Pirate cam screeners.



Ok own up, does anyone actually watch these? People have been taking cams into cinemas for ages now but the technology is getting better and better making them much more watchable then they used to be.

I remember one of my friends bringing over a copy of jurassic park while I was still in primary school. It was the most grainy shite ever. Couldn't even make out the t-rex, was a complete waste of time. Was prolly taken by someone with a cheap handheld hidden under a coat on his lap or something.

But now the release groups seem to be wheeling their cams into private screenings and sticking them onto tripods. Or even digitally ripping straight from the reel (telecine). And with the broadband roll out the distrubtion of these films is easier then ever. Most films are available on P2P networks a few days after they are released.

But are they really worth getting? No matter what the capturing method is you are still getting a sub-quality release compared to what you'd get in the cinema. Sound quality often suffers and picture quality can sometimes be quite good, but most of the time fairly poor. And after all you're only saving yourself a few pounds, if you're paying for a broadband connection then you can easily afford a cinema ticket.

Personally I've found the whole cinema experience to be quite dissapointing the last few times I've been. Other people usually spoil the film by talking, eating, farting, moving around etc. Groups of immature people can be really obnoxious in dark rooms when they think no one can see them. And sitting in an absolutely packed cinema can sometimes be quite an ordeal, especially if you need the toilet or feel deep vein thrombosis setting in.

Having your own private screening definitely has benefits. And piracy really doesn't seem to be harming the film industry (although they would argue otherwise). Anyone else have an opinion?


Since there aren't many official releases in Vietnam, we have to make do with the wobbly camera work and people getting up halfway through. Sometimes though the quality hasn't been that bad but usually it's shite. Most *cough* DVD outlets have a good returns policy which helps sift out the truly appalling ones. Lately though we've just been waiting an extra month or so to get a perfect quality DVD rip....only 70p each as well :)


Originally posted by .Cask
And piracy really doesn't seem to be harming the film industry (although they would argue otherwise). Anyone else have an opinion?

Beg to differ on this one.

Although many of us may perceive these dodgy camcorder jobbies to be utterly bollocks and unwatchable - there are 10 others to each of us who don't give a shit and just want to see the "film", and once watched, not go to the cinema, rent from blockbuster or indeed buy the original anymore.

In the UK this is not particularly a problem - but in the Far East, Eastern Europe and Southern Africa :eek:


I'm somewhat ashamed to say that I watched the X2 movie yesterday on TELESYNC (which is essentially a camera I think). The version I've got is 2 x 820Mb and was done (somehow) with an external sound source, so whilst the picture lacks a little bit of clarity, the sound is spot on.

It's probably comparable to an good quality VHS. Definitely watchable, but not as good as watching it in the cinema... but then what is?

Generally speaking however the quality of TELESYNCs goes from "passable" to "dire".

Testin da Cable

an ex housemate of mine has made it his hobby to download every film there is to be had off the internet. I can't -really can't- see why he bothers. I've watched a few of them, and imo they're all shite quality -or at least seriously not on a par with the dolby/dvd stuff I can do at home and totally outclassed by the big screen cinema. why does he do it? I mean, he's been such a cunt about it that we don't even ask him to come to the movies with us any more.

"wott?? going to see X2?? booooringggg!!1 I saw that 6 weeks ago, you know the 2x 660meg version in korean with the shitty high frequency bleep going on every 4 seconds"

right :/


I was going to post a damning indictment of modern pirate culture and the effect on small business profits but I have already exceeded my serious post quotient this quarter. So have a chicken picture instead.



Originally posted by Lester
I was going to post a damning indictment of modern pirate culture and the effect on small business profits but I have already exceeded my serious post quotient this quarter. So have a chicken picture instead.

Ahh sorry mate I had read somewhere that you had your own store so I should have made the connection :(

Have to say that when I see a screener, chances are I won't go to the cinema or rent it out. But I'm still buying as many DVD's/Videos as I used to. But that also has to do with the nearest rental shop being quite a long hike away, and I never liked sitting in cinemas much anyway.

I didn't really want to get into the whole "Is piracy right?" debate but spose it was inevitable. I like to think that screeners and rips let me see movies that I wouldn't normally spend any money to see, and I still invest in the ones that I would buy. But given my position I think it is impossible to know what I would do if I didn't have access to screeners, so it is an opinion nothing more :(


There is a reason why some people watch them you know.

In qatar, you got to see a movie. 6 quid, ok not that bad. drink is a few more quid and perhaps some popcorn

You settle down to watch the movie, a baby starts crying...nothing too bad about that as it shuts up before the film starts. a few mobile phones also go off but most of them have the sense to either switch them off or go outside to speak.

Film starts, arab children start to create a racket, running up and down isles, their nannys following them. the parents dont give a damn. Considering most of them are Qatari, cinema staff cant do anything for fear of losing their job.

Ok, you get used to this after a while. But, mayaps, let us say this film is Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the ring. A great film perhaps but due to this background noise you arent getting the full enjoyment.

Then the elvish comes on.....................and the subtitles are in fucking arabic. That ranger guy and the girl elf go to kiss.............its cut out. Same with other films, anything with a bit of nudity, kissing etc. is cut out.

Considering you can go to nearby shops, spend 4 quid and get them on VCD and enjoy them until the DVD comes out 4 months later.....Of course it might be bad quality, as my copy of Daredevil was! No matter, you can just exchange it for another latest release. The audio isnt up to DVD quality perhaps, and you might not be so comfortable sitting down to watch it. But it's considerably more attractive than having to guess at whats happening whilst the nearest wullah is shouting down your ear.

Of course, the moral option is to wait! Sit there eagerly until the DVD comes out....whilst everyone around you who has also seen the VCD version is rabbiting on about how good the film was, wasnt it excellent when the plot did such and such and the hero did this FANTASTIC move! etc. I've already had James Bond and The Two Towers ruined.

Personally I'd opt for the VCD version. And you dont have to wait as long for it to arrive here, after being thoroughly chopped and cut by the film censors out here.


As I've suggested to others before I think the ability to purchase new release films on Digital TV that doesn't allow recording but gives you sharp DVD like quality they could even transmit 5.1 dolby digital. I would then happyily pay £3-5 to watch that movie in the comfort of my own home, the sale of the film goes to the box office takings and you have a killer app for Digital TV.

The state of the cinema in Bedford the screen makes a 20year old projector TV look good, the pictures grainy and the screen is covered in thrown drinks and popcorn stains, the sound is, if your lucky dolby pro logic typically it sounds like you are only getting a front left, front right and a sub and they charge rediculous prices for food and drink.


Munkey I used to live in Bahrain and I understand why you watch them. If they didn't have the video in that you want they would make you a cup of tea and run one off for you on high speed recorders. All films were a Dinar each (about £1.50 at the time) and if you took 5 you got to keep all 5 for 5 days for 5 Dinars. New releases were always crap quality for the first few weeks. But the point is, I suppose, that there was no other (decent) way of watching them. If U.K. release schedules were in synch with U.S. ones then a lot of the problem here would be eradicated. Some gonks would still want to see x-men 3 NOW NOW NOW NOW!!! but a lot would prefer to see it at the pics or on kosher DVD.


Release dates aren't that different anymore (UK/US). The matrix is out on the 15th there and 21st here.. 's not a big deal. I think the whole piracy/region free dvd players thing has pushed them to release films in the US/UK at the same time (more or less). Which is nice.


Originally posted by PR.
As I've suggested to others before I think the ability to purchase new release films on Digital TV that doesn't allow recording but gives you sharp DVD like quality they could even transmit 5.1 dolby digital.
Not really workable unfortunately.

There are restrictions like this in place on Sky Digital on certain movies, but in reality if you're remotely knowledgable you can just run a feed off the digital signal and record it that way. Ultimately as long as you are getting a digital feed that goes into non-proprietary hardware (e.g. a normal TV) you should be able to record it.

Sky Digital, to my knowledge, stops you recording certain movies by virtue of the fact that your VCR is normally plugged straight into it.


Originally posted by nath
Release dates aren't that different anymore (UK/US). The matrix is out on the 15th there and 21st here.. 's not a big deal. I think the whole piracy/region free dvd players thing has pushed them to release films in the US/UK at the same time (more or less). Which is nice.

I've had Mr Deeds on R1 DVD for about 6 months now. It only just came out over here.


Yeah but I'm not talking about niché market gay pride videos.


i DL'ed American Pie once... it was shoddy resolution, but it was watchable

except i only got the first part

had to guy out and buy it to see the rest (ok, bought it as a B-day present for my younger bro, I'm a selfish bastard)


Originally posted by nath
Yeah but I'm not talking about niché market gay pride videos.

Shame, cos the one you starred in has just come out on R1.


Originally posted by .Cask
But now the release groups seem to be wheeling their cams into private screenings and sticking them onto tripods. Or even digitally ripping straight from the reel (telecine). And with the broadband roll out the distrubtion of these films is easier then ever. Most films are available on P2P networks a few days after they are released.

But are they really worth getting? No matter what the capturing method is you are still getting a sub-quality release compared to what you'd get in the cinema.

No offence, but you just finding out about telecines, telesyncs, etc, doesn't mean they've just started happening. In fact, ironically, the first "big" vcd'd film (ie the first one that everyone got, and kickstarted the whole thing into a lot of people's consciences) was The Matrix.

Anything Screener and above is usually excellent quality, at or above that of a VHS, and well worth the download. Personally I wont watch Telesyncs or Cams, because they're invariably shit (although the recent X2 TS wasn't too bad). Having said that, if there's a film I want to see then I'll go to the cinema - not because I'm "taking a stand against piracy", but because why on earth would I watch a film on my poxy PC monitor with speakers when I could see it in all its 20 foot wide THX glory. For people who are used to watching films through their crappy DVD-ROM drives, it's probably a viable alternative.

Oh, and P2P is shit for films. You can guarantee that 95% of the films on Kazaa are just renamed "Mummy Returns" or "Monsters Inc" - why people do it I'm not sure. Like most other things, if you want it quick, go straight to Usenet (or a group ftp, obviously).


The point I was making was that the quality of the screeners is getting better. I used to watch loads of pirate VHS's round a friends house back in primary school and they were all absolutely turd quality. Now even the cams are getting up to TV (aerial) quality and are very watchable.

Kazaa can be good for some really rare files, but as emule provides 99% of my P2P requirements I have no need for anything else.


btw Matrix Reloaded has been released if they want a 'sneak preview' ;)


WB shoulda taken a leaf outs the X men 2 release book. instead they just go an fuck it up. :(

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