Pets seeing thru stealth



Ok mythic/goa whats up with that, how can you justify that pets should be able to follow and see thru stealth, such as charmed pets or summoned?! :mad:


I would add something constructive, but...




Sorry, but I just love it when an assassin taunts you and then someone sets their pet on it, and it follows them to their death.


I hope it will stop you and others playing a lame class such as an assassin, overpowered skilless n00bs


It's not up to GOA, it's Mythic. They have declared it a bug that they are looking into. And some of their new fixes with LOS might help, but I'm not sure. Anyway, they are looking into it.


its not a bug m8... quote "This is how we intended it to be" classic Mythic statement.... "cant be arsed to fix it live with it" is what they really mean....

I do find it quite annoying but have kinda accepted that one a long time ago...


You forget what a delicate sense of smell these pets have, they are able to track your scent! Try disguising it by hiding downwind of your target and zig zagging across rivers! (Or just don't expect to kill pet classes easily)


I welcome pets chasing/killing assassins behind stealth. lets face it, the only anti assassin classes are: other assassins and to minor degree pet classes.

Remember the pet class has to have been in your stealth bubble for long enough or you went for a kill to close to that player and he has seen you and put the pet on your trail.

btw, I have a SM, Enchanter, critblade and a SZ, so I'm not taking sides. I like the game this way, stealth should not be invisibility as it is tbh.

Roo Stercogburn

Inqy, I think the problem most assassin classes have is that they are used to invisibility equalling invulnerability and Junior and his friends kinda mess with that.

As Barry Norman says, "And whine not" :D

Brannor McThife

Have to say, it's quite amusing watch an earth wizzie's pets homing in on an SB as he tries to stealth away. :)

Or for that matter, my snaring pet. And Inqy is quite correct.

Stealth != Invisibility.

There are so many ways they could make this better. Have the stealther blur as they move, like the predators in the that if you're observant, you can spot the shimmer. Make them blend into the background when NOT moving. But to be able to easily weave your way amongst enemy players that are actively searching for you is BS. to beat up a stealther... ;)



Personally, I think pets should point to stealthed players and the run round and wack em 1 by 1, and after a pet has reveled him a stealther shouldn't be able to stealth again for an hour:clap:

Just an idea :)


assassins are suppose to die sometimes you know. if you are clever dont attack pet users or go near em.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Have to say, it's quite amusing watch an earth wizzie's pets homing in on an SB as he tries to stealth away. :)

You've never seen that. Because an earth-wizard cannot charm a pet nor summon it :)

Think it's a theurgist you've seen do it :)


Well, someone got owned.
And I'm talking about all you people who are bitter about stealthers and thus approve of what is quite clearly dreadful laziness on Mythic's part.
Give yourselves a big pat on the back.


Originally posted by m4rk
I hope it will stop you and others playing a lame class such as an assassin, overpowered skilless n00bs

bwuahahaha this just shows how stupid you are. Get lost m4rk.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Well, someone got owned.
And I'm talking about all you people who are bitter about stealthers and thus approve of what is quite clearly dreadful laziness on Mythic's part.
Give yourselves a big pat on the back.

I think assassins are quite overpowered enough without having the audacity to complain about this...


Originally posted by old.Kladen
assassins are suppose to die sometimes you know. if you are clever dont attack pet users or go near em.

I dont mind getting ganked by a pet if I attack the owner of it, but when I attack someone else and after killing/fleeing I run away (waaay clear of the so called bubble that the pet can see me thru) the chanter/hunter/whathaveyou puts his/her pet on me just before I restealth, shouldn't the pet also loose target when the owner of it does? If they're like 1500 paces away that is, if they're inside my bubble I'm well aware that they may uncover or/and attack me. But to me it seems like all pets have True Sight .. I thought that RA was only ment for archers. :(

One of the few defences a stealther has is just that, being able to stealth and hopefully get away from them angry mids/hibs&albs hunting for them. Assassins (and the other stealthclasses cept minstrels) dont have much to speak of in the terms of crowdcontrol, so once they're uncovered or have unstealthed they've gotta kill the target asap and then run away.

If mythic intended it to be like this I'll happily accept it and remove another couple of viable targets from the hitlist (chanters, minstrels etc) and just go for .. hmm .. rangers dont have pets .. ok then that's what I'll hunt :mgwhore:

PS. This thread has nothing to do with me being owned last night twice by pets ;)


Like Censi said, this is how it is intended to be according to Mythic, GOA has fuck-all to do with it, and you all should know it by now.

The "reason" this is working as intended is that Mythic cba to fix it, and that all three realms have access to it. (Just like repairing door1 from inside keep)

I hate them for it (atleast the door-repair shit) but thats how it is.


PS: dont attack someone when theres a pet nearby :)


Originally posted by censi
its not a bug m8... quote "This is how we intended it to be" classic Mythic statement.... "cant be arsed to fix it live with it" is what they really mean....

I do find it quite annoying but have kinda accepted that one a long time ago...

That's incorrect. Recently they stated that this was a bug and along with the LOS changes to several classes they were looking into this. This has also been said by Team Leads in contact with Mythic Devs.

Roo Stercogburn

From what I've seen, stealthers need to get a minimum distance from an enemy before they can stealth, yeh?

With a pet on your ass you are not going to get much distance unless you can move a lot faster than the pet, and in the case of some charmed pets thats going to be rather difficult since they can have high base movement rates.

Regarding the minumum distance thing for a pet: only necromancers will have this limitation I believe, as their pet will release if they go too far from it (to prevent invulnerable scouting I think).

Pet range for SMs for targetting purposes is actually quite limited. You can't target an archer class with it if the archer is at max range. The archer has a more than fair chance to kill the SM if he/she knows what they are doing.

Skilled stealthers will still kill an alert pet class, it just isn't a sure thing every time.


Originally posted by m4rk
I hope it will stop you and others playing a lame class such as an assassin, overpowered skilless n00bs

So, the assasins are overpowered, i can agree to a certain aspect they are, BUT, they are HARD as hell to get to 50, they are vulnerable for other enemies once they drop stealth for an attack or likewise, lame, nah its called skill to be able to get an ROGUE to lvl 50, and play it well.

Just my 2 cents

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