


Jesus I go away for a while and all hell breaks loose.....

If you cant play DAOC..... Have a look at this Planetside

I bought the game just over a month and a half ago, and have been hooked ever since.... I have hardly played DAOC, prob logged on 3-4 times....

Tonight, thought Id log on to DAOC for a change (cant password wont work)... Have a look at home site and see what been happening.. and now, (yes even though I do have my new passwords) Im even less inclined to play.....

Come over to the dark side.... you know you want to..... :clap: dont be scared :scared:

Oh, and Planetside even has a 'Euro' server (why the hell mythic didnt think of this i dont know), so no 3rd party running the game for us and cocking it up.... :mgwhore:



Been there.... done that.... got bored of it and came back to DAoC :p.

The game is bug ridden and has more problems with overpowered weapons etc than DAoC does.


Bug ridden.... well it has bugs (what game doesnt) but nothing that i have noticed or detracted from my gameplay enjoyment...

In fact... They patched the game wednesday... a 'Speed hack' was reported the same day... got a patch to eliminate it the next day... what more customer service do you want.... :clap:


PlanetSide is great, the expgrind isnt like daoc gladly, BR15-16 took me _just_ over a day in a full squad, you can do it quicker if in a squad of 3-5 people but it isnt as fun :) Give the 7day trial a whirl and see how you like it, Join NC tho.. :p


hmm, depends what you like i guess, I got bored of planetside after a fortnight. Im not saying its bad or anything, just not for everyone.:)


Sorry, but no cigar...

Too many random crashes to desktop and I kept getting the impression that I might as well throw rocks at people - wasn't fun at all.

I'm not a pro, but I'm no newbie either when it comes to FPS... but I swear, I never managed to kill anything in that game during the 7 day trial (I played an hour here and there) whereas the first time I did RvR in DAOC I at least managed to keep a kill to death ratio of about 1:1.

Oh and what else is there to do other than kill each other over and over and over? Okay, DAOC is mass slaughter as well... but at least I can socialize and all... or try to figure out the uber combination of items, spells and tactics. Didn't see much tactics in planetside... people just seemed to run around blasting.

Well... good thing it was a free trial :)


Well, PlanetSide has alot of tactics, if you have one CR5 co-ordinating the strike. Barondump (one of NC's CR5's) was leading a strike on Solsar (think it was solsar) he had 2 GAL's do Hotdrops ontop of a hot tower, needless to say we took the tower but it looked so cool, and i bet the TR's crapped themselfs to find 20 NC's rushing down the stairs! Anyhow.. he then led on to getting the two squads back into the GAL's and drop onto the base which we took, he had a Deliverer waiting outside for when i took the LLU which we swiftly took to the cap base escorted by 2 vanguards and godknows how many reavers! That was possibbly the most fun ive had in PlanetSide in a while :D


Oh, and ill defend PlanetSide to high-heaven as its kept me occupied in my week off work :p


when it's organised battles it's great

when it's mindless zerging it's dull.

It's fun and all but the appeal didn't last for me :(


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
when it's organised battles it's great

when it's mindless zerging it's dull.

Bit like DAoC huh? :O


Originally posted by Stonebits
If you cant play DAOC..... Have a look at this Planetside

No fanks, don't like space age MMORPGs which is why I'm playing Dark Age of Camelot and not Planetside ;)

Repent Reloaded

Originally posted by Stonebits
Jesus I go away for a while and all hell breaks loose.....

If you cant play DAOC..... Have a look at this Planetside

I bought the game just over a month and a half ago, and have been hooked ever since.... I have hardly played DAOC, prob logged on 3-4 times....

Tonight, thought Id log on to DAOC for a change (cant password wont work)... Have a look at home site and see what been happening.. and now, (yes even though I do have my new passwords) Im even less inclined to play.....

Come over to the dark side.... you know you want to..... :clap: dont be scared :scared:

Oh, and Planetside even has a 'Euro' server (why the hell mythic didnt think of this i dont know), so no 3rd party running the game for us and cocking it up.... :mgwhore:


PS is to much like Tribes 2 imho, got bored of PS within 3 weeks. got BR12 thou :D


Why are Mince and Fishi posting under different forum names when they're the same person ?:(


i took a break - fishi played my account

theres no conversation there


Originally posted by Flesh
Why are Mince and Fishi posting under different forum names when they're the same person ?:(

run along now najwa, other people to flame


As Riddler said, when its organised it can be grest fun..... but can also be fun when it isnt....

In DAOC, it is nigh on impossible (unless you are a stealther) to play RVR solo.... PS you can... means I can log on, do what I want for a while with no-one telling me to assaut xyz Fort and spend 20 mins watching my character swing an axe at a wooden door... :sleeping:

Just giving people an option... :D

Hey you could even be really daring and play both.... :ROFLMAO:


bets bit abou PS is you can do pretty much what you want

when I got bored of running about in groups, I'd grab my own mobile spawn station (ams), park it somewhere out of sight close to an enemy base, and then take pot sniper shots at the defenders

when I died / ran out of ammo, I'd repsawn nearby, stock up on supplies and continue....

though the "big battles" were always the best fun... 100 vs 100 vs 100 fighting for control of the same facility :clap:

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