Perpetual Motion



After many years of experimenting, I have finally found true perpetual motion. We are all aware of sods law, and dropping buttered bread, it always lands butter side down. Couple this with a cats ability to land on it`s feet no matter what height it is dropped from.

Spread ample butter along a cats back, then drop it, watch in awe as nature and sods law try to outwit each other. I would also like to add no animals were injured or distressed, whilst conducting this experiment.


OMG! I remember discussing this back in school at the age of 10, even to the extends of vast buttered cat arrays endlesly rotating.
I'm 29 now, so you can have 19 years worth of ...


The Real Redi

Ah, well you tried it differently to me then, something changed...

The cat i buttered was falling nicely, spining over and over, then all of a sudden BAM!

It was torn inside out by the forces of both battling for control, then a huge dragon spurred out from its tumbling carcass, spewing disease and suffering across most of SE England...

Last i heard, it was seen decimating Canvey Island... ah well, nothing of great importance there - part from a few essex lads with no Burberry hats, and no Adidas trackies :lol:

i think i need some help, i really do :great:


Originally posted by the_smurflord
OMG! I remember discussing this back in school at the age of 10, even to the extends of vast buttered cat arrays endlesly rotating.
I'm 29 now, so you can have 19 years worth of ...


Would that be the private chat you was having behind the bikeshed with jane smith?.


Originally posted by The Real Redi
Ah, well you tried it differently to me then, something changed...

The cat i buttered was falling nicely, spining over and over, then all of a sudden BAM!

It was torn inside out by the forces of both battling for control, then a huge dragon spurred out from its tumbling carcass, spewing disease and suffering across most of SE England...

Last i heard, it was seen decimating Canvey Island... ah well, nothing of great importance there - part from a few essex lads with no Burberry hats, and no Adidas trackies :lol:

i think i need some help, i really do :great:

I do indeed do things different, I refrain from dropping bucketfuls of acid whilst conducting invalueable experiments ;).


There was a post on this a while back where it came top the conclusion that the cat would float or something :eek:


Guess you could always put an extra unbuttered slice of bread under the cat so if it f00ks up hey presto!!! LUNCH!!!!


Sarum TheBlack

There is an addition to this popular theory that says something about the forces generated being proportional to the potential for staining. Thus the best machine is a Chicken Tikka covered cat suspended over white shagpile carpet.

Another explanation for perpetual motion in this situation is that of a very pissed off cat with Tikka/Butter/Jam on it's back chasing the experimenter around the room for all eternity.


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
There is an addition to this popular theory that says something about the forces generated being proportional to the potential for staining. Thus the best machine is a Chicken Tikka covered cat suspended over white shagpile carpet.

Another explanation for perpetual motion in this situation is that of a very pissed off cat with Tikka/Butter/Jam on it's back chasing the experimenter around the room for all eternity.

lol! :D

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by maxgirth
Couple this with a cats ability to land on it`s feet no matter what height it is dropped from.

To kill a cat with style:

Throw it from 5th (or higher) story window. Normally it will land properly.
However, you throw out a plank of wood *with* it, NOT at it.
The cat tries to grab onto the plank rather than getting its footing ready for landing.

Splat. One less vermin on the planet.

I believe I've explained this before elsewhere :D


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