plan for organised healing during keep taking




here my 2 cents for an idea,

because the healing problems during keep takings, ive come up with an idea,

get one full group of clerics, and one minstrell. they stand clear of the keep (down out of range of them bloody archers) here people who want a heal/buff can walk to, sit down and one of the 7 healers heals him/her then they go of and kill some baddies..

there should be 2 or three tanks around to get some patrols off them..

in general i think we will be quicker at keep taking.. and there will be alot less yelling for heals..

just a thought..


Pretty decent idea but as you say, you'd need a second mini group of tanks to protect the group of clerics, or at least have one of the assault groups keeping an eye on the clerics (thought the minstrel can mezz patrols, or try).

But the idea has potential if it can be organised.


Well :) 7 clerics and a minstrel can take 3 guards in no time ;p, they need no protection


I thinks so as well, we can smite them and mez them to hell :D

It would be nice to try this out someday soon.. (this would certainly rock at relic takings and such)



ps If u have ANY conc left when in RvR u aint doing ur job right, buffing ur realm mates gives them an edge, please take the time.


It would also help if people attacking doors, moved back at 40% health, this gives u enough time to get out of range.

Three reasons:

1) I you die at the gate, Rezzers end up dying trying to drag you out.

2) Less Mana is used by healers, instead of having to rez people.

3) This also stops the enemy gaining realm points for deaths.

Another suggestion would be pallys are the second line of guard, and concentrate primarily on rezzing those in the firing line, leaving clerics to heal.


Very good pointers Yinsh

alot of the time people just stay at the doors and expect healers/pallies to rezz them, but its far to dangerous to do so..

and yes, lets have a little pally guards who just rezz..

I would be happy to try and start something up.. i know a few clerics who would like to help, or if you want to help send me a tell in the game ))


Nice plan but if the grps have 2x Clerics and a Minst healing isn't usually a problem at keeps.

It's one of the few times all our smiters will be healing as there's not much else for a Cleric to do on a keep raid until the guards pop.


Originally posted by c0ngo
Nice plan but if the grps have 2x Clerics and a Minst healing isn't usually a problem at keeps.

i think the main problem is, imagine you need a heal in the middle of battle...
-your own cleric might be dead, what you do then?
-if he's alive you need to find him or at last get into healing-range.

i think its a good idea to have a place down the hill where u can move to get healed fast and go back instantly.


Am a rejuv cleric (last of my kind i think ) i won't max rejuv but it will be higher then any other spec, An on keep raids i spend most of my time ressing dead an resting. (thx purefun love your power song ). I see paladins hitting gates i see ppl /y heal ffs i ignore if they havn't got cleric in there group that can heal, I think why not get a cleric ffs. My job in pve an rvr is to keep my group alive long enough to kill the target be it granite giant or middy scum ( :p ) . If i stand at the bottom of a hill waiting for some fool to show up (that won't show up till he just been ressed) am wasting my time. on a raid 1 cleric can almost manage full group of 7. At raneris last night i spent all my time healing my group tanks an curing there desieses ( thats my job ). Sry but you won't find me sitting at the bottum of a hill waiting for some fool whos cleric decided he could hit the gate harder an got a bit to close an needs ressing. Remember paladins can res so can friars. 1 cleric 1 paladin in a group you have 2 ressers . IMHO a good structered group will have little trouble, an 20 such groups would own any keep even if it is full of mids hiding to try an take are other relic. ( remember mids it worked once, won't work again :D )

The for your time, see you near the gates healing my tanks :D


Originally posted by bob007

The for your time, see you near the gates healing my tanks :D

Might see u there then cause that's where I normally am, unless I get bored and start hitting the gate :)


I didn't know there was problems with healing at keep raids. It's the one time in rvr when everyone is in range :)

I wouldn't really want to be in a group at the bottom of the hill for a few reasons. Insta heal and especially group insta would be useless. Casters often need quick healing. They could easily die before making it to the bottom of the hill. Also, if I have enough power then I either F9 through those around me not in my group and heal where needed or I attempt to stun/aoe smite defenders - can't do this from the bottom of the hill. And most importantly I would get bored out of my mind sitting at the bottom of the hill waiting for people to come to me. :p

Nice idea, but it's not for me ;)

Zag Barr

Clerics also have a few other abilities, that are of great use in a keep attack:

- be somewhere close to the gate keeper and use insta-mezz to keep the enemies from entering the keep - much more effective, than tanks trying to block it with their bodies. We are no trolls after all :(

- especially against hibs you have this nasty PbAE nukers on the other side. They make it impossible for the tanks to hit the gates. A few clerics who PbAE regulary close to the gate do not only interupt the enemies casting, it also interrupts anyone trying to repair the gates.

In RvR in general, the pallys should do most of the ressing - so clerics can save their mana for healing and stunning.


Originally posted by old.Zag Barr

- especially against hibs you have this nasty PbAE nukers on the other side. They make it impossible for the tanks to hit the gates. A few clerics who PbAE regulary close to the gate do not only interupt the enemies casting, it also interrupts anyone trying to repair the gates.

Think the ranged AE Smite should also work for keep attacks/defences now we can cast on the gate so u shouldn't need to keep running up to the door to do a PB one :) Not tested it yet though as there's been no one at the keeps I've visited since we could target the door.

In RvR in general, the pallys should do most of the ressing - so clerics can save their mana for healing and stunning.

But Palis should NOT rez when I'm in the middle of a 7 second cast trying 2 get a caster or Cleric up with 50% hp and 25% power so they can do something when they're up :)

Must be even worse for Herb and the other Rejuvs


uhm.. im not saying that all the clerics should be out of range down the hill ) that would be suicide :) we need loads of clerics closer to groups otherwise them tanks who are too far away inside the keep to get healed/rezzed..

well nice discussen still. keep it up ;)

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