Hello once again my PL shop is open for the ones with the money in need of some fast pl
. The procedure is as followed: You put the money needed in inventory of the char you want to get pl'ed and move it to the pl spot in modernagrav. I will take the money first time I log your char on and yes I will need your login and password to do this kind of pl otherwise it's to complicated. When i'm done i leave the char in modernagrav.
Pricess and jobs are as followed:
Lvl 20-40 = 12p
Lvl 40-47 = 15p
Lvl 47-50 = 15p
and the special order: Lvl 20-50 = 40p
I know that 1 of my jobs have raised abit in price but that is because it's harder to lvl at higher lvl in moderna than at they old lair spot. Any of these tree orders takes aprox 1day playing (around 10hours or so) So i should be done in 1 day, however if the gorup is very bad or whatever i might need a little more than 1 day but normaly it's 1 day and ofc the hole thing from 20 to 50 takes 3 days.
Leave pm's here or ingame if you need an order done. I'm most likely on Daxtaxi since i just got him rdy for RvR
Pricess and jobs are as followed:
Lvl 20-40 = 12p
Lvl 40-47 = 15p
Lvl 47-50 = 15p
and the special order: Lvl 20-50 = 40p
I know that 1 of my jobs have raised abit in price but that is because it's harder to lvl at higher lvl in moderna than at they old lair spot. Any of these tree orders takes aprox 1day playing (around 10hours or so) So i should be done in 1 day, however if the gorup is very bad or whatever i might need a little more than 1 day but normaly it's 1 day and ofc the hole thing from 20 to 50 takes 3 days.
Leave pm's here or ingame if you need an order done. I'm most likely on Daxtaxi since i just got him rdy for RvR