Plasma/LCD TV Advice


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I'm thinking of getting a plasma/lcd TV, mostly for gaming on avec my Xbox 360 (Premium, not Elite) and possibly for having as a second monitor for my laptop for watching DVDs, etc. on..

I was just wondering what are the important things to look out for in these TVs? I'm a bit behind the times and don't really know what values are important and what is a "good" value..

I'm looking to get something at 26" 's as anything else bigger is impractical for me as a student and anything smaller is just no fun :)

Other than HD, the only thing I'm really looking at is the contrast ratios of TVs as my way of comparing them, what else should I be looking at? What sort of range is good and what ratio is rubbish?

My budget is probably £450 or so tops.. I'd rather not spend that much if I can help it, but I'd like to make sure I get something good that will last me several years and don't want to end up wasting £250-£300 on something average..

I've found some TVs that *look* good around the £350-£450 price range on websites for Currys, Dixons, etc.. but I don't know very much :)

Anyone able to recommend anything or any particular manufacturer?

Ta :fluffle:


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Is 32" really impractical? you end up paying more for the smaller sizes.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
400 quid will get you a 26inch sammy R87 model that works fine with my 360 in the bedroom

You wont get plasma that small or that price

I recommend the sammy tho :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Noob question: What's the difference between plasma and LCD?

Ch3t - I am very tempted by 32".. but I assumed they were more expensive and I'd be sacrificing some quality for the increased screen size? :s


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Plasma can show a deeper black because LCD can only show black by blocking all the light behind it which doesn't work 100%.

imo most plasmas look better but there are great screens in both types. Check them out in a shop to see which you like the look of. Then buy them online to save money :)

Problem is in that price range you won't get a 1080 resolution screen. 720 ones may be out of date in a few years.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
LCD = Samsung
Plasma = Panasonic

Don't buy from Curry's or Dixon's the models the models they generally stock are unique P/N's so it is difficult to do comparrisons. Usually just some strange feature enabled that a baseline does not have but is done to confuse.

Better off buying from an online stockist or even from someone like John Lewis in UK who will match any retail price and deliver.

If you can stretch your budget a bit this is a very nice LCD:


If not this is what I would go for given the budget: - Samsung LE32R87BDX 32" LCD TV (LE32R87BDX/XEU)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I have a question. How can a plasma with a 1024x768 (or just something that obviously isn't 720p or 1080p) resolution be high definition ready?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have a question. How can a plasma with a 1024x768 (or just something that obviously isn't 720p or 1080p) resolution be high definition ready?
It's something that makes me want to stab marketing fuckwits in the face. Basically, it's HD Ready because it can take a hidef source and downsample it to its resolution. I guess the difference is, my 28" CRT can't do that, it has to be fed a standard def source.

It's a total crock of shit, and what fucks me off is a few friends that aren't so clued up about this stuff had no idea HD-Ready didn't mean genuine hi def so obviously it's a successful marketing ploy to sell inferior goods. There should be some consumer watchdog investigation or something, it's a such a scam.

Plasma = Panasonic

Last time I checked (which was a while ago) Pioneer made very good plasmas too.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It's something that makes me want to stab marketing fuckwits in the face. Basically, it's HD Ready because it can take a hidef source and downsample it to its resolution. I guess the difference is, my 28" CRT can't do that, it has to be fed a standard def source.

It's a total crock of shit, and what fucks me off is a few friends that aren't so clued up about this stuff had no idea HD-Ready didn't mean genuine hi def so obviously it's a successful marketing ploy to sell inferior goods. There should be some consumer watchdog investigation or something, it's a such a scam.

Last time I checked (which was a while ago) Pioneer made very good plasmas too.

Very true, an awful lot of 720p/1080i sets out there that can actually display what people expect.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
go to you local richer sounds, currys and comet look at the tvs,

richer sounds alow you to bring in your own ps3/360/wii for demo in thier demo rooms which is an ace way to see and find the best one.

currys and comet of late have been known to knock off a few bob of the price if
you are paying cash.

for plasma panasonic is great with pioneer and fujitsu dominating the top end of the market.

LCDs wise samsung is a good bet. but LG,toshiba are worth a look as well

£450 right now will net you ver decent lcd tv


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Basically, it's HD Ready because it can take a hidef source and downsample it to its resolution. I guess the difference is, my 28" CRT can't do that, it has to be fed a standard def source.
I thought that's what HD Compatible meant. There are some very good Pioneer Plasmas, but with shitty resolutions. People sing their praises and they score well in reviews but I don't see how it is true HD. Someone tried to say it was because plasma pixels were rectangular, but I wasn't buying that.

Anyway, I guess scaling down an image should look better than scaling up an image.

The reason I was asking was because I very nearly bought a Pioneer plasma, HD ready, with a funny resolution.
Pioneer PDP4280XD Review – 42” Kuro HD Ready Plasma TV Test


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, odd. Given that it's a widescreen tele without a widescreen resolution I guess the pixels would have to be rectangular, either that or there's some sort of interlacing. On the Pioneer PDP-607XD the resolution (horizontal x vertical) 1,365 (Hor) x 768 (Ver) so the pixels clearly aren't always rectangular.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Noob question: What's the difference between plasma and LCD?

Ch3t - I am very tempted by 32".. but I assumed they were more expensive and I'd be sacrificing some quality for the increased screen size? :s

No, you pay more for the smaller sizes because they make less. Prices of 32" LCD's are rock bottom right now, lots of very decent deals to be had. I am not a big fan of samsungs. Sharps bigger screens are good, not sure about the 32" ones. Personally I would buy Toshiba, prices are very good and feature set and picture quality is top notch.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I don't have time to follow this all up, but just wanted to say cheers for all the advice - is much appreciated.

Am pretty resigned to 720p, though I'm not sure I'll be buying for a month or two yet, so we'll see how it goes.

EDIT: Nice find Ch3t.. are they including VAT? :eek:

Right, must run! :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Me sis has just had a 40" Bravia - gotta say the picture quality is stunning, pin-sharp with good colours. A mate has a 37" Tosh which is also good, but I prefer the Bravia. Just a shame about the price of the bloody things.

Sonystyle has a 70" one for just under 5k. If only.....


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
My £1500 projector is just sitting around doing nothing :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Because his room is actually too small for a projector nath, do keep up :)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
And Sharp make some stunning LCD panels.

Fujitsu actually make some of the best LCD's but their driving circuitry is far from the best. Their LCD's are in a lot of best branded sellers.

Bizarre the way Jap companies buy parts from each other

I work for Panasonic albeit on the Aircraft side but having seen the financial reports of MEI (Panasonics a subsiduary of MEI) can tell you that MEI's biggest customer for sub assemblies is Sony!


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Me sis has just had a 40" Bravia - gotta say the picture quality is stunning, pin-sharp with good colours. A mate has a 37" Tosh which is also good, but I prefer the Bravia. Just a shame about the price of the bloody things.

Sonystyle has a 70" one for just under 5k. If only.....

Pity the reliability of the Sony range is not as good as in years past :(

Panasonic Plasmas range have now exceeded 103".

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