I have my finger on the submit order button - what do you think?
caLLous said:How about turning the screen off when you go out? Or is that a stupid suggestion...
from Richer Sounds http://www.richersounds.co.uk/plasma-tv.htm
- Our third myth at least has some truth to it. This is that Plasma Screens are particularly susceptible to screen burn – this happens when a image is left in the same place on the screen for too long, like those pesky channel logos, and you’re left with a permanent residue of the offending image – It is true that Plasma screens are more susceptible than conventional televisions (mainly in their first 50-100 hours of use) however, at the time of writing, many models come fitted with a variety of features designed to eradicate screen burn. That said, it is probably a good idea not to leave it on all night and to ensure that the screensaver on your DVD player is switched on.
Tom said:Had a chat today with a mate of mine who has a plasma. He says its not a problem unless you leave a channel with a DOG on for more than about 3-4 hours, which lets face it is unusual (unless you're watching an entire day of programming, like a 24 marathon etc).