PL Exchange (mid/excal)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
so here is the deal, I was once playing my beloved sorceress (Zyperchick) here on prydwen but after my account got hacked (grr at hotmail), I lost her for good :-(
Really wan't her back but leveling on your own again can be very dull the 2nd time on the same mobs :)

So i borrowed a 50SM on mid/excal that will PL your toon to mid 30's and u will get 3-4 plats for free there too (should make you able to gear your toon out).

In exchange i get PL on alb/pryd to level 35-37 (my old sorceress was close to 38) :) Prefer a necro or something fast, once tried being PLed by a paladin and ehm.. not fun :>
(i got an account with /level)

Can have your toon PLed to 35 in about 8hours (from lvl 20), if I can get into a moderna grp relative early :). You get to keep the loot which will make you have about 5 when we are done.

Hopefully we can sort it this weekend, if you are interessted, please drop a post and I will reply tomorrow ;-) (Please remember Necro or a PL grp will be the best)

(We can also transfer gold if you need more than the 5 plats :))


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
clear inbox ~

living has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
walowalo said:
clear inbox ~

living has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.

lol, ill do that :)

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