PL / Dark Spire Raid(Ex) - Thu1Dec - 7PM(Uk)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2006
I need MLXP and ArtyXp on my scout, so I thought Id run a darkspire raid tonight to get it.

Pally: Me
Blocker: Me (Stealthy-Excalibur the Scout)
Icer: ???
Cleric: ??? (I can swap pally for cleric if needs be).
Healer/2nd Pally: ???
Random #1: ???
Random #2: ???
Random #3: ???

Lead characters (Pally/IceWiz/Cleric) should be level 50, and if you come at 50 with a lead character you can bring a leech of any level.

I'm not doing this for items in particular, so we will just pull the entire dungeon. No lotto, but people with alts are expected to switch loot off on all but one of them.

People who want to come for PL who cannot make substantial contributions (such as RvR spec characters or AFKers) will be expected to turn loot off.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
if shan wasn't doing a ml raid i would come on a pally/cleric/icer

oh, but i would prefer if there was a lotto, makes it more fare... as i need like 8 drops from there

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