Yesterday I had ISDN installed. My ping on the barryworld bookable servers is around 100 when its empty.
2 other members of the [DAD]Clan are on ISDN as well and there pings are as low as 50 when its quiet. We are all using 1 line at 64k
I have the USB version of BT's ISDN can anyone help me improve my ping?
It may be early days but I have looked into it as far as I can/know and now I put it to you...........the gaming guru's
Hope you can help me.
2 other members of the [DAD]Clan are on ISDN as well and there pings are as low as 50 when its quiet. We are all using 1 line at 64k
I have the USB version of BT's ISDN can anyone help me improve my ping?
It may be early days but I have looked into it as far as I can/know and now I put it to you...........the gaming guru's
Hope you can help me.