People stealing sun/moon belt


Dec 23, 2003
You know, those kind of players that wait for a half hour till you kill all the guards and then keep a yellow engaged to kill it as soon as none is popped...
I have been farming for moon and sun belt today for about 8 hours and it happens 2 times to me...

I should suggest you don't invite these people to any of your raids or even your guild cause these guys are as low as scammers or account hackers, ruining others work and gaining them items for greed and pleasure.

One of the persons is Rhoma Everhate, just simply kills the last mob after we are killing them for about a half hour. She is unguilded. This person couldn't be reasoned with ingame and has been reported to Rightnow. He had afk flag on with <Cry me a river> msg on it.

I wont name and shame the second person yet cause he logged after and maybe his guild master will force him to give Moon belt back.

I have screens as proof of these events and will send them on irc if anyone wants to see them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
This happened to me first time i went for it.
the way the encounter is set up it is very easy for someont to do those though :(

It should be first person to pull a protector gets flagged and will get the drop if the last protector is killed within range.


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
lol rhoma

doesnt sound like her

but still well.. i dnno if it's against the coc as the other person isnt taking "your" mob?


Dec 23, 2003
Well I have the screens to prove this, just pm me on irc ;>

btw just got Belt of the moon at midnight <o/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Its happening everywhere in terms of artifacts.. The Fool's Bow was just utterly terrible for me. The spawn is UNBELIEVEABLY slow, and it's a popular item to get, as well as being potentially soloable. For those who don't know the idea is to wait on the beach for harpies to spawn above water which indicates that the encounter is up. Once its up the scout goes underwater where there are around 50 octopus mobs named Argo's. One of these drops the bow. They are really awkward to kill without a buffbot and often they add in insane numbers and kill you.

The worst thing about this spot however was that it seems that no one else had any sense of decency whatsoever in terms of respect. Once I passed the spot to find that the harpies were flying, and so I went underwater. However there was already a scout there pulling, so to respect that I pulled out and let him farm it in peace. And I may have been stupid but I expected that this would be the generally accepted view from other people in the same situation. But it apparantly wasn't

The next day, 2 weeks and 30~ hours of camping since i'd started trying for it, I had been sat there for 5 hours waiting when some GOL scout with his buffbot came up and waited alongside me for the spawn. I asked him to respect the fact that I had been waiting and to come back another time, but his response was "There is no queue for this arti". This pissed me off so much, it wasn't about that it was about common human decency, and as he had a buffbot with him he had a far greater chance of getting the bow. I gave up waiting after 6 hours.

The next day i went there and after 30 mins the harpies popped, so down I went and started pulling. A few mins later I saw someone stealth through me and thought "oh no not again..." and yelled for whoever it was to please respect the fact that I was already onto it. The next pull I died, two octo's ran off and rejened health continually for 5 mins and i just got wore down. When I got back.. the harpies had gone, and there was an inf and a scout sat in a boat on the spawn spot. "Sorry we just got here and found it" was their flavour of bullshit, the truth being that they'd watched me die and then leeched it.

Finally, the day came when I got it. I waited 4 hours this time, and suddenly *pop*. I went down and started pulling.... few mins later theres another leecher. I'd had enough so i asked in guild for urgent help with it and within 5 mins there were a fg of us and we managed to get the bow before the other bastard.

Why on earth did I have to go through all of that? The lack of simple common decency I saw there was just so astonishing I ended up coming to the conclusion that few scouts in alb had managed to emerge beyond the stage of life where they can understand other people's point of view whatsoever. Its a shame I can't remember their names but maybe I'll remember all the people when I see them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Bishibosh said:
The next day i went there and after 30 mins the harpies popped, so down I went and started pulling. A few mins later I saw someone stealth through me and thought "oh no not again..." and yelled for whoever it was to please respect the fact that I was already onto it. The next pull I died, two octo's ran off and rejened health continually for 5 mins and i just got wore down. When I got back.. the harpies had gone, and there was an inf and a scout sat in a boat on the spawn spot. "Sorry we just got here and found it" was their flavour of bullshit, the truth being that they'd watched me die and then leeched it.

An interesting, but (oh how the righteous seem to never remember the correct set of events) wrong account of what happened there.

It was actually my infiltrator and my Scout guild mate, who was "involved" (if there is an actual issue to be involved in...), If you would be so kind as to think properly what happened:

Boobz, our guild mate, let us know the encounter was up, we arrived and started killing octo's (now we both know that’s a big area and VERY deep, so we were not aware of you around us, we remained quite high as well as we were trying to find where the harpies were diving close to the waters surface) and on my 3rd octo kill, I got the bow. You then proceeded to pm my scout friend asking if he got it, he said yes and you then explained you had died (even though you were not in our view, not near the correct mob or we were even aware of your presence). You also congratulated my friend on getting the bow and we sailed off under no impression we had "invaded" you spot, nor did you show any form of displeasure towards us in doing so. (Or even explained your plight of waiting hours on end etc...)

At no point did we "watch you die", nor even attempt to take a camped spot (all members of Brotherhood, ask regardless of camp size if they can pull, that’s who we are and how we play), if we had known you were there, we would not have even touched a mob. So either your memory fails you or for the benefit of the reader your post, you embellished your account of events. (After all, when everyone’s having a good moan...)

Brotherhood is a bunch of older gamers, real life friends and we are very casual gamers who pride ourselves in being the most friendly and helpful bunch around. We are most certainly not "artifact whores" who would invade someones spot or even dream of "stealing" such a thing. I do not take kindly to people blatantly lying in a thread (even though there was no reference to us, I'm an honest person who remembers that "event") about us.

I'm sorry you didn’t get your bow on that day, but you are wrong about happened.

/record straight.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
AtomicBattleHamster said:
/record straight.

Ok I'm not certain about everything and I did fill in some blanks myself, the whole thing just turned me so bitter... As it happens i've misrepresented you and I'm sorry, but I look back now at the whole 15 day Fool's Bow "adventure" and just see everything that happened as an evil conspiricy lol. I was wrong in that case, i didnt lie about seeing the stealther, but as I mentioned in the post i didnt see who it was so i'm guessing it was someone else who thought better of it. I just hope u can see why i thought that was what happened, sorry m8.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
gunner440 said:
lol rhoma

doesnt sound like her

but still well.. i dnno if it's against the coc as the other person isnt taking "your" mob?

Isnt it new owner i always thought , 1st Rhoma was spanish cool guy and this 1 i dunno , but seen the char in many funny guilds


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Lol, Bish you pm'd me while me and a m8 were scroll farming the Sobekites nearby with a kind of accusing tone :)

And as for the Sun/Moon belt, I've arrived and setup a queue for who get the next pop with the 2 sets of peps there, all nice and amicable, the next thing, a 3rd group turns up, ignores the us all and starts pulling.
I guess the artifact rush is stressful but jez, abit of common decency please.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Hmm Xplo naming people for their behaviour... If you're going to name and shame other people better make sure your own behaviour is whiter than white.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Bishibosh said:
Ok I'm not certain about everything and I did fill in some blanks myself, the whole thing just turned me so bitter... As it happens i've misrepresented you and I'm sorry, but I look back now at the whole 15 day Fool's Bow "adventure" and just see everything that happened as an evil conspiricy lol. I was wrong in that case, i didnt lie about seeing the stealther, but as I mentioned in the post i didnt see who it was so i'm guessing it was someone else who thought better of it. I just hope u can see why i thought that was what happened, sorry m8.

Apologies for my tone too mate, my post was a tad OTT on the personal attack on you and a little assumptive owing to the fact I have yet to experience waiting days on end for an item or artifact, suffice to say I can relate to your plight and could honestly say that I would probably feel the same.


Dec 23, 2003
Bracken said:
Hmm Xplo naming people for their behaviour... If you're going to name and shame other people better make sure your own behaviour is whiter than white.

Everyone has their flaws, so do I... but I don't steal the item if people are allready busy with the event. I even helped other ppl get sunbelt that day.

Oh btw, when I noticed Rhoma did her first pull I offerd her to join in our group and have a go at the random 100 since a necro in our group needed sunbelt for his infil... She said that lots off ppl do this and she continiued (spelling? ;F) pulling.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Was once helping a group with one of the belts when basically the same thing happened.

I must say I was very impressed with the way they handled it :) Obviously they were pissed as hell but also philisophical about it all. More interested in getting on and enjoying themselves than letting it ruin there life.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
seems that ppl behave this way across all the realms -sigh-

but xplo ,you as being a scout whould had an unique solution to the problem you stated...

pull the second to last protector and detain it with eather engage or crowd control,then all you whould have to do is walk up to the guys holding the one by engage and shoot the protector they have unthil you get agro or kill it,when this is done flag your grp m8's to kill the last one...

ofc this takes at least two ppl to do...

just seems that toa brings out the worst things out of ppl :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Xplo said:
I should suggest you don't invite ...
... Rhoma Everhate
Xplo, b4 u say something u should know if that person was real Rhoma, i know that she is on holidays, she was last weekend on Valencia :cheers: ("Fallas" :flame: :flame: :flame: ); and these week, there are some festive days on her city, i guess that she will not log until monday. Furthermore, that actitude doesn't correspond to her.


Dec 23, 2003
Kalhid^^ said:
Xplo, b4 u say something u should know if that person was real Rhoma, i know that she is on holidays, she was last weekend on Valencia :cheers: ("Fallas" :flame: :flame: :flame: ); and these week, there are some festive days on her city, i guess that she will not log until monday. Furthermore, that actitude doesn't correspond to her.

Well like I said this happend thursdaynight and I have the screens to prove it, I can send them to you via irc... and while she was interfearing with the event she said "they did it to me too" so it is a person that has played with the char before...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I'm sorry but camping Artifacts for 4 hours is just Fag...why r u camping something for 4 hours ?? why aren't u playing ?

When u go to the trouble of organising a Art raid with 8, maybe 12 people, and u go from art to art, to see them camped is just ghey.

I want a band of stars, but will never get 1, why ? becoz some one has always got a BB or an alt standing there. I have "respected" campers, but I don't like it.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Xplo said:
Well I have the screens to prove this, just pm me on irc ;>

btw just got Belt of the moon at midnight <o/
/cheers :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Clipse said:
When u go to the trouble of organising a Art raid with 8, maybe 12 people, and u go from art to art, to see them camped is just ghey.
I can understand your sentiments. However, camping an artifact mob is a good way to exactly see when the mob pops, but it does not mean you automatically "own" it -- if the char camping it is incapable of killing the mob solo, it is IMO fair game to anyone that can. For instance, I see lots of people camping Eramai (the Cloudsong mob), but you need at least a few people to kill him reliably. If I see the mob popped and someone is there with an alt/bot "claiming" it, that is not a valid claim, IMO.

In other words, getting your group to an artifact mob may be a race against time and other groups, but when a group arrives, however, that is another story.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Hello Xplo;

Firstly, i must say that i didn't logged 12-14 day ago, (i've just spent festive days, as kalhid said).
I let some friends log my account to use my ac (salvage & hinge), talior,sc and flecher. Too for grp with avalon city with a lowbie alt. Evidently, for artifacts grps too.
I will not deny the incident, i checked today on my quest list that i have finished some quest like "Harpy's feather cloack encounter, belt of the sun/moon, traldor's oracle, shades of mist, malice axe, etc..."... And No! i haven't that unactive/active artifacts on my invent, vault and either house. Another difference that i can see is that i got 1,2 bubbles,i guess from scrolls pharming.
It isn't hard to find out who got that artifacts due to that person was first on pm me (obviously i won't say his chars). After talk about some issues and especially belt of the sun, he explained me his version (a little different from Xplo version). That guy was pulling (slowly) mobs for opposite side of ramp, he logged my pally to be more fast, firts time he couldn't use Rhoma, due to 2 RB guys , 2 KOTL and 1 angel of retribution + some bb's come and pulled fast all mobs and he didn't get the belt after wait more than 1 hour. 2nd time mobs appeared on another island and he pulled again with my pally, and some guys, from last time, start to do the same like last belt spawn but this time he got the belt. The only difference between 2 times, 2nd a RB cleric came and asked to him to join, and suddenly the cleric smited the mob that guy pulled, it happened on next pull, plus a necro nuking. Suddenly all started to hit non corresponding mobs, last mob was pulled by my friend char, and he moved mob too far away from that guys, finally he got the key and the belt.
In relation to afk msg <cry me a river>, he was spamed with insults msgs while he was pharming scrolls.
There are 2 different versions, each one decorated with personal adds, Yes Xplo u too and my friend, none of u are objective. I dunno what think, who has the fault? who is right?...I only know that my account is on middle. I will not lose my friendship with that guy either will not have bad feelings to xplo although my acc will be banned.
The only reason that i posted is that i don't want any "enemy" if i'll leave of daoc. I got cool friends, i've never got any discussion with any alb and i've enjoy with that game.
Mmm last phrase sounds like a "bye bye post", i'm not used to post on that forums, i only read trading/raids threads.
PS: Sorry for my bad english and long phrases.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
swords said:
This happened to me first time i went for it.
the way the encounter is set up it is very easy for someont to do those though :(

It should be first person to pull a protector gets flagged and will get the drop if the last protector is killed within range.

It's happened to me to, only it was your group that stole it.

It's another easily abused encounter that also has the disadvanatge of being spread over three islands with mobs that make it hard to check for people before you start. A simple addition by Mythic would have been to make the island only accessable from the slope and maybe only enterable if the encounter is up (Like the cyclops shield).

The big problem is are you camping an island or are you camping the encounter?


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