


I have a Diamond 56k/v90 internal modem, my isp is Callnet0800 and my ping is abot 160ms - 250ms (depending on time of day and to Wireplay because BW is still not up
) and I get some spike now and again but it isn't massive. What is the least possible ping you can get through a modem? What isp were you using? Is the U.S Robotics Gaming modem any good? What does that have that makes it a "Gaming Modem"?

[This message has been edited by cspiby (edited 29 December 1999).]


pace internal ISA 56 Voice is best gaming modem. Back in the days when BW had a decent dialup i used to see sub-100 ping at some point pretty much everytime i played. nearly always sub-120 even in big fites. Nildram gives me similar results these days except that it spikes to $%&* in fights, up to 160 and shit :/

best connection ive had from an 0800isp was about 117 using BTI on a wireplay server)

ive seen some1 with a 91 ping b4 who claims to have had 90 a cppl of times. real test of a modem connect is how it handles in game play, with ppl shooting sng at u and stuff. atm i cant find a decent (ie stable) modem dialup, nildram/jolt are only ones to give low pings at it spikes pretty bad at times.


The Pace Internal 56k (not sure if they are still being made nowerdays) has the reputation as the best modem for gaming (its why i bought one when i replaced my system). I think the lowest ping i've had on it was 99 (usually 105-140 - this is using CiX to access a private server) but nowerdays modem connects tend to spike a lot.

As for ISPs, i'm not up to date but i've known some people who have 3 or 4 accounts just in case one is having a bad day..

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