz keep in mind it only works within 2 lvl's from the lvl you were at, at the time of the patch. I.e. - at patch your lvl 47, you can't respec once you pass 49)

ok, i've said my piece on the matter. g'nite


If my Armsman ever reaches 50 I will respec him to Damage Dealing rather than Defense spec.

Why shouldn't I? I pay my money to have fun and a tank cant keep aggro of casters with aggro styles, protect etc. in RvR.

A Pole-specced tank is, IMHO, a more useful spec in RvR but less so in PvE. Getting to 50 and respeccing to RvR spec from PvE should be a benefit of putting time and effort into getting to 50 in the 1st place.

I'll probably have to respec my Ranger tho I thinked I've cocked up already lol


If my Armsman ever reaches 50 I will respec him to Damage Dealing rather than Defense spec.
Why shouldn't I? I pay my money to have fun and a tank cant keep aggro of casters with aggro styles, protect etc. in RvR.
A Pole-specced tank is, IMHO, a more useful spec in RvR but less so in PvE. Getting to 50 and respeccing to RvR spec from PvE should be a benefit of putting time and effort into getting to 50 in the 1st place.
I'll probably have to respec my Ranger tho I thinked I've cocked up already lol
You see folks, that's EXACTLY the kind of things the respec can cause. Please please please, read patch notes fully and read them twice! (can find them all at
You played a defensive armsman for 50 levels, you learned all the tricks, you KNOW how to play your character and you know your limitations. Now, suddenly, one day, you are a big nasty polearm user! You find it lame because polearms are soooo slow and you can't even slam anymore!! Heck, during raids you die so fast because you don't have your shield to save you anymore! You get hit by arrows ALL the time!!
Note that i'm not saying that polearm sucks, far from it, I'm just saying that you may totally lose all the "knowledge" you gained during the 50 levels being a defensive tank.

If my Armsman ever reaches 50 I will respec him to Damage Dealing rather than Defense spec.
Unless you are currently level 49+, you will NOT be able to respec at 50!
As the system goes, you can only respec at level 20 and level 40 and that's only ONE line. The command for this is /respec <nameofline>.
Now, when we'll patch to 1.52 and ONLY for characters already existing, you will get a /respec all (see the "say no to respec" mantra). The characters able to "/respec all" will only be able to do so BEFORE gaining 2 levels after the patch.

Some examples:
- BillyJoe is level 24 when we patch to 1.52. He can /respec all at level 24 or level 25(just once of course). After that, he loses his /respec all ability and will have to wait for level 40 to be able to /respec ONE line.
- CarryJoe is level 50 when we patch to 1.52. He will be able to use his /respec all ability whenever he wants.
- JohnJoe isn't created yet when we patch to 1.52. He will never get /respec all and will only be able to /Respec one line at level 20 and level 40 (and ONLY these levels, if you don't use it at 20, you won't be able to do it at 21).

Be careful with that :)

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