

Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Anyone tried the new version of pirates? Any good? im looking to relive the days when i used to play an an english seahawk in the 1560's and sack the 'hole of the spanish main ;). Ah the first game i played 'hardcore' on C64. My GF has bought it but I have to wait for Xmas...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
No and didnt know there was a remake of it either :O
Remember hiring the tape out and trying to "tape" it and it never worked had to take it back and never saw it again in a shop or anything since, gifv cliky :D

NM found it \o/ will be obtaining this asap hope its as much fun as the original :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
All info I can find says its released and yet I can only find preorder boxes....

Walk into store see the box, :clap: , see that its only a box to make you preorder, :(

Played that game SO much on Amiga. If anyone has played new version AND old version plz give input.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I assume people having trouble getting their hands on it arent in the UK coz it seems to be in every single shop I got into (even morrisons ;) ). Should be £24, game stores are trying to rip people off charging £34. I think virgin has it at £24.

I played pirates on C64, then amiga, and then played pirates gold on my PC when that came out so yes I am an addict.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Almost done all the quests only 2 days after buying :( Great game just too easy


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Good game but no where near enough variety. It plays basically the same as the C64 version with a few tweaks and half decent graphics but it is very short and replayabilty seems very low to me.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
cHodAX said:
Good game but no where near enough variety. It plays basically the same as the C64 version with a few tweaks and half decent graphics but it is very short and replayabilty seems very low to me.

So its like the C64 but not replayable? :( hmm Im not totally put off tho becuase the C64 was the most replayable game Im ever played and it had less features.

Almost done all the quests only 2 days after buying Great game just too easy

The original Pirates was never been about 'completing the quests' , If that is the way it has gone I will be disapointed indeed :( I Hopefully its just the approach the player takes, Ive probably played the original 100+ times and completed all/most of the quests in each of those games. I just found the gameplay addictive, When doing the quests it was never a case of 'been there done that' next time through.

You two were playing on swashbuckler right?

Thanks for the feedback anyway even if it wasnt what i wanted to hear..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2004
Aye unfortunatly i makes no dieffernce what country u work for etc everything is still the same ie impress the governers get his doughter - sink ships but u use the same damm tactic everytime- have the sword fight but its always the same- take the loot - loads of money nothing to spend it on as u get one of the best ships after your first quest :/.

There are special items also but there too easy to come by u can ransack towns with land battles but the land battles are laughable.

Aye its a remake but its all graphics and no game play.

<off Topic>
Best game ever imo that needs a re-make is Colonization most replayable game ever! i still play it on my amiga now all it needs is some updated graphics , mutiplayer and the option of been able to play the natives :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I am great fan of Sid Meirs games like Civilization, Colonization and Pirates. Hopefully will get new version of Pirates this holiday to have some fun. Btw, heard new civilization comes out next year? We are doomed to get hooked forendless hours again!! (It is funny keep playing for 1 more round and before you know it hours hve passed!!)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Aye unfortunatly i makes no dieffernce what country u work for etc everything is still the same ie impress the governers get his doughter - sink ships but u use the same damm tactic everytime- have the sword fight but its always the same- take the loot - loads of money nothing to spend it on as u get one of the best ships after your first quest :/.

I cant comment because I still havent played it but you have just described the original there...And I liked that. I mean you can start with the most powerful ship in the game in the original!. It was never about 'power' gaming. i.e. get the best ship, the best wife, the most crew. It was like pacman/spaceinvaders play essentially the same addictive game in an effort to get gold pieces and build a nice high score table ;) And yes all the countries were essentially the same.. and the goal was alwas the same. Just like most early games. The gameplay was in the addictiveness of getting a good high score. I mean you can get millions and millions of gold piececs if you play well and you can always do better (still talking original here).


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Ballard said:
I cant comment because I still havent played it but you have just described the original there...And I liked that. I mean you can start with the most powerful ship in the game in the original!. It was never about 'power' gaming. i.e. get the best ship, the best wife, the most crew. It was like pacman/spaceinvaders play essentially the same addictive game in an effort to get gold pieces and build a nice high score table ;) And yes all the countries were essentially the same.. and the goal was alwas the same. Just like most early games. The gameplay was in the addictiveness of getting a good high score. I mean you can get millions and millions of gold piececs if you play well and you can always do better (still talking original here).
its just a remake, no new stuff. was how they wanted it to be, they just beefed graphics


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004

was so looking forward to a "spiced up" version of this, but if it has no new gamevariation I dunno if I'll even buy it. Still not seen it on Tradition in Sweden.....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Nedo said:

was so looking forward to a "spiced up" version of this, but if it has no new gamevariation I dunno if I'll even buy it. Still not seen it on Tradition in Sweden.....

The previous poster was not well informed. There are new parts introduced. sneaking into town is now done using an arcade sequence. Part of wooing the governors daughter is going to a formal ball and dancin with her, your chosen flagship can battle more than one ship at a time. There are other well known pirates that compete with you and ytou can encounter periodically , plus other small changes. It just a matter of how many of these new facets are any good.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Not sure if its against the CoC to post links to shops but..

Pirates for £24.99

No i don't work for them...i was looking at buying it this weekend and saw it on pay for cheap


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Bubble said:
Not sure if its against the CoC to post links to shops but..

only if the links are pr0n and or how to make bombs etc etc... then its against the CoC :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Is it abit like North and South but with erm ..... Pirates ???


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
heh North and South.

now theres a game that kicked serious ass

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