


Ok this is it. The real deal. After weeks of doing basically nothing Im now going for the big 50. I have 16 bubbles to go and since exping at this level is sooo slow I had a thought about covering my exp bar to make it feel a bit easier. I ran into a philosophical dilemma that maybe one of you can help me with. Ok here it goes:

Does covering up your exp bar make it move faster, and how can you really tell unless you sneak peek at it (in which case the whole concept of covering the exp bar is lost).

Need some input here people!


I always covered it up the last 5 levels. Not seeing it move when killing things took the spirit out of me. The secret to make this work is to always assume you get very little xp so you'll get a encouraging surprise when sneak-peeking (yes, you have to do it, can't live without it :)).


Covering it up is a waste of time. I tried that for about an hour and found the temptation too much to avoid peaking at it.
The only thing I can say is that if you're exp bar is not moving, you're in the wrong group. Mine does move in a competant group in deep DF.


You've got mental problems...


Personally, I have my left eye focussed on killing monsters, and my right eye focussed on my exp bar, then I'm calculating a total time for achieving the next level inside my head, before I finally got a final number, I dinged :p


the fastest XP groups I was in where the groups that where so much fun I forgot to look at my XP bar. at the end of the hunt I usually fell nearly off my chair because of the amount of XP I made. this suggest covering it up does work. tho a really fun group, that makes XP a secondary requirement, should work even better


Emm - this is not just a philosophical question, but also takes in both practical and metaphysics (though that is probably practical as well).

The problem is that by observing, the experiment is altered. This can be as simple as the fact that observing someone alters how they behave. Men will pass less urine in a public toilet if someone stands next to them if other stalls near are free. Cockroaches will atempt to get through mazes faster (but make more mistakes) if watched by another cockroach.

Metaphysics states that both possibilities have happened until you look for the result (cat in box thingy).

I hope this has helped.


... well whether you look at it or not, one thing is absolutely certain.... that last bubble... the one at the end on the right?.... it actually extands a little way off the edge of your screen, so when it looks like the bar has got past it, in fact it's not really there :p

Good Luck Liz :)



/em stopped seeing exp meter move after level 41



Originally posted by old.windforce
/em stopped seeing exp meter move after level 41


After all the times I've grouped with you in the bowels of Darkness Falls, I find that hard to belive. Sure it moves slowly, and you might need a magnifying glass to see it, but it does move.


Originally posted by Eliz
Does covering up your exp bar make it move faster, and how can you really tell unless you sneak peek at it (in which case the whole concept of covering the exp bar is lost).

Umm. Better than covering up the xp bar is to stop thinking about it. :)
Pulling mobs is not really mentally demanding so just chat away with the ppl in your group/guild while you do it and try to stop thinking so much about the goal.
I have had many good times with xp groups in Malmöhus just because we had fun chatting.

And to share my view on the philosophical question:
You and i know that covering up the bar shouldnt have any impact on the rate at which it goes up.
Maybe what you are really asking is "will it feel like i level faster if i dont see how slow the bar is moving?" You have to answer that question yourselfe by trying it out.

Forgive me, but I must say I think that the type of philosophical questions that goes "If i'm not allowed to find out the facts about something, will something be different about it and how should i know if that is the case?" are very pointless. But i would love to hear someone argue how they can be interesting, because i dont see how :)


I just saw you're a theurg.
why not watch a movie, or read a book? that should make dinging 50 easy :D


Re: Re: Philosophy

Originally posted by Freia

Forgive me, but I must say I think that the type of philosophical questions that goes "If i'm not allowed to find out the facts about something, will something be different about it and how should i know if that is the case?" are very pointless.

I hope you are not actually taking this thread seriously. I was just babbling fgs. :)


The last bubble.....

....always takes longer to get than any other bubble
....Increases Mobs resists by 50%
....Increases Mobs Hit Points by 25%
....Increases Agro range by 25%
....Makes styles use more endurance


The first couple of times I covered the exp bar was brilliant, I dinged when I still thought I had 2 bubs to go, however, the more you cover it up the more you expect to be surprised and therefore aren't, I would do it for the last couple of levels if I were you. Like someone else said, covering the exp bar is like being in a really good group where you don't look at the bar that often and you are suprised at the end.

PS The best way to cover it is to either use your compass made large (covers power as well) or use the perf meter and compass side by side. I used the big compass :)


Originally posted by Eliz
Ok this is it. The real deal. After weeks of doing basically nothing Im now going for the big 50. I have 16 bubbles to go and since exping at this level is sooo slow I had a thought about covering my exp bar to make it feel a bit easier. I ran into a philosophical dilemma that maybe one of you can help me with. Ok here it goes:

Does covering up your exp bar make it move faster, and how can you really tell unless you sneak peek at it (in which case the whole concept of covering the exp bar is lost).

Need some input here people!

I did this when levling from 49 to 50 in one tangler-session (alb then). Convinced a fellow sorcerer friend to kill them until I dinged so I covered the Exp-bar, with my group-mini-thing, and after about 8-9 hours straight it said *diiiiiiing*

The fact is tho that you start guessing as to much you have left. After about 5 hours at tanglers I was like 'well, I gotta be close now .. we've been here forever'. I then got reminded (thanks) that we'd 'only' been there for 5 hours and I got about 1 dot per hour. <to tell the truth I actually said 'I gotta be close now' every 10 minutes or so>


It would've been better if there was no exp-bar at all in this game. Get rid of all numbers, exp-bars and make a new system for healthbar (you are fine, you are hurt, you are near death would make it more RP-friendly) and replace /send's with 'Pigeon merchants' where you can send messages by pigeons to your friends.
Remove DPS, quality and Con and replace it with similar system as with healthbar-thingie. Ex. 'you examine you weapon and it looks deadly in your hands. It seems to be prime quality and in excellent condition'. Maybe even make a nice /compare item1 item2 code that would tell you if item1 seems better or worse than item2 (in players eyes .. might get better comparisons from int-modifier and so on).

Ahhh, miss my old MUD <drools at Genesis>




I've heard people say very similar things to what I do... first of all I have tried covering the exp bar up but that was at a mere level 38 :)
I was astouned when I saw the ding to 39, I find being in Tangler groups so much fun and the time flew by as I didn't even bother look at the exp bar because it was covered by my perf meter. 39->40 I didn't bother covering it up because I knew it would only be a around 2-3 hours of a tangler group to level. 40->41 I could do it again.
My opinion is that it takes your mind off the bar and you concentrate on other things, thus it feels faster.
I also do the same thing as SevenSins! I calculat ein ym head how long my next level will take and take into consideration downtimes, the exp of average pulls etc. Fun :)
Originally posted by old.Blain
The last bubble.....

....always takes longer to get than any other bubble
....Increases Mobs resists by 50%
....Increases Mobs Hit Points by 25%
....Increases Agro range by 25%
....Makes styles use more endurance


dude that´s SO cool, you like have the same name on your pally as I do on my Mercenary :p

get your siggie fixed mate :p


Originally posted by Octanion
dude that´s SO cool, you like have the same name on your pally as I do on my Mercenary :p

get your siggie fixed mate :p
lol! Sorry mate :)
Will change the r to a d now :)


I knew you loved my chars name, not that much though :) logging in now hurry to 24 :p

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